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Everything posted by a__gun

  1. Near future propulsion is sharealike and has some awesome tanks. Just go looking at mods' licences
  2. Is there any way to scan for atmospheric/oceanic resources? Interstellar has this capability but I can't see it anywhere in ORS (which really needs better documentation!). Also, is ORSAtmosphericExtractor the only module available to pull resources from the atmosphere? I was hoping to create an intake which pulls in the atmosphere regardless of its composition but ORSAtmosphericExtractor only seems capable of pulling in one per module meaning I would have to attach multiple ORSAtmosphericExtractor's to my part, with each one being seperately toggleable. Again, Interstellar seems to have a part that does this.
  3. You don't have to do that - use stock parts for now (or welded ones). If your mod goes well someone will make parts for you. Theres already a fair few free-to-use models out there
  4. Me too - though I don't get why the central pipework can't continue on them
  5. First and foremost - the easiest thing would be to make a new part with your changes on it and leave the stock Kethane converters as they are. If you do insist on using the original pieces, this would be my best guess: 'At any part with a KethaneConverter module, which has InputRates involving Kethane, and OutputRatios involving Oxidizer' @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[KethaneConverter]:HAS[@InputRates[*]:HAS[#Kethane], @OutputRatios[*]:HAS[#Oxidizer]]] { @MODULE[KethaneConverter] { @InputRates { Water = 2.75 ElectricCharge = 6 } @OutputRatios { Oxidizer = 1.01 } }
  6. Activated the processor? (Right click -> activate) Make sure the top of the processor mount is flush with the roof of the cargo bay.
  7. Pretty sure Fractal said somewhere he would implement toolbar support soon - guess that will solve your problem
  8. Any chance they have the same footprint as Kommitz's?
  9. Looking forward to it and thanks for the update on updates. A IVA operable telescope would be amazing long term, but I would of thought getting a basic GUI controlled telescope would be a much easier place to start
  10. EDIT Damnit Ninja'd...by nearly 20mins..? If you use "@variablename = " multiple times/across multiple files then variablename will be equal to the last one executed. If you use "variablename = " (without the @) you will end up with several variables with the same name and potentially different values. I think MM patches are executed in the same order as other cfgs (alphabetically by folder) but if you want to ensure your changes are aplied last, you can use ":final" eg @PART[*]:HAS[~TechRequired[]]:Final
  11. The only way around it I can think of (besides seperate left and right wings) would be to make a single part that contains both wings welded together, such that when the wings are attached they clip through the body:
  12. The Mini-Shuttle uses a seperate left and right wing so I guess theres no way round it :/
  13. Been trying for the last few days to set up a ground telescope at KSC using IR to aim/move but its just too damned wobbly! Would love someone to make a ground telescope to match this at some point
  14. The only way I can think of implementing it would be to split the cargo bay in two lengthways and attach it with symmetry like a fairing
  15. I find the best bet is to build your payload on a node outside the bay and then move it in. I think the easiest thing though would be an open ended bay that could be placed around the payload somehow (As in attach the payload to the craft first)
  16. Wouldnt of thought so as its using the default kethane module which does not allow this.
  17. Along the lines of the TP-205a Adapter Fuel Tank (The stacked spherical tanks) I would love to see some stock-alike parts for life support mods
  18. Reminds me of Marvin from Hitchikers guide for some reason. Awesome nonetheless
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