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Everything posted by TeeGee

  1. Hi everyone! Quick question regarding the thermal physics settings: does anyone have any recommendations as to what settings we should use to make things (fuel tanks without heat shields) burn up on reentry? Cuz as of right now things are surviving that normally shouldn't survive reentry. Yes I know that the velocity of reentry in LKO is very low and that the reentry heat settings isnt the problem per se, but I would like to have my game operate in a way that REQUIRES heat shields on objects in order to survive reentry in one piece. Any advice?
  2. I'd like to see homegrown rockets too! I tried adding plume to stock engines, did pretty decently until I saw the work done here and just used that. HGR rocket plume would be awesome! Pretty please!
  3. Ummm funny little issue: Whenever I deploy the small main chute, the parachute itself is SUPER tiny and my pod smashes into the ground. This mod never used to do that before... should I install real chute or something to fix this issue?
  4. Real plume. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129119-1-0-4-RealPlume-Stock-Configs-v0-4
  5. No F2 is not touched when Im pulling these g's. I've tried this mod out NUMEROUS times with many install variations and none of them worked. I have: Collision fx DPSoundFX (docking sound fx) Engine Light EVE Geffects KerbalKonstructs LackMisc (SXT) for KSP ++ Persistent Rotation RCSSOund RWSaturable rxn wheels Real Plume Audio Muffler Texture replacer with Window Shine Wheel Sounds Most of my mods are either sound or visual enhancements. I thought that maybe it was due to the pilot resist ability for Jeb so I switched to Bob and bill but still didnt work. Red out = ok. G LOC due to black out = not working.
  6. My G meter spikes to well over 12 G's on my hardest turns. I keep doing a hard bank to pull these G's for as long as I can but no matter what I do I never seem to get my Kerbal to even START blacking out. This mod didn't work for me the last time either. I updated to the newest one and it STILL wont work. G-EFFECTS { gResistance = 300 //Expresses the ability of the blood system to resist G effects. Value of 100 is equal to a rookie not wearing a g-suit downwardGMultiplier = 1.0 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal downwards upwardGMultiplier = 2.0 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal upwards forwardGMultiplier = 0.5 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal forward backwardGMultiplier = 0.75 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal backward deltaGTolerance = 3 //The G effects start if the G value is below 1 - tolerance or above 1 + tolerance gDampingThreshold = 100 //Threshold for damping unnatural acceleration peaks caused by imperfect physics (in G per frame) gLocStartCoeff = 1.1 //How much more our poor kerbal should suffer after complete loss of vision to have a G-LOC gDeathCoeff = 8.0 //How much more should a kerbal suffer to die of a sustained over-g gDeathEnabled = true //Will the critical conditions and g-deaths take place or not IVAOnly = false //If set to true visual and sound effects will be rendered in IVA mode only but physical effects like G-LOC and loss of control will remain in all views gLocFadeSpeed = 4 //Speed of fade-out visual effect when a kerbal is losing consciousness gLocScreenWarning = UNCONCIOUS //Text of a warning displayed when a kerbal loses consciousness. Leave empty to disable. redoutRGB = 180,0,0 //Red, green, blue components of redout color (you can change it even to greenout in case you are certain that green men must have green blood) //You can disable specific sound effects by specifying 0 volumes. //Volumes are specified as a multiplier to KSP voice volume global setting (less than 1 means quieter, greater than 1 means louder) gruntsVolume = 0.8 //Volume of grunts and breath when a kerbal tries to push blood back in his head on positive and frontal over-G breathVolume = 0.8 //Volume of heavy breath when a kerbal rests after over-G heartBeatVolume = 1.0 //Volume of blood beating in kerbal's ears on negative over-G femaleVoicePitch = 1.3 //How much female kerbals' voice pitch is higher than males' one breathSoundPitch = 1.6 //Pitch of heavy breath's sounds //Kerbal personal modifiers are used as multipliers for the gResistance parameter and also affect the speed of G effects accumulation femaleModifier = 1.0 //How stronger are females than males //Modifiers by specialization traits. You can add any specialization here with the name matching its description in the game: TRAIT_MODIFIERS { Pilot = 1.3 Engineer = 1.0 Scientist = 1.0 Tourist = 0.6 } enableLogging = false //Enable this only in debug purposes as it floods the logs very much }
