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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. Im browsing KSP fourms IN SPAAAAAAAACE!!
  2. 7 cause i like your sense of humor. and my post count is stuck on 32 >_<
  3. Okay, but you become blind I wish Bronies didn't exist. (i want to see this corrupted)
  4. You mean like my spaceship that's basically all flaps? :3 I have it orbiting Bop as we speak
  5. Uh no, i don't read MLP stuff. Anyhow, its tea time doctor!
  6. True The user below me has RCS'd Jeb from Bop to the Mun.
  7. You Fool, would you truely believe there is no end to this. We wait and Pigbear I will slit your throat if you try it.
  8. Floor 533: The holding area for the Ark of the Covenant.
  9. Bah, well it seems im stuck in here anyhow. Anyways does anyone know where this is going?
  10. Wait, I thought this was the pony free elevator :/ And yes im a Corgi Ninjeh
  11. Well have fun now with your holodeck
  12. Banned because the forth wall shall not be broken.
  13. Your going nowhere by train now......
  14. Banned again because Pi isnt rational and we dont like that.
  15. True The user below me loves bears
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