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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Sure I'll make sure that's fixed when I get time to do a deployment. They just got added, it's some work to make some nice renders and put them up there. Thanks for the bug report. The fuselages are still there as far as I can tell.
  2. So time to dump a bunch of WIP models for Far Future Technologies (name still in flux, because aside from the cringe-worthy FFT acronym joke for us scientists, it sucks). The goal of this project is to make interesting models of (mainly) possible concept engines that need several additional orders of magnitude of science and engineering advances in order to be built. Let's start with the already-shown 'Heinlein' Nuclear Salt Water Rocket - a "continuously detonating" nuclear pulse drive. Resized to 2.5m size class to define another key advantage of this drive - the low size. Runs on Nuclear Salt Water (for which tanks are coming) along and a small amount of electric charge to run the magnetic nozzle. Posts a specific impulse of 6750 s with an engine TWR of around 6.0. Beware of heat though, as the drive power is quite high. This is more or less the endgame drive. Texture is coming along, but needs more detail. The first of many 3.75m drives is the unnamed antimatter catalyzed microfission pulse drive. A pellet of fissionable material is injected into the nozzle, where it is immediately compressed by a bunch of ion beams. Then a beam of antiprotons hits it, and boom! Small nuclear explosion. The explosion vaporizes part of the ablative nozzle, which is emitted as thrust. In ingame terms, it uses a supply of FissionTargets, a small amount of Electric Charge, a tiny amount of Antimatter and a bunch of Ablator. The Ablator can't be refilled, so this is a limited use drive. However, an Isp of 13500 s is nothing to sneeze at, and really only uses a very small amount of antimatter. TWR isn't great though. Unwrapped and merely colorized. Based on the ICAN-II concept, but totally redone because it was butt-ugly. Number three is the antimatter-induced microfusion drive. Another 3.75m model, this drive uses a set of magnetic fields to bring a smallish amount of antiprotons into contact with a small deuterium and tritium charge to force them to undergo fusion. The reaction products are expelled by the magnetic nozzle. This drive uses more antiprotons than the ACMF, but produces a staggeringly high specific impulse of 60,000 s. The TWR is not great though, and because it doesn't use ablation, it can be completely refuelled without a new drive unit. Fuels are Deuterium, Tritium, antimatter, and a small amount of ElectricCharge to run the magnets. Also unwrapped and with a basic set of colorization for textures. I'll throw in some fusion fuel tanks. These 2.5m models can be swapped between Deuterium (blue), Tritium (gold) and a D/T mix. The models are actually quite old so they might get some texture work before finalization. A 3.75m model is also in the works. Also working on the antiproton storage ring. Though not completed yet, it shows the basic outline. The centre ring is 3.75m in diameter, so the shape is quite awkward to work with. It should look ok with both 2.5m and 3.75m cores. The outer ring will be designed with stacking in mind, so you'll be able to toggle the top and bottom section of the octagons in order to stack multiple rings nicely. Additional models not shown here that need to be completed for an initial pack are 2.5/3.75m nuclear target storage tanks, a 3.75m multi-fusion-fuel tank, and several nuclear salt water tanks.
  3. So the first one. Because Microwave Power Transmission comes off Electrical Systems too.
  4. What I mean is that there's already Microwave Power Transmission at the 2250 level coming straight off Electrical Systems. So any new nodes will either be in that level (same as microwave power, so there would be a minor branch) or start at the next level (so your nodes would be 4000 and 10000). ----ES----MP \--NewTech1 -------- NewTech2 or ----ES----MP \-----------------------NewTech1 -------- NewTech2
  5. @hab136 That looks pretty nice, I'll take it! Will test it for integration into the next release.
  6. No clue what could cause this. You should check the installation of B9PartSwitch and see if you have the newest build.
  7. Haven't had anyone else report this problem, so you probably need to post some logs, right click shot of the radiators, modlist, the usual.
  8. 1) OK! 2) Does this mean that Ultra High Energy Physics would now come off this new node? 3) So the 2250 one will be in the same tier as Microwave Power Transmission (so there is a branch off Electrical Systems)? Do you have any preferences for the names of these nodes? I also propose a second antimatter node off of the current Antimatter node at 10000 science.
  9. Like you mention,you could turn the reactor power down to 0% (to use no fuel) after heating up the reactor. This is pretty bad for balance, because it means the nuclear fuel requirement is effectively moot (what's the point of doing consumption otherwise?). In addition, in "reality" you would likely need to maintain full reactor power in order to heat the propellant consistently as mass flow of cryogenic hydrogen will steal heat very effectively. The radiator system does not allow heat "consumption" below target core temperature (in your case 6000K), so I can't (well I can, but this was tested exhaustively when building NFE for 1.0 with... poor... results), so the mass flow doesn't cool it down properly. I welcome ideas to make it better that don't make this exploit (or others) happen.