  7. 1) Get into a circular orbit that is smaller the the target 2) make sure you are on the same inclination. How you can check that out is to select your target in your map, set it as your target. You will see a yellow ring with the letters AN and DN. AN = ascending node, DN = Descending node. What does that mean? It means that at that orbit you are on, you will cross it and either head ABOVE it or BELOW it. Ascending means you'll be going ABOVE your targets orbit after that point and visa versa with the DN. 3) What you want is to make the AN and DN = 0 degrees. How to do this is to create a maneuver node at the AN or DN (it doesnt matter at all which one) that burns either UP or DoWN relative to the perpindicular of kerbins equator. This is called burning normal or antinormal. Just play with the maneuver node normal and antinormal until you see the AN AND DN get closer to 0 or NaN. 4) Once you match inclination, you should fast forward timewarp and watch your craft approach your target. Being on a LOWER orbit means you're moving FASTER relative to your targets orbit. This is because you are travelling in a smaller circle which means LESS distance you need to cover in comparison to your target. 5) Once you are RIGHT NEXT to your target, point your craft PROGRADE and do a very low level thrust burn until you see your map orbits CRISS CROSS, showing you those 2 symbol thingys, one is purple and the other is orange. This shows you your 2 closest approaches to your target ( you see 2 because you are in an ORBIT aka a CIRCLE, If you draw 2 circles that overlap you see 2 points where the circles intersect that is what those 2 arrows (purple and orange) represent). 6) KEEP CHECKING your closest approach numbers on either the purple or orange arrows until you get it as close to 0 km as possible. The means that at that point you will be 0 km away from your target. 7) Burn very slowly please. Make very fine adjustments, you don;t need to go full blast up in orbit to make a homan transfer. 8) Once you get 0 km ish seperation, wait until JUST before you reach that closest approach point on your map. 9) this is a part that is tricky. You need to make your RELATIVE speed to your target 0. On your navball you will see number on the top that have the words orbital and the number in m/s. CLICK this indicator until you see TARGET and a number in m/s, THAT is your relative speed to your target currently. That is what we want to make 0 m/s. 10) When you've clicked on the indicator and see target, your prograde and retrograde indicators MOVE to new spots on the navball. The shows you your HEADING in comparison to your target. Since you have a target relative velocity now AND your heading relative to your target, you can now match your orbit. 11) Point your craft retrograde and start burning SLOWLY as you get closer and closer to your closest approach. You'll notice that your relative target speed is DROPPING and that your orbit is starting to match your targets. DO NOT SWITCH your speed indicator to orbital or surface! Keep it on target!! 12) You'll also notice that your closest approach indicator is MOVING AWAY from you now. Whenever that happens, CUT your engine and wait until you get CLOSE again then burn. Keep doing this until your target speed indicator shows 0 m/s. 13) Congrats, you've rendezvoused. 14) Get out of map view. 15) Point your ships nose to your target. If you have SAS you can just click Target. TURN OFF your main engine. Turn ON your RCS and thrust FORWARD until you see the target indicator go UP to about 2 m/s. KEEP THE YELLOW PROGRADE marker IN the purple target marker. If you see it drift out, adjust with RCS to bring it back in. 16) As you get closer to your target, start to slow down to 1m/s then reach 0 m/s when you are about 12 meters away. 17) Docking is a skill you need to master on your own. My only advice to you is to make sure you are in LOCKED camera mode and try to orient your craft parallel to your target docking port OR switch to your target, take control of it, then point its docking port to your newly arriving ship. 18) Dock via RCS.
  8. I was trying to add vernier plumes to the stock vernier engines which I don't think is possible given that it is a "rcs" control engine. Regarding the Jet engine plume, I'm not sure what Im doing wrong. I did the exact same thing for the rocket engines as I did the jet engine but I'm not getting any plumes yet. EDIT: Got it. Fixed.
  9. Sigh. When I pull negative G's I get red out but whenever i pull positive G's I get nothing. No black out or tunnel vision etc. I have my cockpit as the root part. Jeb is the pilot. No matter how fast or how hard I pull a positive G turn, nothing happens. I don't even hear the kerbal straining.
