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Posts posted by Nertea

  1. So externals are pretty much done, I'm just waiting on some kind of fix to the landing legs, which are not animating correctly when retracting (vexing!). In the meantime I'm fiddling with rough IVAs, so both habitable bits will have untextured, half finished interiors. Yay?

    I also made some progress on the 2.5m scale large trusses after a remodel or two. It seems like a semi-octagonal model looks pretty nice, with the smaller sides of the octagon matching the stock Modular Girder segments.


    What do people think of this? It has a bit more decoration than the stock girders, as it's kinda plain for something so large. I put some electricity wires in, plan on texturing the middle pipe kinda like a fuel line...

  2. I have an issue with an animation not playing in reverse properly. It uses the landing leg module and is... well, a landing leg. This is the bit of the cfg file here:


    name = ModuleLandingLeg

    animationName = LegExtend
    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
    suspensionTransformName = PistonB_extender
    orientFootToGround = true
    landingFootName = Foot
    // Axis is aligned forward instead of up
    alignFootUp = true
    suspensionUpperLimit = 0.47
    impactTolerance = 450
    suspensionSpring = 5
    suspensionDamper = 2

    The animation plays correctly when extending the leg, but hitting retract just sets the animation to the first frame instead of playing the animation properly. Anyone seen this before and have any ideas on what to do?

    I've already tried every single animation wrap mode in Unity, just in case, with no joy at all.

  3. Then i hope you will also use another of his props... Well all of them thet were used in ALCOR. Staging switch, action groups buttons, fuel indicator, etc.

    Overally how much % of capsule is completed already?

    What else will we find in this nor-part-of-near-future-propulsions-pack?

    f... um... i may suggest something... Lander can witch large window on the floor! To actualy se surface BELOW you :)

    If you look up images of the 787's cockpit, that's what I'm going to be heading towards. I will probably make such switches - I'll have to look into RPM's capabilities much more thoroughly before I start modeling props.

    IVA 1% complete :P.

    And as to other stuff... well, I don't know for sure. Trusses and integrated fuel tanks, to start.

  4. Not sure I'm a fan of a CM being only 2 person and going from 2.5m down to 0.625m. Seems like a tiny chute for something not so tiny. My 2 cents would be create a 1.25-0.625m nosecone SAS unit for it to make it a better CSM and an alternate nosecone parachute for those using it as a lander. Either way, beautiful work. It has been fun watching NFP progress from early concepts all the way to the mod it is today. It continues to be a required mod for my heavily modded installation. Beautiful work as always. Your stuff continues to be these beautiful parts which end up as favorites of mine, as stockalike or not as they may be. Keep it up and have some rep while I'm at it.

    Aww, thanks! I had fun making it too.

    I'm playing with some settings to make the capsule interesting. Its reaction wheels are stronger than the normal capsule and it's a bit lighter, but sacrifices impact resistance and heat tolerance. I'm also thinking of making it require power, but also be able to function like a probe core if there are no crewmembers. I'll certainly be making some kind of new chute for the top at some point; just haven't decided what it should look like yet. There's only so many ways you can make a nosecone :P.

    I love capsules with big windows actually making IVA usefull.

    I hope you will use raster prop monitors for interior.

    WIll this capsule be part of near future propulsions pack?

    Yes, it will use RPM I think, to a silly extent (monitors everywhere!). It will not be part of NFPP; it'll be part of a (theoretical) separate pack, strictly for things I make that don't need plugins.

  5. I think the externals are almost done! I need to complete the specular and normal maps for the fuel tank, utility pod and landing legs, but things are otherwise approximately where I want them. Then I'll release a test release, before I start with IVAs (which will take a good while).

    Today I flew the assembled ship to Duna and landed it to test performance and landing ability. I used up about half the tank, but I suspect I better pilot could do it in less.

    I may add integrated landing lights into the landing gear pods too!


  6. I'm really liking the command pod. How many kerbals will it fit?

    Just two at the moment, I will re-evaluate once I test the IVA. Could be room for back seats in the cockpit - if so, four.

    Ok, the IVA for the service compartment looks nice by the way, though two kerbals might feel cramped in there.

    Glad you like it. They'll be a bit cramped, but the entire volume is similar to the Hitchhiker, so two kerbals will fit okay.

    How much dV is in service module? One small, toroidal tank might be not enough for any maneuvering.

