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Everything posted by mangekyou-sama

  1. The thing about space travel is there's always the danger of radiation, forward contamination, Kessler syndrome, etc. Space travel in KSP is no exception. I've seen people taking care not to fire NERVAs in atmosphere. I've seen people in streams altering their ascent paths so as not to fly over any major city (forgot who that is). I also see people making orbiters designed to clean up space debris. And then there's me, shamelessly test-firing quad-NERVA units on the launchpad, not caring where my discarded boosters landed, dumping stages with excess fuel on Kerbin's serene oceans, contaminating Duna(badly) by deorbiting the spent quad-nerva unit used for interplanetary transfer... Well I guess the question is, how do you (not) take care of the environment/atmosphere/system/galaxy in your save?
  2. Are you good in image-editing/compositing? If you have the skills in Photoshop or GIMP or any image-editing program, this might just be the challenge to show your PR/marketing skills! The challenge is quite simple. People here have their respective "companies". You just have to design a poster for recruiting unsuspecting kerbals to join your "company". Something like "Sign up now for our very first trip to Eve! [return not guaranteed]", or maybe something like "Uncle Gene wants you!", or maybe "Join the <x company> engineering team today and get a free snack!". MECHANICS: There are no specific dimensions for the poster itself but portrait orientation is preferred. Make it as compelling as possible! Choice of words might just be the key to a more "believable" poster. Quality is top priority. Don't just whip something up in paint... please GET DESIGNING AND POST!
  3. My Wayfarer Mk1 Space Vehicle has just been successfully assembled in orbit. At least 3 more launches are expected. One would be a maintenance/reinforcement mission, second would be a systems testing mission. The 3rd flight to the Wayfarer would bring the final roster of kerbonauts to board the ship to Duna and back. Transfer to Jool is also fast approaching. My engineers are hard at work in developing a multi-probe delivery system. Design would be highly similar to the Wayfarer.
  4. With the transfer window to Eve fast approaching, I decided to start working on the Wayfarer Program. Primary objectives are to land a rover on Eve, put kerbonauts on Eve orbit EVA to conduct experiments. Secondary (optional) objective is to land on Gilly. To achieve this, there will be an orbital assembly of the Wayfarer. Components include a tri(or quad)-NERVA engine unit, supply module, onboard science lab, crew quarters, manned command pod and the rover+skycrane assembly. This might take a lot of planning. After all, it's my first time to do this kind of mission Should this mission be a success, I'll use the same schematics for Duna.
  5. I've recently seen the Valentina thread and I was highly impressed on the sketching talent of some peoole here. You see, I've had this idea for a long time now on what would the KSP community be like if it was an actual building. I can just imagine the guys in "Science Labs" wearing labcoats working and having discussions underground (something akin to Umbrella corp), the "Engineering" guys wearing hardhats tinkering with rockets at topside, various "Companies" having their own booths in a large hall trying to attract prospective clients(Whackjob has his own dedicated wing, Institute of Whackjobian Engineering)...with Vanamonde roaming around in a banana colored suit...etc My drawing however, is PATHETIC. So I'm looking forward to your concepts, how you visualize the community through drawing! Get posting!
  6. Hello! I love the concept of this mod. For some reason though it wasn't working with my install. I dragged all the folders into the GameData folder but no joy. Am I doing it wrong? Do I have to turn on something in game or what?
  7. OMG, its just like that scene from Apollo 13 (movie) all over again
  8. I never thought there was a launch window here. For what though? It's not like they're going for a lunar flyby.
  9. Well I guess an airborne pathogen would change the game then? Was the Black Plague back then airborne or bloodborne? I'm not quite sure. Either way, that presents a problem because I'm pretty sure sanitation wasn't that good back in those days. Definitely no hazmat suits which means people disposing of the bodies are at a high risk of infection too.
  10. We've all seen various possible scenarios of zombie apocalypse. There are movies, TV series, comics and even survival books dedicated to this concept. All of them however seem based on the life we have now. Sure we have guns, WHO and other weapons that can deal with such an epidemic. Go back a few hundred years into the medieval age and you get swords, bows, pitchforks and a rather primitive concept of medicine (plus loads of superstitions). There were no cars, tanks. Jet fighters/bombers are out of the question. Add constant wars in the frontiers to the mix. Here's the question: How high (or low) are the chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse in the medieval era? And for the more "zombie survival" enthusiasts here, what survival "tips" can you share for such a scenario?
  11. I've partitioned my drive to make a dual boot system. Given Win10 a try and it's not bad. That abomination of a Start Menu in Windows 8 is gone. It feels like Windows 7 all over again. But then again, this is still Technical preview so we can't say yet what more features are in store
  12. It's an easter egg. And I guess your thread will be locked in a few
  13. Now, onto making space fastfood stations!
  14. I've checked the Already Suggested list and thankfully this hasn't been mentioned yet (I think). So here 's the idea: have some sort of time delay specially when staging. For example, I have a command module connected to a science lab. Both are armed with parachutes, what I want to happen is that when I stage, the science lab detaches and after 3 seconds or so, the parachutes deploy by themselves without having to switch to them. Or for another example, I have a plane armed with "missiles". What I want to happen is for the decoupler to drop the missile first and after a second, the "missile"'s engine fires. I really don't know if anyone can do it but I think this could be really useful. Cheers! ***OOOOKAY, looks like I posted this in the wrong forum. If a mod can move this topic to the General Add-on Affairs forum, it would b greatly appreciated!***
  15. Tested my SuperWing 5E Plane by flying to the old airstrip. It's powered by 5 engines. 3 jets and 2 turbojets which together produce a massive amount of thrust. So far it has no capabilities to get to space... YET
  16. Guys, I appreciate the discussion going on here but we don't need to get hostile. Last thing I need is having this thread locked. I think the Sci-Fi tag is causing some debate. Should I change it to Biology or Space just to clear things?
  17. Kicked off my Juno Minmus Exploration Program (JMiEP) by designing a small rover with a skycrane system. Preliminary testing was a success. Will go launch in a few days. Manned missions will then follow.
  18. After various playthroughs of space games like KSP, SpaceEngine, Universe Sandbox 2; after reading through various posts here in the Science Labs (most of them very enlightening), I'm still nowhere close to fully comprehending the scale of the universe and its secrets. I've also read through various articles discussing the possibility of life outside the solar system. I've even read this thing about the Drake equation where it seeks to predict life through various parameters. It's fascinating how far can humans go just to justify the possibility of life. I strongly believe in life outside the solar system. The universe is just so vast; Earth is merely a dust in it and it can't be possible that we're the only ones - and I've always been intrigued on what could they look like. Let's not talk about microbes. Let's just for a moment talk about multicellular organisms that might have evolved in other planets. Do they look like anything that we see in the movies? Humanoid? Are they remotely close to the Zerg or the Protoss that we saw in SC? Considering that they have technology, how does OUR technology compare to theirs? Do they have the concept of science? Earth has Newton, Einstein, Kepler; do these other creatures have their own prodigies? Have they gone down the path of chemistry? If so what's their own name for Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus and Sulfur? What is their definition of life? Just as we have our own sets of universal constants, do they have their own? Are they a peaceful race? Have they had their own wars in their planets? Do they have a concept of government? Do they ever fight for oil just as we humans do here on Earth? You see, thinking about the universe has produced more questions than answers. These questions will remained answered (in my lifetime at least). But surely it can't be just me who thinks the same way. I would like to know your thoughts, insights. After all, you guys might know something that I don't. Feel free to share! I'm very eager to reading your replies!
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