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Everything posted by TeeGee

  1. I did the same as I went through EXCEPT I noticed a few more things... Thud engine texture. NASA tanks line up properly now LF booster engine looks different You can remove engine shrouds New MK3 engine mounting like shuttle
  2. Granted but why do the same engines look different and have different plumes then?
  3. I'm just going to comment on the illogical and un-fun contract and science system before I go back to playing sandbox again... 1) I find it hard to believe Kerbals master rocketry before flight. AIRPLANES should be the entry level contract and parts in science. FLIGHT before SPACE. 2) Contracts need to be logical to how humans progressed For example: Contract: 1 = Build an airplane that can takeoff 2 = Build an airplane that can takeoff and land 3 = Break the sound barrier 4 = Reach maximum ceiling height for airplanes etc. ALSO we should have SCOUTING and TRANSPORT missions with cargo to the island base across the water. Contract: 1 = Fly this command pod to the island base using an airplane 2 = Fly these kerbals to the island base for flight training 3 = Valentina needs to practice flying, give her a jet to takeoff and land (if you don't she should be grounded until she does it). 4 = Scout the waters east of KSP for suitable splashdown site for pods 5 = Do a science mission to study Kerbin desert to the west. Or snow in the poles. 6= Pick up the survival training team to the north and bring them back to the KSC Get creative and make it more realistic please. As of right now the contracts stink as does the science tree. It's the biggest reason I dont play career.
  4. If anyone else noticed the KS-25 engines were ALREADY given to us in the NASA part pack WAAAAYYY back as part of the 4 cluster mammoth engine part in the rocket VAB. NOW that 1.05 is out we can put KS-25 engine separately. They have the EXACT same thrust, specific impulse etc EXCEPT they GIMBAL much more AND look different (both plume and textures). EIther we get rid of the mammoth and opt for a cluster mounting part to fit the individual KS-25 engines OR fix the mammoth itself. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/6/69/Quad.png http://i.imgur.com/X1vFDvz.jpg
  5. Easy to fly SSTO. Everytime I design one of these I realize how much easier rockets are at getting things up into orbit.. Not that SSTO's can't be easy to take into orbit, but getting them BACK DOWN is a pain in the butt...
  6. Ya Ill be waiting until Unity 5. All these years and I still haven't visited any other place other than Duna, Mun and Minmus. The reason why is that the game doesn't feel complete enough for me to completely visit all the worlds. And I don't want to do it using mods. I want to complete this achievement using stock features that squad deems I should have. As long as this game isn't finished, I refuse to visit the other planets until it is.
  7. I've been following this mod for a while now and am confused how to install it. I have Kerbal Konstructs but I have no idea where I can download these launch pads. I would like to use them in my RO install.
  8. Sigh... a mod conflict maybe? EDIT: Solved the issue. Rule when designing a rocket using procedural SRB's, never place 2 procedurally generated srbs onto eachother. I created an SRB sepatron motor and stuck it onto the 5 segment SRB. this screwed up the engine when it loaded onto the pad somehow. I removed the sepatrons I created and that fixed the problem.
  9. I thought that was the case and fired the srbs before releasing the clamps but it was constant at 150 kn for a good 2 minutes....
  10. Procedural SRB I have made to mimic the 5 segment SRB has the exact correct burn time and thrust in the VAB (according to mechjeb) it also has a sea level T:W ratio of 1.28 when burning with my 4x Rs-25d. I load it onto the launch pad and all of a sudden the SRB thrust is listed as 150 kn when I activate causing my rocket to fall back into the launch pad. I've gone over the numbers over and over again but for some reason my procedural generated SRB's aren't carrying their correct thrust values onto the launch pad from the VAB.
  11. Quick issue: Procedural SRB I have made to mimic the 5 seg shuttle SRB. She has the exact right burn time and thrust in the VAB according to mechjeb and all in all with my SLS test rocket, a sea level T:W ratio of 1.28. I load onto the pad and all of a sudden the SRB thrust is listed as 150 kn when I activate causing my rocket to fall back into the launch pad. I've gone over the numbers over and over again but for some reason my procedurally generated rockets aren't carrying their correct thrust values onto the launch pad.
  12. Its about time someone did this with the stock pods. I've been waiting for see through windows since I got this game 2 years ago.
  13. Nasa was founded to beat the Russians to the moon. That's the ONLY reason they were founded. Since the Americans beat the Russians, Nasa has no more use to anyone. Mark my words, the ONLY reason we'd go to Mars anytime in the next 100 years is if Russia or China threatens to beat the states there first. Competition is what fuels space exploration and I find that fact very disgusting. I say we cancel Nasa funding for manned programs until someone else threatens to go to mars first. All Nasa seems to do is burn through billions of dollars spinning its wheels on programs that take too long to develop that ultimately get cancelled. It's painfully obvious to me that Nasa shouldn't be given the funds for manned programs anymore. Build probes and launch them on private rockets. That's all they should be doing right now. Nasa is no longer the go-to space administration anymore, spacex will do it cheaper and more reliably. I hate to break it to you Nasa but you aren't the masters of spaceflight anymore. We've been launching rockets for a while now and other nations are starting to catch up and surpass you.
