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Everything posted by sanoj688

  1. Really strange.. but if you get close enough to your target so that your navball changes to Target mode, it should be easy and you could rendez vouz blindly: only by looking at the navball. I'm guessing you already know but.. first cancel out your velocity by burning retrograde (in the navbal's target mode!!!) when you hit 0m/s you are traveling at the same speed as your target. But not for long, unless you are exactly in the same orbit/plane. Anyway, now depending on your distance to your target you want to accelerate towards the target marker. I usually pick a speed that will bring me to my target in no more than a few minutes. So after you accelerated, go to the map view and see the ETA of the closest approach. Warp till about 1 minute before the closest approach, use the navball (target mode!!) to burn retrograde which will bring your relative velocity down to 0 m/s. DO NOT OVERSHOOT. In fact, when your relative velocity is about 1-3 m/s, it's good enough. Now repeat this untill you get really close, remember: You don't want to go too fast so divide the distance to your target by 100 to get a speed that will bring you to your target in about 2 minutes. You don't want to do this too fast.
  2. "If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants." ~ Newton
  3. Man I was really hooked on KSP when I first got hold of it. Simply because it is an amazing game. Then I lost a little interest because I had pretty much visited all bodies (pre-science era). So then the updates came and my attention got sparked again, but.. to be honest I just can't take the long loading times anymore. When the game was new for me, I could see past that. But KSP is really an exception.. The long loading time at the start of the game.. I can even live with that. But to simply return to the VAB, or switch vessels, or simply switch to the map on an active vessel..! it takes so damn long. It takes out the fun I really hope this will be 'fixed' some day
  4. Yes, let's fit our vehicles with bombs. That would be a good idea.
  5. OP So a particle travels as a wave and interacts as a particle.. okay, I can take that for granted. But is there no way to make a wave detector instead of a particle detector? Or if you detect a particle in its wave-form, you will make it a particle in a particle form.. meaning you can never detect any waves without transforming them to particles? I'm probably looking at this in a too simple classic kind of view.. can anyone recommend some good youtube videos for people that want to dive into this?
  6. So if you have no clue what the double split experiment is, go watch this very clear and understandable video! Now, from now on I assume that you know what surprising results came out of the experiment. Apparently, when tiny particles are shot at the screen with two slits, but they are shot ONE AT A TIME... there is STILL an interference pattern! It get's crazier though, as can be seen in the video. As soon as scientist place a detector at one of the slits and the experiment is repeated... the interference pattern is gone, and the usual 2 stripe pattern can be seen. Now.. from watching another video I heard a scientist say that when they unplugged the detector, but left it at one of the slits.. the interference pattern came back! How spooky is that.. ( )So, what's my point? Well I made this topic more to ask a question. I can't think of another place to ask right now, so here it goes. Question When the particle emitter fires the particles one at a time at the screen.. what exactly is it aimed at? The spot in the middle of the two slits? Just the screen? Will the particles come out at an angle randomly? What's going on? A bit further.. If you are really interested in this, try watching this video: This one is quite hard to follow for me, but what I could understand (I think) is that the fact whether the light goes through slit 1 or 2, is established after the light has even hit the screen where it will create a pattern. And there is a 50% chance of them knowing which slot it went through, and 50% where they don't know. I think that whenever they COULD (they didnt even check, but the mere fact that they could check) which slit it went through, there was a 2 slit pattern, and whenever they could not establish the fact, there was an interference pattern. This is mindboggling because the experiment setup did not change! This means that putting a detector at one of the slits has no effect on the behaviour of the particle! So what the peep is going on? I think the guy in the last video gives some explanation but understanding that as well was too much for 1 video.. also I think he's not really a scientific scientist so to speak, but more a philosophical. Anyway, besides all this I'm curious if there are people here who actually know a thing or two about this. I've seen some people writing smart stuff about physics before on these subforums Cheers!
  7. Nails. Heads. Hitting them. This isn't even about male versus female. It's about people who care about genders and those who don't! Frankly if you care about gender in a game that has ab-so-lu-te-ly nothing to do with it. You have a problem. An issue. Go fix it. Leave us out of it.
  8. I find the whole 'why no females in KSP' seriously ANNOYING. Is that really something you care about? WHY?! WHO. CARES?! Why would the addition of female characters improve ANYTHING that you can't achieve already with your IMAGINATION?! You might ask: "Well why the hell do you care that I care?" Well sir, I'd rather have the Devs work on some gameplay features or bug fixes or whatever than spend their time on IRRELEVANT stuff like gender. It's a SPACE GAME, not a real life simulation of earth. Jezus.
  9. STEAM IS UPDATING Not KSP, did I say it was KSP?
  10. It is still his whackjobery, you sourlings.
  11. How can people discuss cheating if there is no single definition of cheating? That's pointless. Try this: Intentional/unintentional (from dev/creator point of view) It's unintentional that you can stack air intakes like that, that use/practice was unforseen by the devs* It's intentional that you can dock and undock instantly It's intentional that you can EVA instantly I'ts intentional that you can create huge radial asparagus stages, get science with 1 click, lose a few km/s by using 70km of atmosphere See the pattern? *guessing here, but at least everyone knows what intentional means Now it comes down to the final question: Do you want to play the game as intended or not? Well if you bought it, you can be the judge of that!
  12. So guys, what if I wanted to increase my orbital period with 25% while keeping my periapsis the same? How to find out which apoapsis you need to reach? I want to get into a geosync orbit, then increase my orbital period with 25% and launch 4 probes.. then wait 1 orbit, circularize 1 probe and repeat the process for the other 3 probes. That gives me 4 probes (comsats) in geosync orbit, equally spaced across the orbital trajectory.. I tried googling and using keplers third law but couldn't find a good online calculator for it..
  13. Not at my PC right now so I cant easily check if it exists already, but what if we on earth had some sort of orbital crane with a super long rope that is extended kilometers down towards the surface. It might be more efficient to bring payloads to the hook with conventional airplanes... possibly. Didnt know where else to post this but on KSP forums, lol
  14. Did you try sticking a mechjeb part on all of your science pods?
  15. I like the game mechanics that it would offer, because then there is a bigger challenge (and reason, motivation) to do missions safely! Although if it could be toggled like a game option, that would be even better to accomodate for people who don't want it, or when I don't want it a particular game.
  16. Well thanks for thinking along first of all But I didn't start the research activity until after I repaired my reactor. And next to that, the science lab does get it's power.. Actually, I already had one science lab in LKO and munar orbit, and I never saw an option to transmit there. Do I even need to transmit or should I get the science without a message? I haven't actually tried checking the R&D then going to any those kerbin and mun science labs. I'll try that.
  17. I checked it before I even got started the research, it was 821. Then I managed to repair the reactor and I started research, then I changed to another vessel that was goign back to Kerbin, which took about 1.5 years. So once I got that one back I checked the R&D center to be sure, still 821. Then I switced back to the Duna lander with the science lab. It was still researching (although I believe the arms weren't extended anymore) I right clicked for the options and it said stop current activity or something. But nothing to transmit. I tried stopping the activity to see if the option would come up, but no. And using transmit data on one of my communotrons didn't do anything either. I checked back in the R&D center, still 821.
  18. Okay so I had my duna science lab Working for over a year.. I switch back to it but I didnt see an option to transmit data. I checked the r&d center, no added science. What should I do?
  19. @Tharios That was it, thanks! I thought it needed fuel lol, guess I didnt need to send a kas refuel rover to it
  20. Hey fractal, I have a kiwi reactor but it says it's offline. What causes that? I have a reactor,then generator , then science lab.
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