    It's a torroidal tank that is quite large, not the stock tank at all, though I'm matching the style. My aim is for the whole ship is about 2200 dV - enough for landing and takeoff on Duna and a one-way trip (barely) to Tylo. Currently if you omit the main fuel/RCS tank it gets about 500 dV on the engine's integrated fuel alone.

    I got a bit annoyed with unwrapping, so I put the parts ingame to test them and ensure scale was correct.


  7. Progress update!

    Engine module is completely modeled now, time for unwrapping. I detailed it a bit, added proper gimbal setup, and decided to integrate a small torus tank for a small amount of fuel and oxidizer.


    I also finished a slightly aerodynamic RCS block that could be attached onto the parts:


    Before finishing the outside of the service compartment, I've been laying out the internals, so that they match. Here's what I've got.


    The left side will have some cabinets and various modeled O2 tanks. The right side has a window through with you can see the integrated RTG and a few of those E- type Batt-Man batteries with slots.

    There will be either 1 or 2 seats for crew also, probably just below the RTG window and opposite the batteries.

    The command pod is also coming along nicely. I've finished the external modeling and have laid out the IVA (not shown, as it's just blocked out, nothing cool yet.


    Really looking forward to these new parts, they look great. Will this be included in the Near Future propulsion pack ?

    I will be making a separate download for things that do not need that plugin.

  8. I love the craft in the link btw.

    Indeed! I wish he'd do more space-ey art, the artist is excellent.

    Most pretty!

    Also, we were going to catch up at some point about RealFuels-ing Ions?

    ..Whoops :P. Totally forgot.

    Very nice looking. How does it reenter?

    It looks like it might come in sideways like a wingless shuttle with heat tiles on one side.

    Methinks it is indeed horizontal, but I also don't want to tile it too much. I'd rather keep a nice radially symmetric look for it - assume it's either made of really fancy composites, or is designed mostly for exoatmospheric operations. I don't really have plans to make an inflatable either - that would maybe come in the future.

    I finished up the service propulsion module and fuel tank. They are pretty vanilla. The propulsion system has a 1.25m node on the bottom for attaching docking ports or similar and 8 thrusters. The thrusters will have about 3-5 degrees of gimbal, allowing for some enhanced control. The fuel tank is completely boring, but I might have it carry monoprop as well as LFO.


  9. So I was playing 0.23 a bit, and I figured I wanted a kinda... futuristic CSM-type thingy. I also do not like the trusses I am working on. I poked around and found this really pretty thing. So, I'm going to stockalike the little pod at the front for my next project!

    This is what I have so far:


    It will be in the 2.5m size class and be made up of 4 primary components, the command module (2-kerbal), the storage and such module (1 or 2-man hitchhiker thingy, possibly with an integrated RTG), the fuel module and the engine module. The command pod I've chosen to be 2-man, mainly because there's no stock command 2-man pod, and we'll assume it's stuffed with advanced electronics and such. It will not be very suitable for reentering the atmosphere alone. I will make an IVA, if it's not too complicated.


    There will also be this cool podded landing leg, which I've just finished animating, it just needs some more mesh detail to be done. And textures too I guess.


    Shall I continue?

  10. We just finished a new trailer with lots of current build footage!

    In addition, a big website update was just released at www.svsh-game.com. We populated it with new screenshots, information about the universe, ship lists, the works, really.

    My iMac is 6 years old but is running Mavericks, so if you've got something more recent than 6 years, it will probably work pretty well for your development and testing purposes.

    Yeah, it was more of an issue of access to the computer as well.

  11. I asked this question on some Unity forums a while back and got an answer of "it depends". Primarily on:

    • Range of raycast: minimize it for improved performance
    • Complexity of colliders in the scene. Apparently number isn't too important, but loads of mesh colliders in a scene will be slower than loads of boxes. Same as the rest of the physics, really
    • Collision mask of raycast versus colliders: probably not too applicable in KSP, but only raycast against the layers you really need.

    One solution is to raycast every nth physics frame, or spread your casts out over several physics steps (5 per frame for 5 frames maybe, then loop back) if you can. Essentialy, does it really need to run constantly?

  12. It will - the demo build was having some issues on the one (rather obsolete) Mac that I have available for testing. We didn't want to release something that was broken, so the demo's not compiled for those.

    The current beta though seems to run quite smoothly! So I'm quite hopeful that things will work out for the Apple people ;).

    I just posted up another news update as well with a few new screenshots. The update is still awaiting authorization, but I hope it'll be up in a wee bit.

