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Everything posted by TeeGee

  1. Did I say you should stop functioning in society if you are an idealist? No. How can you state that Occams razor concludes "one mind universe" as being wrong? Occams razor merely states that the simplest explaination is usually the correct one. What is more simple than my argument of minds being the only things that truly exist? We know thought is real. We know emotions are real. We know consciousness is real. All of those conclusions didn't come from objective study; it came from existence itself. A Priori knowledge that BABIES acquire without ANY effort. It's beautiful how simple everything becomes when you think of them in terms of idealism. Look at the opposite point.. what is prerequisite for consciousness in a material world (where the external world spawns conscious, subjective entities with UNshared emotions)? Everyone here would argue that a brain is required... well what is a brain? It is a collection of neurons. What are neurons? Neurons are cells that respond in BINARY (on and off) fashions when signalled by a previously stimulated neuron to release neurotransmitters (peptides etc). How does that give consciousness, my cells do that everywhere else in my body (send and receive signals)? ... I dunno why. I was a neuroscience major in university and the problem of the mind is a big metaphysical issue in neuroscience; so big that it is usually avoided and people just state mind=brain. But the qualities of BRAIN = entirely OBJECTIVE (I can eat it, touch it, smell it)... I can't do that with a mind. When I was dissecting cadavers in med school, when I held my patients brain, I didn't get flashbacks of their lives or what they were feeling when they were 35 years old getting married. Do brains influence minds? Of course it does. Just like how a videogame controller influences what YOU can do with your videogame character. I look at the brain as a transducer of the mind and visa versa. For some reason, our brains can speak the language of consciousness and emotions. You break the joystick, you won't be able to move your character. You break the A button, you can't talk to NPC's. Same in real life. I've seen TONS of dementia patients who are SUPER frustrated they can't remember a relatives name, or where they are, or what day of the month it is, or how to even walk straight; your mind is trying to do something but your brain is so damaged, your body won't respond. What does this have to do with free will? If you believe the mind = brain, you are not allowed by LOGIC to believe in free will. Brains are slaves to physics. If that is true, you are not really responsible for anything that you've done or believe in your life. If you are a nobel prize winning computer scientist, that achievement doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the physics that predetermined your abilities to walk the path leading to the nobel prize. Your intelligence = predetermined. Your emotions = predetermined, your beliefs = predetermined, your choices = predetermined. If you steal a car, or kill someone; same thing. You didn't do anything wrong... you were just a slave to physics. Physics makes people do evil things and therefore they are absolved of their "sins" because they never actually chose them in the first place. How UGLY would our planet be if people started to loose faith in their own free will? Responsibility goes out the door. They've even done studies on this VERY issue; people who are convinced they don't have free will, start to act like jerks. I honestly don't care what you believe because at the end of the day, I am me and you are you. Seperate beings, each with one voice in their heads that cannot talk to one another directly, no matter how hard we tried. Do I believe all humans have minds? No. Do I let that impact how I work or treat others in society? Hell no. But I am the type of person that entertains these awesome metaphysical/epistomological theories in everyday life. It's the only TRUTH I know to be real in my life; and it makes me smile everyday I realize how much we take things on faith to be true when we really have no idea. It's a society of beliefs built on nothing.
  2. ...you are incorrigible. Computers don't feel emotions. Computers don't have consciousness. Computers don't have aspects of subjectivity unique to organic life. How does a steak taste to a computer? How can you describe it to a machine? You can keep quoting wikipedia all day; I'll be here. The fact you don't understand what I am saying really worries me... are you really a sentient, conscious and feeling entity?
  3. Computer replies: what is a mental state? How does it FEEL?
  4. HAHAHAA Pretty much! I guess I am arguing with myself!
  5. Not it's not. You take it on blind faith that others outside of your own mind exist. Nobody can prove they are real to you, you just believe it without any evidence to back it up. You only have 1 voice in your head and can only see the world through YOUR own senses and perceptions. You are alone in your skull. Period. I think you aren't really giving my point serious thought... the ONLY truth in your existence, one that you can say with 100% certainty, is that you exist. You don't really know anything else. And your comment about where minds come from a higher existence... gimme a break dude. You have dreams where you fly, walk in lava, breathe in space and .... gold bricks while eating skittles yet you never DOUBT the reality of the dream when you have them. Minds/thought/emotions etc are real because we experience them FIRST HAND. That is the ONLY reason we are aware of them in the first place! Try to explain to your computer what an emotion is without using "like"... it's impossible. A computer is 100% objective and it can never understand these subjective processes because it can't experience them 1st hand. Sort of puts a wrench in what is actually TRUE or not doesn't it? If what we KNOW exists cannot be proven by objective study and teaching... is it true? What statement is easier to believe in? 1) I doubt I exist and have a mind 2) I don't know with 100% certainty that other minds exist
  6. Not unless that's what EXPECTATION has taught you... How does my line of thought help my everyday life? Not much; it just allows me to put things into perspective.