  10. Uploaded version 2.2.0: KSP 1.1.3 update Upgraded bundled ModuleManager to 2.6.25 Upgraded bundled Firespitter Switched from BDAnimationModules to DeployableEngines for all engine animation functionality Switched from IFS to B9PartSwitch for all model/part switching functionality Added IVA blocking meshes for both Mk4 cockpits and the crew cabin Added sound loops for turboprops Added USI Life Support compatibility patch Added HVR-ONE, HVR-TWO, HVR-THREE heavy lift fans Added Mk4 'Skate' Tailpiece Added ARV-50-2 Heavy Symmetric RCS Blister Added Mk2A 100X Aviation Fuel Tank Tweaked CUTLASS and BROADSWORD engine FX Fixed orientation of the surface attach node on the 2.5m precooler and fuel tanks Fixed CLS passability for the Thunderhawk cockpit Added workaround for Thunderhawk cockpit's integrated docking port and control directions Fixed propeller spinners being shown on models in the parts list Made a WIP part invisible in the research facility and in search Corrected a few inconsistent masses in some parts Spacedock is being super slow, so that link might take a bit...
  11. @shynung, @ruiluth, @autumnalequinox and persons: The main difficulty I always have when I think about planning any FFT (heh) type mods is the sheer number of fuel types that you end up with that don't share many engines. Every propulsion system tends to be highly optimized with a special fuel type or set of types, and that gets messy. I like making models and the resulting visual differentiation, and wouldn't really accept a situation where I had a bunch of visually identical tanks that could fuelswitch to every possible tank, which more or less mean that I have to model a sufficiently large set of tanks (what that number is can be quite variable) for every fuel type that I include. That can start to get scary looking. I mean what do we have? We have for futuristic fuels... in a very reduced list: Antimatter - AIM, ACMF, Thermal AM (various core states) Fusion fuel (D/T/He3) - thermal fusion (various core states) Fusion fuel (pellets) - AIM, ICF Nuclear Salt Water - NSWR Lithium - MTF, MIF (already in NFP, would have to share = headache) Hydrogen - Anything thermal (already in CryoTanks, split out already so not the biggest headache but still not great) Some of those aren't too bad because they don't need to be in a lot of form factors for gameplay reasons (like AM), or perhaps because only one engine would ever use them (NSW) but it really is a lot of tank types! I would of course like to do it, I do have an AIM and an AMCF engine more or less modeled, but yeah... time... it takes about 3 hours modeling, 4 hours of unwrapping, 4-5 hours of texture work and 2 hours of miscellany to get a good engine model done. I don't have that much time :(. Always a pleasure to watch your features on my stuff :). Glad you enjoyed it. By the way, the Neptune and Poseidon have built-in always-on generators as well (except when the engine is running).
  12. It would be slower, but it's functionally nice to have all boiloff for all tanks be the same no matter what (in my opinion).
  13. Apologies to have caused trouble. This should be fixed now.
  14. Small 1.1.3 update: KSP 1.1.3 MM version update Fixed some incorrect radiator power consumption values
  15. Yeah that's pretty much how it goes, but I'm always leery of stepping into the world of engines that are superior in every way, particularly *this* much better. What I've done progression-wise is basically like this: [Stock KSP Content]----[All my mods]----------------------------------------------------[NSWR] It's so far beyond anything that it really doesn't seem right to put it in the same place. 3.75m! Anyways, here's KA version 0.2.3 KSP 1.1.3 Updated bundled B9PartSwitch Updated bundled MM Updated bundled CRP Updated bundled DeployableEngines Improved FX for some engines Many fixes and improvements to SimpleBoiloff Mostly packaged stuff fixes, but a few improvements to boiloff calculations and such.
  16. Here's CryoEngines 0.3.3 KSP 1.1.3 Updated bundled CRP Updated bundled DeployableEngines Updated bundled MM Updated bundled B9PartSwitch Improved some FX Fixed several bugs related to CryoTanks boiloff Minor update really, but fixes some important things.
  17. Thanks for letting me know, I've adjusted them.
  18. @RoverDude - I deployed the new NFE configs in the latest version, so you can deprecate the one in USI Core now.
  19. It appears that I don't have it in this particular OP's FAQ, so I'll add it, but I don't personally support installing any of my mods via CKAN (Streetwind does some saintly stuff though).
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