After reading this thread I have come up with a UI tweek to add some of the possibilities mentioned here. Regarding: I think it's better to create stages that are actually AGs. So sticking with your point of view katateochi, I think the best thing would be to bind the AG sets to command pods/modules instead of stages. Then add a hierarchy system that only activates the AGs of the main ship(or you could choose which is the main command pod). So when another thing docks to it, each one preserves their AG sets but only one set would be "active". In the staging system mentioned by Atoning Unifex, an action of a part is added to the staging sequence via the tweakables right-click menu showing all the actions of the part. This also means that Stage 0 can be used for a pre-launch preparation where you can disable upper stage parts such as rover wheels or RCS ports and activate them with their separation stage. Very clever Watson. Very clever indeed. From my share, this I believe would be pretty neat: Yes, this is photoshoped. No, its not a mod I have/will make. (at least for the moment) At the bottom of the action group menu there would be three buttons: Add, Rename & Bind The Add button is self-explanatory. Simply adds a new action group with the default numbering. The Rename button is clicked when an AG is selected to rename it. (Something like renaming the vessels?) The Binding button is clicked when an AG is selected to enter "binding mode", which allows one to assign a key to that action group. Not necessarily 1-0 numbers, any key including joysticks. With the new toolbar system(s) you can have a pop-up list of them in-flight and maybe some edit tools such as deleting or reassigning keys. I personally recomend not to add stuff to AGs unless they are time-dependent. By time-dependent I mean "no time for finding and right-clicking". For example, science that has to be done flying above a certain location. So, for me, solar panels and lights wouldn't go to any action group because you usually interact with these when you finish ascent or landing(A relax moment after all that stress). I won't lie though. I do need more than 10 sometimes. Anyway, it would be nice to have all those solar arrays open at once like a peacock tail with the staging of the main sale.