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Everything posted by DoctorCruz

  1. I read on the wiki that resources (like the ones in the Kethane and Interstellar mods) are were planned. I for one, think that this idea should be revisited, as it would really mesh well with career mode and should be a real focus in one of the coming updates. Think about it. You could get a contract from Callistic Manufacturing Corp. for x amount of a certain ore found only on the Mun. That would be a contract worth fulfilling. Or maybe Southern Kerbal Industries is going to need a shipment of x amount of a given resource every year. This would really encourage players to build bases on other planets. Anyway enough from me, what do you guys think? I also saw this is on the do not suggest list but this is kind of more a discussion of ideas on how to implement it
  2. Set the Kerbal record for largest spacecraft ever. I think I'll try to build a base on it with the MMM mod.
  3. Never heard of Procedural wings. I'll have to check that one out!
  4. Good idea. I wonder if someone will make a mod where you can use missiles to blow up asteroids. I know it'll probably be difficult/impossible ince I think the game will probably treat them as one massive piece, but it'd be nice to have. That way you could create a debris field. It might also make it easier if they ever decide to add resource collaction in the future.
  5. Perhaps landing one in the water trying to get a tsunami?
  6. Who else has plans to deorbit a asteroid onto a planet once 0.24 comes out?
  7. QA shouldn't take more than a month right?
  8. So per the Daily kerbal post here, it looks like 0.24 is going to testing so we can start the countdown until release!who else is excited?
  9. I think it needs more publicity. I know a ton of people that would love this game once they gave it a try.
  10. Wow, you guys have a ton of mods, I'll have to check some of them out. Does anyone know if there is a mod that stabilizes framerates or optimizes performance?
  11. MechJeb is essential if you start doing some complicated things
  12. I'm not just talking about mods that add parts. I mean mods that enhance or change gameplay by adding new dynamics and mechanics. RemoteTech 2 for instance. I'm looking to find mods that really immerse you further into the game. Here is a list of mods that I really like so far: RemoteTech 2 Kethane KSP Interstellar SCANsat These are the mods that get my +1 for innovative design. What do you guys think?
  13. Just got buzzed by a Steam update!!!!
  14. Yeah developers tend to do that, sometimes they have builds that they never release but still count them as "full" version numbers. One project I am working on I have skipped a version numbers in releases because it is just not necessary to release it at that point. When they release .22 they will probably start working on .23 but that version might not get released as they might just decide to add something else that merits them bumbing it up to .24
  15. Exactly what I meant. I can see them adding other planets and things after the game is actually released.
  16. I do like that idea, especially with all the spaceplanes!
  17. But is that going to keep them in alpha until they do those things? I would say you could do the new planets in beta or maybe some type of DLC. I see the point about aerodynamics though.
  18. Drag, good one, that is one that I forgot that would keep them in Alpha.
  19. My god, someone should have done a Taylor Swift 22 parody for the .22 release.
  20. So I was thinking. Now that KSP has a career mode and that will be the focus of Squad in the following updates, how soon are we to a beta? I mean, what else is there to alpha test? Game engine? Done. Parts? I can't see them adding many more. Planets and celestial bodies? They might add asteroids or comets but that what else is there? Anyway feel free to weigh in with your opinion.
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