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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. Cookie if you get what this is and what it does in what its from.
  2. False The user below me likes Gmod
  3. I would only because there would be something else to do in my free time. Plus then i could explore the factory and yell **** at people. Yes.....YES MWHAHAHA. Wait. would i have to.....be.....a......................pony!?!?!?!
  4. Granted, but it drives you insane I wish that one of annoyingorbits OC's was not from TRF song..........
  5. True true true true true The user below me knows the truth
  6. Banned for trying to get this game shut down.
  7. I just walk in and say hi i own this hill now my hill.
  8. When you have landed on every planet, and done every crazy thing you can think of.
  9. 10/10 Yer gonna have to run a lot faster then that! *sentry beeps*
  10. Stanley, I honestly believe that this situation you have gotten yourself into is less then what we both know you want. So I think i am going to restart. *Restart* Stanley got up from his desk and walked out the door to his office.
  11. I send in the engineer. My overly Texan hill.
  12. 9/10 Maybe, Maybe, But ive yet to meet one who can outsmart BULLET!
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