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Everything posted by benzman

  1. Organise and launch some sort of rescue mission. If he is in a stable Kerbin orbit it should not be too hard. A successful rescue is the best satisfaction the game has to offer (IMHO).
  2. Excellent ship! With the previous version I was, eventually, able to land on the Mun and return. With the new ship I was able to land on the Mun at the first attempt, fly back to Kerbin and with one aerobrake pass was able to get a circular orbit at 85K, then choose a splashdown point, discard all the excess stages and safely splash down. Either your ship is easier to fly or I am slowly getting better at this game!
  3. Me being your actual Grumpy Old Man who rarely listens to music, I usually play KSP in silence, without the earphones. Today I D/Led the Chatterer mod and found that the music tended to drown out the speech. So I hunted through the file structure to try to find the default music files and suppress them. Couldn't find them anywhere. I was just about to make a public fool of myself by asking on this forum how to disable the music when it occurred to me to look in the 'settings' menu. Duh!
  4. If you are going to criticise, learn to spell properly. And yes, I have spelled criticise correctly. I am Australian.
  5. If you go here:- http://www.irfanview.com/ you can download a free image editing program that will allow you to crop and resize pictures and also alter their formats - e.g. png to jpg, tiff to bmp, etc. It probably can do a lot of other things that I have never bothered to find out. I have used it for years and find it extremely useful.
  6. Three! Two! One! Zero! Oh poo!
  7. I will admit to not being the sharpest tool in the shed and I cannot see how to attach a booster to this craft and get it into orbit. Could you please supply a craft file with booster attached? Great looking ship, by the way.
  8. Where did you D/L Chatterer from? I have searched for it and can't find it. Only dead links.
  9. I have found sometimes that you cannot make a node if you are looking DOWN at the track but you can if you move the camera focus so that you are looking ALONG the track.
  10. Just cruised around the spaceport in the Jolly Jeb firing broadsides at the VAB. Haven't laughed so much for yonks!
  11. Today I D/Led an interplanetary ship in order to learn some more about the game and try rovering for the first time. Sent Jeb, Bill and Bob on a shakedown run to the Mun as practice for a later Duna attempt. In Mun orbit, transferred Jeb and Bill to the lander, decoupled, started the descent and landed nicely about a kilometre from a deep, spectacular looking crater. Jeb and Bill got onto the rover and headed for the crater to do some sight-seeing. About 200 metres from the crater lip they parked the rover in a handy depression so it would not roll away. Jeb got out and walked to the very lip of the crater and sure enough, the view was spectacular. He called Bill to join him with the rover. Bill underestimated the braking distance on the rover and went over the edge. The cliff was very steep and the rover tumbled madly. I could not release Bill from the seat and soon the rover blew up and disintegrated. Bill finished up lying on his side still attached to just the seat. I could not revive him no matter what I tried. Bill was dead. With a heavy heart Jeb turn away from the crater, activated his jet pack and headed back to the lander. he had lost all interest in Munar exploring.
  12. Success! Thanks a lot for that. I am glad to see that I am not the only person to have this problem. It seems strange that a group of programmers with the obvious talent that Squad shows seem unable to make a reliable download section. Utterly brilliant mod, by the way. Keep it up and don't let people talk you into adding 'modern' parts. Keep to the ethos of Steampunk!
  13. My default is Firefox but I have tried both IE and Chrome but always the same result. The furthest that any attempt has ever got is 35.5MB. The only way that I could get the FASA mod was to ask the author to temporarily host it on Mediafire.
  14. Bruce, Is there any chance that you could host your files somewhere other than the Spaceport? I don't know how many other people have this problem but for me personally, any file larger than about 32MB cannot be downloaded as it always crashes at about that point. As an example, I can't use your cute little propeller as I can't download the Firespitter mod. I have not seen this problem mentioned on the forums, but I get it quite literally every time.
  15. Just after I posted the above I found them! The fact that they look totally different stowed or deployed foxed me! Thanks anyway.
  16. Hmm. I cannot find them anywhere. They are not with the default solar panels, although I seem to have all the other parts on your ship. Where did you D/L your version of this mod? I got my version here:- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74625-0-23-Professor-Phineas-Kerbenstein-s-Wonderous-Vertical-Propulsion-Emporium-v0-12a?highlight=steampunk
  17. Where did you find those cool antenna that look like single-bar electric radiators? I pulled down version 0.12a of this mod but can't find the antenna. Brilliant mod, by the way, that beautifully fits the whole Kerbal philosophy.
  18. Yes, that worked. The capsule hits the water at 4.7 M/S and the crew survives. However, it all looks a bit ugly. The main chutes deploy straight away, the drogue chute deploys later, then disappears and the chute icon in the staging sequence goes red. However, now that I have been pointed in the right direction I will start fiddling with the .cfg file and see if I can get things to work in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. So much to learn in this game!
  19. I have a bit of a problem. Although all the chutes deploy correctly, icon goes green, all chutes pop out and fill, the capsule hits the water at about 40 M/S and kills the crew. I have set up a separate install of KSP with only CMES and KJR added, but still the same result.
  20. That Vampire looks very much like the real thing! Could you post the craft file?
  21. One part of the music definitely reminds me of 'Chariots of Fire' by Vangelis.
  22. Sadly, you are absolutely right.
  23. Well! Anyone who reads that article will to too embarrassed to ever use 'moar' again! Hopefully.
  24. Re-creating the Gemini 6/7 mission with the gorgeous FASA mod.
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