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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. Granted, but you get hit by a meteor when you receive it. I wish that the US army invaded Eqestria.
  2. Granted, but the masses of haters converge on it(and wtf was that video?) I wish that i didn't care about bronies.(as in im sick of choosing a side in all this) Edit: Ninja'd
  3. True, but all you remember is pi. I wish that either bronys would control the web or the web controlled the web, anything to just get peace of some sort.
  4. True The user below me is the master of something
  5. Granted, but no one responds to you afterwards. I wish that the internet didnt fight over bronies
  6. True The user below me is 20% cooler.
  7. where is the tutorial? I fixed it. And i didnt ask 3 things
  8. Granted, but whats the fun in that I wish i was a animal. Also that mrrpamplemousse will continue the google image war.
  9. It depends on what your assuming someone will say or not Tomatoes :3 Q
  10. Bah, you in the way of my post Granted, nothing was posted there I wish that something i dont want to happen to me doesnt happen or is this reverse psychology?
  11. granted, but everything goes wrong. I wish something that i dont want to happen to me doesnt happen.
  12. False The user below me will continue doing the google image war and answering my question there.
  13. i dont even I wish i knew witch(non pro-ana) internet-ness group(brony, furry, cod fanboy....) im falling into in somewhat detail?
  14. False The user below me does not like bronies.
  15. Granted, you get hit by a plane I wish someone could answer my previous question without pro-ana but some internet thing(even making me a brony, just not pro-ana)
  16. hey mrrpamplemousse post on google pic wars IN SPAAAACE!!
  17. False The user below me makes ksp mods
  18. Does this currently work for .22 or do we need a update?
  19. True(I hate you :3) the user below me wishes for a 100% brony internet(O_o)
  20. Granted, but people kick you out cause they hate it I wish that I was not on a spiraling track towards Bronism or Furries(cause im sick of people bringing that up)
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