  13. Hi all,

    Thought I'd post what I do when I'm not modding KSP. I mean, you guys like space, right :P ?

    Star Villains and Space Heroes is a 3rd person sci-fi space combat game - mostly arcade-like, but with a few concessions to physics - such as limited newtonian physics. Basically, you fly around in a large starship and engage in epic space battles, with a variety of weapons. It's pretty cool if I do say so myself.

    I am the programmer/technical artist/FX person and my friend Alex does the majority of the 3D art and sounds. Here's a pair of trailers! The content is a bit old, but

    Anyways, we've had a demo out for a while - you can grab it from our IndieDB page for Windows and Linux if you'd like to try it. The game is Unity-based, and I expect that if you can run KSP, you can run the demo. Here's some more screenshots, just because.



    If this seems cool to you, we're currently developing the full version, which is waaay better than the demo. It should be out in not too long, every day I cross off a few things on the todo list. IndieDB and our Development Blog are probably the best places to watch development - we try to keep them updated with new content as we can. We do also have a website, but are currently working on a full-scale redo of it, so info is sparse there I'm afraid.

    Let us know what you think!


  14. To dredge this up a bit (hope it's not too much of a necro, only a month), I have a similar question. That works for using one of the stock icons, but is there still a way to do a fully custom icon? The wiki's method doesn't seem to work. According to that, this is approximately what I should have in OnStart:

    this.part.stackIcon.SetIcon(this.part, "icons.png", 0, 0);

    Despite having a correctly laid out icons.png. I even tried placing the file in both the part folder and the PluginData folder, as recommended on the wiki, but neither shows anything. I feel like this may have changed since it was written. Anyone?

  15. I've got one from my Greenpeace (no nukes) space program. With 2 lander-cans for sample and EVA report return, all 4 mini-science instruments, two goo containers and two material bays, this probably qualifies as a science lander. With a small boost stage to get it from LKO to the target, it can land and return on the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike and Gilly. Possibly Dres, the DV is good for it, but I'm not the greatest pilot. A typical science return yields about 1600-1800 points, not including transmitted crew reports (the only thing I generally transmit) from the various locations.

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    Craft file in my thread.

  16. I got some requests from friends to start upload some of my craft, and I think this is the place to do it!


    Purveyors of somewhat reliable space exploration craft. Do not provide crewing services. All craft mostly tested in various ways. No refunds.

    I will try to provide everything primarily as subassemblies when it's relevant, but I'll also include example craft where it makes sense. No mods are used except Kerbal Engineer, which I make sure to remove before upload (let me know if I forget one). Let me know if you use any of these builds, or if you want to see more! Because I have more.

    Command Pods

    Portia Command Module (Mk01, Mk02)

    Fully reusable, this addition to the 3-man command pod has RCS, batteries and solar panels for an integrated spacecraft experience. It also boasts small engines and landing legs for... landing. I may have been inspired by the endgame vision for SpaceX's Dragon. I have two variants, the Mk01 and Mk02. In action, their delta-v and thrust tend to be a bit lower due to the angled placement of the engines (this is a worthy tradeoff for coolness). Both pods can land on the Mun with no problem, and should easily be able to do anything similar or smaller.

    The Mk01 has a TWR of 1.05, 1800 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 11.6t, and a part count of 38.

    The Mk02 has a TWR of 1.5, 1950 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 12.1t, and a part count of 51.

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    Download Subassembly (Portia Mark 1)

    Download Subassembly (Portia Mark 2)

    Action groups:

    3: Toggle main engines

    8: Deploy chutes

    9: Toggle ladder

    Shylock Command Module

    Also fully reusable, it evolved because the Portia was lacking in looks somewhat. I sacrificed some of the fuel, but the result looks better and weighs less. It could still land on some of the smaller moons unassisted with good piloting.

    The Shylock has a TWR of 1.35, 1100 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 9.1t, and a part count of 41.

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    Download Subassembly (Shylock)

    Action groups:

    3: Toggle main engines

    8: Deploy chutes

    9: Toggle ladder

    Propulsion Modules

    Iris Service Module

    The Iris is a large but low-profile service module that I designed to work with the Portia command module. It has a full set of systems, comms, solar panels, RCS, you name it. It's perfectly capable of taking the command pod to Duna or Eve and back, but if you want more range it's quite easy to add in a droppable fuel tank. For fuel economy, use only 2 of the 4 engines.

