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Everything posted by mdatspace

  1. One of the more important features of 0.22.
  2. I did a test. 4 BACC boosters thrust limited to 80 last as long as an LV-T30 under a FL-T800. I see promise.
  3. The tyrannical rule of the forum must end! 50 pages!
  4. Through the bad gateways we march onward!
  5. There are 754 people viewing the general discussion alone!
  6. Do not release update on December 17th, immediately? 40 page thread!
  7. KSP customers get frenzied when exposed to an upcoming update.
  8. This thread is more troll than wait.
  9. Resources. I don't care much about multiplayer, but resources would give a reason to conduct more than just a landing on an object.
  10. This could be proof of shallow pockets of water beneath the poles. It could be proof that the ice crust may be less thick than we thought.
  11. But this discovery is quite important. This discovery confirms the existence of a subsurface ocean, and possibly pockets of water beneath the surface at the poles.
  12. I wonder why we have a 2020 mars rover yet no plan to do anything with Europa.
  13. Well, the update will bring some features which are important. Bug fixes are necessary.
  14. The Sabres look like punctured reaction wheels. I can see that tweakables will make a big difference.
  15. I think titan is a special case. Why? Jupiter has a large moon system that easily fits co-accretion. They have similar sizes and masses and a clear trend in density. But titan is a massive moon with no other saturnian moon to match it.http://www.space.com/11604-saturn-moon-titan-impacts-atmosphere.html http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/3714/20130829/new-analysis-titan-challenges-current-theories-regarding-saturns-largest-moon.htm I shall stop nitpicking. Triton did completely wreck Neptune's pre-capture moon system, and you are right. Even without such disruption, moon systems can be a mess. Look at Uranus(don't joke)! Most of its moons will collide with each other and most of the irregular inner moons are spiraling inwards. Also, there is another way small moons can form: Collisional disruption of a parent body. There is a reason there are moon families. This does not apply frequently to large moons, but most retrograde moons orbiting the gas giants may be the result of collisional disruption. Moon gets captured, moon crosses one moon2's orbits, moon fails as soft landing and gets blown to bits on similar orbits.
  16. Usually, the larger moons around a gas giant form from accretion of the material left behind after the gas giant forms. That is one way they can form too.
  17. http://nasawatch.com/archives/2013/12/slsorionwebb-im.html#comments The SLS will likely never launch. There are cheaper commercial alternatives.
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