  10. Ok so I'm almost done with the cfg file turning all LF engines into hypergolic plumes and I also added vernier plumes to stock as well. But I still can't seem to figure out how to put in the jet engine plumes... the cfg file that was posted has MP-nazaris hot rocket plumes instead of this one... but Im not sure what I should be doing to edit these to get them to work with real plume... should I just delete and start over? EDIT: Strike that the vernier engine plume isn't showing on the stock part. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH! To Felger, that's perfectly fine because I can tweak the cfg files to do that, i just needed something to work off of since I don't know my way around github etc. I'll go through the cfg files and change them to hypergolic plumes instead of kerolox etc. That's all I wanted! Thanks again! After I do that I'll post MY cfg files for anyone that wants to use hypergolic plumes on their engines for them to download also.
  12. Which is what I was doing until I saw I needed a github account.. I already have real plume from my RO install so I was trying to copy those cfgs. over to stock because I loved the effect but I couldn't so I gave up. I came to this thread after lurking in the RO thread like I usually do and became very excited that this was being done. I had everything set then I saw the steps involved and I got lost. If this was a simple cfg. edt then I'd be ok but Im not sure exactly what all the steps are doing and why. I would like to use Hypergolic lower plumes on ALL of my 1st stage LF engines and use the solid plumes for SRB and use NERVA plumes for my LVN engine etc.. How I do that is still a mystery to me. I'm actually hoping someone who knows what they are doing would post their cfg file for stock hypergolics as well as SRB vernier, ion etc. here so that I could use them as well. I'll admit Im not very computer literate and am used to just copy and pasting things into the gamedata folder and making small adjustments in the cfg file when needed.
  13. PERFECTION!!! I've been waiting for something like this for a LONG time!
  14. Right but unfortunately the engines in KSP don't use any of that fuel therefore using a plume that represents those engine types is moot. IMHO KSP engines and fuels most likely are hypergolic fuels since they are not cryogenically stored and can ignite an infinite number of times. So if I wanted to use the real plume config to have ALL my engines show hypergolic plumes, I should pick the UDMH and N2O4 config setting an attach that to all my engine cfgs? I'm still hazy on how to do that...
  15. Ok so magnetic repulsion for a space elevator is not feasible, fine, but neither are carbon nanotubes. Why don't we use high tensile cable or kevlar cable instead of carbon nanotubes? Put the anchor into GSO, drop the cable onto earth and start tying stuff to it and reeling it up again. Build the cables in sections, attach them together via hubs every few Km, and pull stuff up that way.
  16. Is it possible to give real plume for stock fuels? I feel it would be a great way to make the game that much more immersive without going full real.
  17. I set out to beat the SLS block 2 and designed a 140 ton 3 stage to LEO lifter. I'm going to go for 200 next.
  18. I was thinking today after watching a brief documentary on space elevators that even if we can find a way to attach long strands of nanotubes together, we still need to make it long enough to reach GSO. So I began to wonder, why not use magnetic repulsion from Earth to GSO? Can a magnet be used on both a pusher plate and Terran base that repulse eachother that can push the plate up into GSO? Can magnets repel eachother at that distance? For example; a mobile free floating plate with a giant magnet on its belly is facing another magnet on the ground. The magents are both charged with the same current (-- or ++) and repel eachother thus pushing the plate up. The magnet plate on the pusher has magnetic fins that are also charged and can steer inside the magnetic field like fins on an airplane to keep it inside the field. Is this possible? How much energy will need to be used? How big will the magnets need to be?
  19. Ya I'd like to know the answer to this question also. I recently did a reentry using the FASA apollo pod and the ablative shield did NOT decrease at all. Basically the pod reentered without ablating the heat shield at all. Also the stock fuel cell doesn't seem to be working either. I have the appropriate resources in my SModule (liqH and LiqO2) but the fuel cell doesn't seem to be making any electricity.
  20. I'm using Realism Overhaul with Real Heat installed ONLY and I get this problem with Mercury and Gemini command pods
  21. I've been having issues with clamps spawning next to me as well. I also have been having issues with the mercury and gemini command pods overheating on the launch pad. I've heard about KSP bug causing overheating when parts are clipped into eachother and I have reduced the pods to their base structures and they still heat. I think its because of the built in rcs jets. Is anyone else having this issue?
  22. When I launched a rocket with RO using a KW rocketry engine, there was no real plume.
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