    The Iris has a TWR of 0.55, 5000 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 40t, and a part count of 70.

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    Download Subassembly (Iris)

    Download Example Craft (Shylock + Iris)

    Action groups:

    1: Toggle main engines

    0: Toggle solar panels

    Klein Nuclear Tug

    These Kleins are the backbone of my interplanetary fleet. They're simple, easy enough to launch and powerful. Also good-looking, if I do say so myself (note the radiation shieldy bits!). They work well as puller or pushers in most cases, generally I like to add a droppable tank to the back port and use them as pushers. The B model has 3 LV-Ns instead of 6, so it's much more fuel efficient. I've set up an action group so that the 01 model can turn off half its engines - send payload to Duna, drop it off, switch to half power, return to Kerbin for refuelling.

    The Mk01 has a TWR of 0.93, 5300 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 41t, and a part count of 59.

    The Mk01B has a TWR of 0.56, 7100 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 32t, and a part count of 53.

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    Download Subassembly (Klein Mk01)

    Download Subassembly (Klein Mk01B)

    Action groups:

    1: Toggle engines

    2: Toggle additional engines (Mk01 only)

    10: Toggle solar panels


    Dustoff Science/General Purpose Lander

    This thing is great! With two lander-cans, it can store 2 surface samples for return to Kerbin, and has a large suite of scientific instruments. A visit to Duna with all the instruments operated to max efficiency (no transmitting) will easily net 2k science points. Capable of landing and returning to Kerbin on Ike, Duna and Gilly at the very least. It should also be able to handle Dres, I'm not sure about Moho.

    The Dustoff has a TWR of 0.56, 4450 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 18t, and a part count of 49.

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    Download Subassembly (Dustoff Mk01)

    Download Example Craft (Dustoff + Launcher + Transfer stage)

    Action groups:

    3: Toggle main engines

    5: Release drop tanks

    8: Deploy chutes

    0: Toggle solar panels

    Terra Firma landing system

    A paired landing system consisting of the descent module (Firma) and an ascent module (Terra). The Terra part is very simple, just a lander-can with engines and batteries, really. RCS was omitted as it's quite maneuverable - I can cock it without RCS :P. The Firma section is also simple, consisting of 4 engine pods with small chutes. This system is designed so that you can pack several Firma modules and a single Terra module to land on multiple locations. Together, the two sections have a total DV of 5300 m/s, so can land and takeoff almost anywhere (not Eve of course, but you can do Kerbin if you're careful).

    The Terra component has a TWR of 3.0, 3200 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 4t, and a part count of 32.

    The Firma component has a TWR of 1.71/1.09, 4100/2050 m/s of delta-v for a total mass of 7t, and a part count of 35. Second number is with the ascent stage on top.

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    Download Subassembly (Terra)

    Download Subassembly (Firma)

    Download Example Craft (Entire lander)

    Action groups:

    3: Toggle Terra engines

    4: Toggle Firma engines

    5: Release upper stage

    8: Deploy chutes

    9: Toggle ladder

  17. That's already the case, but I'll admit my experience in this field is spotty at best.

    Currently, the SAR sensor is what detects biomes and anomalies. My rationale is that biomes aren't actually biomes, but more like different types of terrain, e.g. grassland vs. sand, or on Mun it's simply different craters that only differ in which shade of grey they are. When I worked with SAR data in the past, that's almost exactly what we used it for (along with buildings and vehicles, e.g. identify a tank model by its shape on a SAR image).

    But that's about all I have, so I'm definitely interested in a better explanation of how these sensors could work. Maybe SAR would be better for the high res altimetry sensor, and then multispectral for biomes? There's no visible band sensor yet.

    Yeah it's less obvious with other planets. With the Earth, at least, "biome" detection is quite easy with a relatively simple multispectral instrument, as biomes are defined quite well by their vegetation and thus their NIR/visible properties. That's why I suggested that that. Thinking of other planets... well, if you expand multispectral (<15 bands) to hyperspectral (up to 100s of bands), you can do geological analysis quite well, so if you wanted some logic to extend that to the Mun, it could work.

    I'd say SAR is good for altimetry indeed, no doubt about that. If you had some way of making high res and slow res sensors different, you could try splitting SAR into high-altitude capable, low to high res, and add LiDaR (essentially large area laser ranging) as a low-altitude only, super-fine resolution ability.

    Visible would just be true colour, I suppose.

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