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Everything posted by TeeGee

  1. Will do. I'm just used to having the ability to adjust trim in my ROS game and was a little shocked to see it taken away from me in this version of gimbal.dll.
  2. I'm sorry if I upset you, I'm just asking for help regarding issues I've been having with this mod.
  3. Is there any way to work WITH the CoM within the game itself? I can't adjust the trim of the engine unless I angle an attachment node to fly through the CoM.
  4. Yeah I have the same problem. I was told by RED from the ROS to come here to report this issue. It seems as though I am not the only one that has this issue.
  5. Sigh I know I mentioned this before but I need to say it again. Why is the CoM on the mark1-2 pod off center? I know the apollo CM had off center of mass for reentry lift BUT not all of us use the mark 1-2 as an lunar pod only. I can't even get my crew pod into orbit due to the engines having insufficient gimbal to compensate for the com offset. I've tried putting more rcs thrusters, balast. I just don't understand why the are being forced to play with an off center pod.
  6. Sorry, I thought the RO cfg for the ignitors was the issue. I will wait for the fix at the engine ignitor site.
  7. If you've mastered stock KSP, try Realism Overhaul! I personally never enjoyed career mode, KSP is about sandbox and the only goals I have are limited by my own imagination. What the developers should realize is that the longevity of this game doesn't lie in the stock version but in the MODDING COMMUNITY. If this game didn't have mods, it would not have lasted this long.
  8. Just a quick question. Why does the apollo CM have a 800 degree reentry heat max? Is that what the real life pod heat max actually is?
  9. Ok. New problem: Engine ignitor no longer works properly. IN ROS and even vanilla KSP... the engine status outside the VAB is ?. The number of ignitions is INFINITE and the fuel stability is ALWAYS very stable. I've tried reinstalling it many times but still get the same issues. I looked in the Engine ignitor folder for ROS cfg file but found nothing. I went into the ROS folder for the engine ignitor cfg and still found nothing. No I have not unzipped the pressurized or ignitor cfg. The weird thing is that in the VAB the # of ignitions is correct... but when I get to the launch pad, the engine status when I right click it is screwed up (as mentioned above).
  10. Engine ignitor isn't functioning properly. It shows unlimited ignitions, fuel is always stable etc during launches. In the VAB it shows the correct ignition number. I've NOT unzipped the pressurized or ignition cfgs. There doesn't even seem to be a RSO engine cfg anywhere... I've tried re installing it multiple times but always get the same issues. ? engine status, fuel very stable, number of ignitions: infinite. even with hydrolox/kerolox fuels (non hypergolics).
  11. Have the deadly reentry values been adjusted for ROS or is it going to function off of vanilla DRE? BTW: Nathan and Red, you guys are AWESOMEEE!!!
  12. I have a request: Could it be possible to reassign reentry heat values to all of the stock parts to be more realistic? I don't think it's possible for a solar panel (for example) to have a 1600 degree reentry heat tolerance... same with the crew pods without heat shields. If anybody already HAS done something like this (revalue all of the reentry heating numbers realistically) I would be very grateful!
  13. He's trying to reinvigorate a nation back into innovation... it's not going to happen. The people that take us to Mars and beyond won't come from the USA, it will come from the next empire in our society. USA has WAAAY too many other financial/political problems right now than to be concerned with interplanetary travel. What really ticks me off is defense spending. If USA focused on building allies instead of upsetting everyone, they wouldn't need to be so afraid of being attacked by everyone. ALL of that money can go into healthcare, space travel, or in other ways to invest in the future. As a species, we need to focus our science and efforts on getting to other worlds. It is the only way we can ensure our survival but unfortunately the people in power only think of the NOW and their own financial gain. We are too corrupt, too greedy and too warped in our thinking to set realistic goals for interplanetary/interstellar travel right now. We need to change the way society works, because if we continue the way we are now... we are well on our way to ensuring our extinction.
  14. For some reason none of the stock tanks are pressurized. I've extracted the pressurized zip file into gamedata/engine ignitor folder but still have to spin my craft in space to get it to have stable fuel for ignition.
  15. So basically the sounds are from inside or within the booster structure itself... not from the rocket motor sounds outside the craft, but vibrations traveling along the booster tube.
  16. This was SUCH a dangerous spacecraft...
  17. I meant that the microphone is not exposed to the air outside the rocket. What it's picking up are the vibrations going up and down the SRB structure that shakes the bubble the camera is inside.
  18. Aahh. Cool but the noise still sounds like a rocket motor.
  19. Hi guys/gals! Quick observation, here is a video from a shuttle launch: WHY is there ANY sound from the SRB and SSME engines after mach 1? Isn't the spacecraft outrunning the sound waves produced by the engines? If so, shouldn't there be no sound in front of the engines? The only explanation I have is: 1) The audio is mixed in from ground crews 2) The camera is IN the SRB tank, and picks up the vibrations from the rocket motor ONLY. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
  20. Awesome. Do you have a source for the cost comparing apollo vs constellation? I've been looking on the internet but can't find it.
  21. Allo everyone! Quick question regarding moon rockets/launches. Do you think that launching 2 separate rockets (one with payload and the other crew) would be more CHEAP than launching everything in 1 rocket (like the Saturn V did)? I've looked at the orion and constellation projects and was wondering if that truly was the most effective way to launch to the moon or if NASA had the right idea with Apollo all those years ago. Bascially, Constellation rockets vs Apollo rocket: which was better, cheaper and more safe? And yes, I know constellation is canceled... but I am asking what if.
  22. Hahaha! Since I'm using engine ignitor, I have to use ullage rockets to ignite my engines during ascent AND when I'm in space... I can't ignite anything. At least, until this mod gets updated and I can assign custom tanks to be pressurized.
  23. I'm SUPER excited to see the new transparent ports. I think once it gets inplemented into more mods, we can get most of the stock windows to exhibit the same things... can you all IMAGINE how cool that's going to look?
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