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Everything posted by TheAquired

  1. Hi As far as I am aware, the reason for this not being feasible is due to the way Squad has designed the game to keep it from lagging. When an object has your focus, then all the physics will be calculated on that object, however, all the other objects, far away and near, will be on what Squad calls "Rails". This means the game jsut moves the object along, where it calculates it should be based on the last orbit trajectory it had. If every single object, near and far had to be having physics calculations being applied constantly to them, then things would turn ugly fast. There would be so much lag no computer could hope to try run it. (Especially with Unity's current limitation of only using 1 core of the CPU). Obviously a perfectly simulated universe would be best, but Squad has done very well to make it as close as possible, while still keeping the game fun and playable. Hope that makes sense, I'm pretty tired right now
  2. Wow, thanks! That importer written by taniwha is fantastic. Pity it doesn't support all of the models yet. I tried using 3d model ripper, but found it just much too messy. Time to see if I can make a render
  3. Well I definitely will in the future if I run into lag issues. So do you consider this a bad suggestion? I see the thread has "two stars". If no one likes the suggestion, please feel free to tell me why I am wrong
  4. Thanks for that, I'll do it in the meantime. I hope Squad gets a chance to see this suggestion.
  5. For some reason many of my utilities came apart on the stages as they were removed. I had single solar panels counting as a piece of debris. Also, each stack decoupler was counting as an individual piece of debris. Each ship was over 200 pieces to start with. Having about 40 pieces of debris after getting it into space and docked doesn't seem that unreasonable.
  6. Hi, has anyone found a way to import models from the game for use as fan artwork? I guess it is a tricky thing as there wouldn't be much difference in that, and effectively stealing some else's intellectual property. I enjoy 3D work, and would love to contribute to the fan work section. KSP deserves all of the affection it gets from fan art. What a fantastic game. Thanks for any help
  7. Hi all, Well, my suggestion is based on a problem I encountered while constructing a space station in orbit. After docking just two modules together, I had already accumulated over 80 pieces of debris floating around in space. This was slowing down my frame rate, and being a tidy person, I did not like seeing all of those entries under debris in the Tracking Center. My suggestion is allow multiple flights to be selected, with ctrl or shift, in the tracking center. When multiple flights are selected, the fly button would be disabled and your only option would be terminate. Also, if some of the debris must be terminated, while other debris can be recovered, automatically do the appropriate thing to each part when mass deleting like this. I think that pretty much covers it, looking forward to anyone's opinion on my suggestion
  8. The parts but for those who are serious about recreating stuff, and i understand this is a pretty scientific community, then I can understand the potential there is in adding the parts.
  9. Although I don't know if we really need this in the game, that is a very clever and practical way to resolve it. I really like that idea.
  10. Hi, I'm new here too. I've been playing the game for about a week and a half now. I agree with you about what a gem it is. If you haven't done so already, go watch Scott Manley's YouTube videos. He does an excellent job of explaining how to do a lot of different things in KSP. Without his videos, I would never have made it to space. KSP Tutorials by Scott Manley:
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