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Everything posted by Newbinator

  1. Cheers mate, learn something everyday...lol Here is the image: I have just downloaded the visual enhacement and the Alternis cloud pack, to see if that will fix it.. http://imgur.com/GoOl2Fv EDIT No luck with the additional addons here is a better screen shot hopefully to explain http://imgur.com/Mbc21hY
  2. I have a problem when I zoom out of the local system that it appears to be inside the Sun. I have tried to upload a picture but I am a noob and cant. I have tried to replace the files, thinking they might be corrupted and have had no luck. I have no other visual mods, ie clouds and lights or any other mod that adjusts the space/solar system. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have spent a better part of the day trying to trouble shoot.
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