  14. Well I think it silly to be able to churn out a plethora of rockets in a relatively unlimited fashion in KSP without so much as build time, research time, etc. and thought that maybe adding a limiter like fuel reserve could help prevent the launch of 30 + rockets in quick succession to get to your destination. Rockets parts don't fail in KSP. Rocket parts dont have construction flaws in KSP. I know some mods try to add in these features but in vanilla ksp as is.. is pretty feature barren. Example of what else I would like to add: 1) Navy and airforce SAR maintenance and cost. Pods don't recover themselves magically and funding the KSC navy to find and retrieve the splashed/touched down on Kerbin. This is a huge component of real space rocketry. Getting a rocket into orbit is only 1 component of a mission. 2) Contruction time, part research delay, and testing before flight. Parts that have been "unlocked" by our science, should take time to research. When the part is ready, it should be tested X # of times without failure before use on rockets. The more tests a rocket part undergoes, the more safe and reliable it is in flight and less likely to fail. I'd also really like to see a rollout animation with our rockets as it approaches the launch pad. The tracks are there but for some reason there is a gap in how the rocket got onto the pad and was attached to those infinite launch clamps that change between every rocket. It would be a nice touch to see Von kerman look at our craft and nod his head in approvment as it passes by him on the Caterpillar crawler. 3) Parts need to be able to fail. Machines break. As of right now the ABORT button is absolutely USELESS. All you need to do is shut off your engines and decouple your pod. I want to see autoaborts when rocket stages EXPLODE after launch, saving kerbals automatically. 4) Crew towers. Jeez is this a no brainer. How do kerbals get into their craft?? It doesn't make sense! And when it doesn't make sense it is immersion breaking. 5) Craft welding. In the VAB I'd like to see part welding become stock. Show an animation of the parts you've chosen to weld together with better sounds. Maybe a clunk when you attach 2 tanks on each other and a zzzt sound when they are welded. This should take be used to save computing power for our CPU since this is a physics heavy game. 6) Atmospheric and space wear and tear. Burn marks. Visible damage. See through windows!!! (my biggest pet peeve) 7) Fuel line caliber. How does a narrow fuel line like the one in vanilla KSP hope to pump adequate fuel to keep core tanks full on the big engines like the 2.5+ meter ones? It's ludicrous. Id also like to see fuel ports. Attaching fuel to any part on a tank without a port is silly. 8) RCS/Rocket sounds, plumes and animations. Also RCS shouldn't be using only monopropellant. I'd like to be able to use bipropellant rcs using stock LF and oxid. Here is what I want to see: 9) Footprints. I could go on forever but its details like this that make a game more immersive. Don't get me wrong this game is amazing but it needs to start adding details like these to keep it engaging. There is just so much they are missing to accurately educate children/public on the complexity and inginuity that go with every rocket launch.
  15. Hey everyone. I have a recommendation that may be interesting. Why not make liquid fuel and oxidizer a finite resource at the KSC? For example to launch a rocket would take 10% of total fuel reserves per launch. This would force us to allocate and create more efficient rockets along with prioritizing what we launch and for what reason. To replenish this resource we simply use the already established mining feature to turn Kerbin ore into more fuel. No we don't need to physically take the fuel back to the KSC but it could be implied that with the establishment of a planetside mining operation that the game automatically transports said fuel at regular intervals depending on distance from the KSC. Thoughts?
  16. Why not just add another resource to all the stock pods and containers so that we can fill them up with "supplies"? The more supplies you have, the heavier the pod. Done. Small pods have less supplies. Large pods have more. The bigger the volume the more supplies we can carry. We don't need extra parts. We don't need scrubbers. We don't need more complexity. Managing air water and food is tedious. If we run out of food kerbals should die even though we have 3 more days of air and water. So why complicate the life support more than it needs to be?
  17. I didn't update the driver, my game has always had this problem but it was fixable thanks to the modification of the mindistance ocean setting. Now that doesn't work. Everytime I glance at Kerbin, my game chugs severely but when I look away from it it cruises at 60 fps. SOLVED: Turned off Shader model 3, installed texture replacer. Game is back to where Im used to.
  18. I have the exact same issue since the 1.0 update. Before i could just edit the minocean distances but now even that won't work. I've changed resolutions, texture quality, etc. but nothing works.
  19. I made one using realism overhaul a while ago. It was a SSTO rocket using a RS68 engine with a small command pod payload on top. It should be in the RO spacecraft thread.
  20. Can we use the transparency effect for windows so that we can finally have see through glass in our craft to see the interior from the outside?
  21. For some reason the FASA pods are still overheating while on the launch pad etc. Anyone have any advice? I've been having this problem with RO for a while and was hoping the next update would have fixed it but it hasn't yet.
  22. I know but having entire stages reenter and not lose anything isn't very realistic either.
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