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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. Encountered a new breed of Kraken that hasn't been said here. I build a space plain and added delta V wings at so many angles. I took off did a barrel roll and fell to 700 meters. My highest point was 900 meters. this is where it gets strange. I eject my parachutes and glide down. at about 20m above ground i eject jebidiah(as customary as he is badass) and he lands safely. A second later the plane hits Jeb and he goes flying 20000 meters into the air and crashes into the water on the other side of the content. And the only bit that hit jeb was a tiny tip of the wing that shouldn't have moved him more then 5m........ so WTF? Im calling it the Velocity Kraken
  2. awesome mod! Has its quirks like hard to place the things and i cant figure out how to make a cran to build with. but oh well, its usefull for other stuff.
  3. Problem: I understand how to get orbit heights and such. But my problem is my ships are orbiting on different plains. one is north to south and the other is southwest to east. I don't know how to move them that way. i know how to increase orbit and dock but not this. Please help as i can not get any farther into kerbal space program until i figure this out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/smilies/k_huh.gif
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