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Dr. Ivo Robotnik

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Everything posted by Dr. Ivo Robotnik

  1. Actually does ANYBODY play KSP with other people or is it just me?
  2. So I was playing KSP and landed on laythe. When I finally touched down and my kerbal EVA'd down onto the beach my brother sitting next to me said Giant watermelon of doom! I looked at him and I asked him what? He pointed his finger at jool. When I asked him why? He said "It looks like a melon and when you try to land on it you are doomed and then I got it we both laughed. So does anybody have similar experiences?
  3. "RCS" I could take that as launchstage :"D awesome sir I think you're leading ATM
  4. People are buildimng monsters so yeah I swill add into the OP another rule Biggest as possible. Also tthanks for the contributing but you know an actual test would be The best thing and some kind of perfomance report? I will add that into the OP
  5. This challenge is about making 4way usefull liquid fueled Control thruster block try using stock and least part count as possible also try stock or least possible mods. A little tip try action groups for the blocks. So rules of the challenge 1.Must not use MechJeb in any way 2.No hyperedit 3. Part clipping IS allowed 4. As efficient as possible 5. Also post screenshots and stats of your block 6. Efficiency is a bonus 7. Try to keep the mods down 8. Try the biggest beast possible, test it and write its performance record Good luck!
  6. I get your point but sometimes small fails are hilarious like somebody slipping on a banana. Also look at jackaas they're getting hurt for money and sometimes it isn't just a banana (faceplants for example) and people laugh their buts off while watching theese sure there are some ohh moments.
  7. I try to upload but i get invalid file error and my file is meeting all the requirments D:
  8. Thanks! going to buy it at my local video store or borrow it from my friend depends on what i choose
  9. I agree I mostly go to sleep 2 am an then go to school on 7am and I'm pretty fresh tough waking up is like rising from the dead
  10. Pretty normal, woke up had breakfast and went to school cqlame home at 3pm, had a coffee and cleaned the fridge ».« that took me the rest of the evening. After that I played some Lego barman with my brother and played little of KSP Usual day for me ^^
  11. Well i think its more realistic like that! Also the part of crashing stuff looks C O_O L the forst thing i tought of i Acerelate to ramming speed!!
  12. My trigger was the Airene (sorry if spelled wrong) ANdthe space shuttle later the Sauturn 5 and after that KSP
  13. Oh my god something like taht happened to me when i was playing spore xD. We were tackling Darwin in nature and few days afterwards we had an exeam of course i didnt knew a thing >.< but then THANKs to spore it came to me: "a creature changes its form to survive better in the enviromeent" (if you know what i mean it is hard to translate from my laungage) Thanks to spore i got 20/30 so games dont kill your brain as much as people think
  14. "Jets need air... Fascinating" What i said after playing around with planes on Laythe
  15. That is cool so pumped until it comes to my country.... Can anybody tell if the film Sunshine is worth it?
  16. Hi im playing KSP for few months and now i got to create my forum account. Also i think i will be doing a small company releasing craft files called "Rhamphichthyidae Rocketry" making things to the spaceport. Also i use mods but ALOT (crafts will be stock tough) Also i hope that i will contribute to the community as much as possible and help people Lucky launches Dr. Ivo Robotnik
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