  7. Great mod but I don't really notice any of the reflective ambient light on my craft when I tried it out today.
  8. Solipsism: is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. Idealism: idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial. Epistemologically, idealism manifests as a skepticism about the possibility of knowing any mind-independent thing. In a sociological sense, idealism emphasizes how human ideasâ€â€especially beliefs and valuesâ€â€shape society. As an ontological doctrine, idealism goes further, asserting that all entities are composed of mind or spirit.[2] Idealism thus rejects physicalist and dualist theories that fail to ascribe priority to the mind. Dualism: dualism is the position that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical,[1] or that the mind and body are not identical. Thus, it encompasses a set of views about the relationship between mind and matter, and is contrasted with other positions, such as physicalism, in the mind–body problem. Physicalism: physicalism is the ontological thesis that "everything is physical", that there is "nothing over and above" the physical,[1] or that everything supervenes on the physical. Physicalism is a form of ontological monismâ€â€a "one substance" view of the nature of reality as opposed to a "two-substance" (dualism) or "many-substance" (pluralism) view. Solipsism = a form of Idealism. I'm arguing for BOTH. All that is perceived is a mental construct and that there is NOTHING outside of the mind. I go EVEN FURTHER to argue that AS AN EPISTOMOLOGICAL form, I CAN ONLY KNOW MY MIND EXISTS and therefore I DOUBT all OTHER MINDS; that is called SOLIPSISM. The question being raised here is about compatibilism vs incompatiblism regarding free will. I am an INcompatibilist and do NOT believe the physical and mental can allow things like free will to exist because of the physical laws that govern our brains and bodies. BUT IF I REJECT ALL THE PHYSICAL aspects of existence and claim that ONLY MINDS/SUBJECTIVE SELF exists and that everything else is an illusion, free will CAN exist. I go even further to say that NOBODY ELSE is sure to have a mind except ME. Cognito ergo sum "I think therefore I am". In my world, only I KNOW I EXIST and I HAVE A MIND.
  9. No brains in a vat, only MY mind is known to exist. Everything else is an illusion. The universe is a construct of MY perception that is an expression of MY mind. That's it. Reductionalism is not a very good word; lets go with Realism or physicalism. Solipsism is meant in terms of Idealism. Therefore basically I am arguing Idealism vs Realism. Objective vs subjective. Idealist vs physicalist. Physicalists and dualists cannot believe in free will. Idealist can.
  10. What the heck are you talking about? Solipsism = only the subjective is REAL Reductionalism = only the OBJECTIVE is real. That is as mutually exclusive as it gets.
  11. Determinism claims that the subjective comes from the objective realm, which always obeys the laws of physics 100% of the time. Solipsism states that only mind(s) exist. There are no laws or rules that govern the mind; at least not that I am aware of. If you claim that the mind is chained by the body, you are a dualist and cannot believe in free will. It's illogical. The ONLY solution to this problem is idealism/solipsism. Which leads to the conclusion that nothing is actually REAL, only perceived.
  12. Free will can't exist if you believe in dualism or determinism. The brain is made of atoms and atoms always obey the laws of physics, the end. The ONLY way free will can exist is if you believe in Idealism/solipsism; the idea that ONLY your mind is real and that everything outside it is the illusion. And since everyone can never doubt they have a mind and live ENTIRELY within the confines of one, solipsism is the ONLY true fact in our existence. Everything else and everyone else is a lie. Think about it like the universe = your perceptions ONLY. That's all that is real. Only your mind and your perceptions. Reductionalists can't grasp that concept for some reason... Which has led me to another disturbing theory... maybe not all humans are truly sentient/conscious creatures. We have varying levels of emotionality and intelligence; why not expand that trait to sentience and consciousness? Maybe reductionalists are just automatons programmed to SIMULATE real human emotions without actually feeling them. I guess the real question is; what is REAL? As far as I know, the only person I know exists = ME.
  13. What kind of game are you trying to create? Is it more towards realistic or more towards stock KSP? Regarding nice IVA's, Taurus pod has a great IVA, as does the KSOS.
  14. Ok say basically everything is working as it should. Thanks Starwarster!
  15. Well I was in the middle of my reentry descent and my ablative shield was at 0. I survived and so did the heat shield.
  16. Quick question regarding the heat shield: I've noticed that during reentry (I use 0.24.5 btw) that the ablative shield "life bar" gets depleted and reaches zero before I complete the reentry, but it doesn't explode... it just stays there and keeps shielding my craft from reentry heating. Isn't it supposed to fail after the shield ablates away; exposing my craft to the heat directly?
  17. If I was running squad we'd have proper reentry heating, and aerodynamics by now. And a sfx overhaul with: no sound passed the shock cone of your craft, no sound in space except through IVA, RCS sfx when firing (in IVA only), chatterer in stock, awesome launch rocket sounds that sound exactly like real rockets do and sound different in close vs from afar. Oh and kerbal can move around in IVA and actually have to do things like: repair craft when random malfunctions occur, build things in orbit, actually have a life support system of some kind... I can keep going... How about proper staging recovery for dropped boosters? IVA's for stock parts that are missing!!!!!!!!!!! Tweakscale made stock. More PARTS that we actually need like a quintux engine mounting? How about multiengine stacking? Should I continue? Destructible buildings are the LEAST things I am concerned about if I was running squad at this moment... we don't even have proper MK3 parts yet...
  18. Downloaded it, waste of an update. We are playing with parts that have been out for a VERY long time (spaceplaneone). Strategies is a new feature I won't ever be using. Explosions look more cartooney but I like them! Grass looks meh. Basically this update doesn't add anything worthwhile in my opinion. Wasteful update and I hope this is the last time I have to say that. If 0.26 does something similar, I'm going to be very vocal about it.
  19. Argh... I just hate flying rockets over and over again for ascent! It's routine and gets a little repetitve. I've gotten so good at it, I've been able to reach a stable ORBIT (85x73) with ONE BURN in FAR. (and throttle of course).
  20. Again, title says it all. I'm not going to lie... I am tired of piloting my FAR launches manually. I would like to know IF there is a plugin or mod that uses a autopilot to safely and OPTIMALLY fly my rockets into orbit without me touching the controls. In stock KSP with Mechjeb, I can just watch the magic take place and enjoy my rockets; I'd like to be able to do the same with my FAR install (since I love using FAR so much).
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