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Everything posted by DoctorCruz

  1. I heard about the game in the summer of 2013. After hearing about it, I read almost every wiki page, and learned as much as I could about delta-v The first thing I did was try to get a decent LKO orbit One man, Scott Manley
  2. 1. As everyone else said, DEFINITELY! I do wonder what type of DLC/Expansions we can expect. More parts? Maybe an official Space-X parts DLC? Make your own Solar-System DLC? I'm just having a hard time thinking up expansion possibilities that shouldn't be stock. Anyone have any ideas of what it might be?
  3. Sorry, its happening. Curse is decent, and probably will be much better than the much-spammed Spaceport, but lets not get into that. I noticed the old screenshots too. I was like, that isn't what KSP looks like!
  4. I would like to see a mapping system when biomes are implemented on other planets
  5. I've never landed on any planet other than Duna
  6. Disappointed to see only one Heinlein nomination so far. His works are exceptional, especially considering some of them are from the 50's. I'd recommend Space Cadet, or Tunnel in the sky. Those are my two favorites
  7. I have to agree, You find a moon that is tidally locked to a huge planet, like Saturn or Jupiter and then you build in Earth's blind spot.
  8. Yeah, I'm not bothering with coords right now
  9. I'm going to upload this project when its done, but here is a preview of how it does with a couple million stars: Enter a seed: 23451012803127831247632838921483172938129421 Starting Generation..... This Galaxy has 1921195 stars This Galaxy has 5762570 planets Generation took: 48.235 seconds Thats calculating mass, radius, and luminosity, then determining each stars class using those three things. Python is what I am using for development BTW.
  10. Like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? That was the greatest experiment. Not a whole universe, but a planet built to be a computer!
  11. I think that this would be a good idea to get space exploration jump started - - - Updated - - - The entire moon? That seems like slight overkill
  12. So more like a chunk system. Also I might do the Drake thing. I've started to do calculations when generating each star, but have no idea how to implement a seed system, im not a huge expert in procedural generation. EDIT: Seeds are a lot easier than I imagined in python, so I will implement this. The Kerbal system will be a reality!
  13. I think we'll probably have moon colonies fairly soon. Really, once we figure out how to generate artificial environments (gravity, air, stable living conditions) everything will be a lot easier. Also, there will have to be some sort of enhanced propulsion to enable easy trips to and from the moon. In short, I think that the moon and Mars will be the first two, not sure which order, but since the moon is closer I might lean towards it. Although Mars has more favorable conditions, I think the distance will be somewhat prohibitive for the next couple decades.
  14. Good idea. I really don't need to generate 900000+ stars. It performs super well at around 100000
  15. True The person below me named their child Jeb
  16. You know, its something that I do more often than you might think . I think I should start with a Mv calculation. That'll help me classify the stars. Then mass, then temperature. Is that somewhat realistic?
  17. Or maybe I could start, go play some KSP, come back when its done. I'm going to work on this. Habitability criteria also might be something cool to do.
  18. All these calculations will really wreak havoc on the time to generate. It is already taking 6+ seconds for 400,000+ stars, so with the star calculations and planet orbit and size calculations, I'm probably looking at around 45 seconds.
  19. So I was practicing my Python skills this morning and I hit upon the idea to make a script to generate a Galaxy. It picks a random number of star systems and then picks a random number of planets in each one. It turned out to be fairly interesting. The (very) simple script I built generates 1 whole galaxy of stars and planets, then writes them to a .txt file. Look at some stats: Starting Generation..... This Galaxy has 412674 stars This Galaxy has 1238040 planets Generation took: 6.60699987411 seconds This is an example of the output file (which tends to have a size of ~100 MB): This star system has a Red Dwarf at its center It is called the Eeloosum System It has 0 planets This star system has a Yello Dwarf at its center It is called the Leohun System It has 6 planets ....Planet 0 is a Gas Giant Planet ....Planet 1 is a Rocky Desert Planet ....Planet 2 is a Icy Tundra Planet ....Planet 3 is a Tropical Rainforest Planet ....Planet 4 is a Water Planet ....Planet 5 is a Icy Tundra Planet This star system has a Red Dwarf at its center It is called the Gammepic System It has 4 planets ....Planet 0 is a Gas Giant Planet ....Planet 1 is a Gas Giant Planet ....Planet 2 is a Gas Giant Planet ....Planet 3 is a Icy Tundra Planet This star system has a Blue Giant at its center It is called the Sosaoogla System It has 4 planets ....Planet 0 is a Icy Tundra Planet ....Planet 1 is a Water Planet ....Planet 2 is a Gas Giant Planet ....Planet 3 is a Icy Tundra Planet This star system has a Red Giant at its center It is called the Sumdim System It has 4 planets ....Planet 0 is a Gas Giant Planet ....Planet 1 is a Rocky Desert Planet ....Planet 2 is a Rocky Desert Planet ....Planet 3 is a Rocky Desert Planet I'm thinking of adding something to make it more realistic. Perhaps an orbit statistic and then calculate average temperature and such from proximity to star. That would require me to also simulate the stars size and overall mass. What do you guys think I should add?
  20. I actually had no idea moons could be that small. It's also a very weird shape. This calls for more investigation I think!
  21. Solar panels either don't break or shatter into a million pieces. Maybe if the base and servos were preserved you could put on ne photovoltaic panels?
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