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Posts posted by Spaps

  1. Hello! I'm playing on Career mode with this mod and Remotetech and a few other mods. Unfortunately only this mod has no configs for Remotetech, there's no ranges or dish angles, the antennas look really, really nice, but I don't really use them, because they are not useful at all. I've searched for compatibility patches, but couldn't find any. Is there anything I can do to make it compatible? Thanks

  2. 11 minutes ago, Beale said:


    I'm a little out of the loop, what does RT offer over the stock system now? just signal delay?

    Signal delay, antenna ranges, Electric Charge cost for Science transmission, and also for the Dish antennas it adds Dish Angle, so say you have a satellite network around Kerbin and you have a spacecraft in Mun orbit with one dish antenna, you can aim the antenna directly at Kerbin and all crafts within the angle and range of the dish will be able to relay your signal to the Kerbal Space Command.

    Sorry if it's a bit confusing, I'm not a good explainer :sealed:

  3. @Beale Sure, I'll try. I've never done such a thing, but I can try, I'll be back with results soon.


    Think I'll try giving the antennas the range of about 40Mm, so you can't reach Minmus with them but you could use a relay of satellites.


    EDIT: Update! Tinkered a little bit with ranges and Electric Charge. Here's what I came up with:

    Omni A-RM5 - 2.50 Mm, EC 0.15/sec,

    Dish A-FG5 - 15 Mm, EC 0.38/sec,

    Omni E-T3L and L-R45 - 2.5 Mm, EC 0.10/sec,

    Omni E-YA1 - 5 Mm, EC 0.41/sec,

    Omni E-RA1 - 10 Mm, EC 0.82/sec,

    Dish L-R90 - 40 Mm, EC 0.44/sec,

    Dish T-AE15 - 10 Mm, EC 0.25/sec,

    Dish T-AE10 - 20Mm, EC 0.51/sec.


    I was trying to set it up in such a way that it would not be gamebreaking, however, we'll need to adjust part costs as well. Just let me know if these edits would be okay!

  4. 6 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

    Actualy, first crash log is usefull too. This part:

    It happens when you are out of free memory location and game no longer can reserve memory and write something in that location.

    Try to force openGL or DX11 mode to reduce time stamp and/or reduce amount of mods. There is pinned thread that gives more info about some solutions regarding memory usage. I can recommend you some memory usage monitor to help you figure out when game is going to CTD.


    Didn't see that you are already forcing openGL. ATM is having little usage because a lot of mods and stock textures are already converted to DDS. Try to use graphic memory monitor to get more clue about memory usage. Also try to reduce terrain details to low - this can also be a source of memory leaks.

    I see, but how did it crash because of no memory, if it had around 1,6 GB of it reserved? I saw that in the Resource Manager. And it stays around 1,5 to 1,8 GB.

  5. Hello. I am trying to run KSP with about a gigabyte of mods, and it crashes a lot when changing screens, like from the overview to VAB or reverting flights.

    Here is my error.log: http://pastebin.com/hghtLBmE

    I don't think it happens because of full memory, because it took around 1,6GB of RAM at the time of the crash. 

    What could it be? I am using Active Texture Management, Dynamic Texture Loader AND running KSP in OpenGL mode. 

  6. Nonono. There are none. I didn't write about the service bays, I was writing about the cargo bays that you have on planes, you know, mk2 and mk3. And I would like to see similar ones, but on rockets, 1.25 and 2.5m. I think I saw those in some mod, but I don't know where.


    6S Service Compartments


    Oh wait, you want actual cargo bays.

    Modular Rocket Systems by Necro Bones is what you're looking for

    Oh damn! Thanks a lot, friend! That was the thing I was looking for! Thanks again!

  7. What the.... how did he get captured? when intersecting the mun's SOI, he should be ona hyperbolic trajectory.... that may intercept the surface... but it shouldn't be an elipse.

    Given the simplisitic patched conics... that should require another body in orbit around the mun...

    Or is it the case where it displays an elipse, where the Apoapsis is outside the defined SOI?

    Yes, that is quite strange, it shouldn't be like that. It'd have too much deltaV.

    But maybe it was on an eliptic orbit that was going through LKO and through Mun orbit? Isn't that possible?

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