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Posts posted by cfds

  1. @Sigma88: I will try Kopernicus -6 when I am home. And upload the logs somewhere when this does not help...


    Edit: Yes, using the correct version of Kopernicus fixes the problem. The things you learn...

  2. I have a problem using Scatterer in 1.2.2 under Linux: The space center screen is just black.



    Kerbin.Body.log (The logs for the other planets contain the same exception)

    The [Planet].bin files in the cache folder do all exist and none are write protected.


    Would be nice if a way could be found to play KSP under linux....

    Moderator note: the logs have been removed from this post. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    Squad PR has confirmed multiple times that the game will stay open for modding. Please stop fear-mongering, it does nothing for anyone.

    The only problem about this is that Squad PR (or Squad itself) is not the one to decide what happens with mod support.

    Though I personally do not believe that mod support will be axed, since it would be quite difficult to enforce: as long as people do not download a new game version with some new EULA, they have every right to modify their (old) version of the game and share these modifications. The people who play KSP modded are just not enough to waste legal efforts on, money is made with the hordes of people who are willing to pay money to be spared the tedium of installing mods (well, the most money will probably still made with people who see a shiny add, buy the game at full price, and then do not play it).

  4. 3 hours ago, Alshain said:

    And that is why we don't have a beautiful barn for our first tier buildings and instead have a ugly blue-grey thing.

    Nope, the reason why we do not have a beautiful barn is that the space center buildings are not moddable. The quoted block is the reason why we do not have an ugly barn. Or do you honestly believe that SQUAD would have improved on the "early development preview" that they showed us?

  5. On 12.6.2017 at 4:42 AM, HebaruSan said:

    1.2 added CommNet, something formerly done by a mod

    With the slight difference that the mod actually made sense...

    On 12.6.2017 at 4:42 AM, HebaruSan said:

    1.0 overhauled the aerodynamics and added re-entry heating, procedural fairings, and ISRU, all formerly things done by mods

    I give you ISRU since it carried over all the functionality of the mod, but calling SQUAD's aerodynamics and fairings "things formerly done by mods" is bordering on an insult to ferram and e-dog. Concerning re-entry: Wasn't that the version where a Mk1 capsule with a parachute could not re-enter safely from a low orbit?

    SQUAD may sometimes try to duplicate mod features, but they usually fail.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Brent Kerman said:


    I assume that nothing in KSP 1.3 could be used to force an upgrade? (I have it through the store, not steam.) Should I delete patcher.exe? (Because I'm staying at 1.3 now.)

    I doubt that SQUAD will manage to write a working patcher anytime soon, even less one that supports forced updates. On the other hand, patcher.exe is just a very big no-op, so deleting it will have no effect besides freeing some disk space.

  7. 24 minutes ago, LegendaryAce said:

    So a sentence saying "Our friends at Blitworks continue to do great work" and a few patch notes is being continually updated? You must be joking!

    I can agree with their irritation, especially since in the months before the switch to Blitworks the only updates where "Our friends at Flying Tiger Entertainment continue to do great work"....

  8. 20 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

    Squad offered them as a sneak-peak of something they were working on and everyone got really, really upset and so squad ditched T1 from the game entirely.

    I am still not sold on the point that it was work in progress and believe that this was what we would have gotten if the protest was not as loud as it was. Of course it would have been "just temporary" and "would have been replaced after release" but we know how that would have ended. We were very lucky that this child was strangled in the crib...

  9. 4 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:


    Im going to make an assumption and run with it. My assumption is this: You know very little about programming, how porting a game to multiple formats works, the issues there is with such a task, or that Squad is not a AAA game studio like Ubisoft or DICE as examples and that in fact Squad is a Mexico based commercial advertising firm, or at least it was last I knew.

    Given the above assumptions, lets chat. 

    1. KSP is a physics game driven by GPU more than CPU. 

    2. Designing a quality game for even a SINGLE platform takes time. ALOT of time. Add in PS4/XB1 and changing interfaces from mouse keyboard to controller is not easy, add to point 1, and its more complicated. 

    3. Licenses for PS4/XB1 take time to get. Legal red tape is a mire of complicated.

    4. KSP is being made on (for a game) a microscopic budget. A game like say Final Fantasy XV had a budget on par with say the new Ghost in the Shell movie as it comes from Square Enix, a AAA design house.

    i hope this helps clear up things.

    And which of these points absolve the developer of the game from having to deliver a working product?

  10. 8 hours ago, mattinoz said:

    There could well be a game changing feature set in this expansion. I mean the following is just a random off the top of my head list of things that have a better than good chance of being needed to really make the pack work, If they are really cover human space exploration to date:-

    1.  Mun missions need a folding rover with some minor crane and construction systems to allow it to fit in the base of the lander.
    2.  Folding parts for various exploration satellites.
    3.  Lots of new science parts with various time requirements
    4.  "Fog of war" mechanic on maps so the player feels like they have a sense of achievement from exploration. 
    5.  Spaceship One and Whiteknight both in the atmosphere and suborbital at the same time.
    6.  Air bags for those throwing yourself at the ground (on Mars) and hoping to fly moments.
    7. Mission planner to me implies some dV targets coming out of the mapping part of those mission plans.
    8. dV targets means some way to check target in craft builder.

    You are setting yourself up for a world of disappointment there....

  11. Reading all these messages along the lines of "Finally I can give SQUAD extra money", "Unfortunately I will get it for free, but I would totally pay for it" and the inescapable "But compare it to a cinema ticket!", SQUAD should probably just open a donation account. Much cheaper than developing additional content and probably just as effective...

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