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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Indeed, none of my mods support TweakScale at all.
  2. Yes, please link to this post from an issue on GitHub or it will get lost - and thanks! If you want to use an outdated version, just live with the error, it doesn't mean anything. They were deprecated literally years ago, the models were awful and the paradigm of the mod changed. You can get them back by dredging them up from an old version somewhere, but I won't be providing support with that.
  3. Your install is exploding when Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions load - lots of things going on. I'd check these first. There really aren't any confirmed issues in any of the 1.7 releases though. Lots of people with broken installs from other reasons. There are no known issues, can you elaborate? I do maintain both mods...
  4. Yes that would be great. I looked at the file and one change we should make is to move the NFE integration parts to the Extras location - same with the RTG integration.
  5. The new version of B9 Part Switch (2.8.0) will resolve these issues.
  6. This is not unexpected. The order is going to be something like: MiH adds new engines RP does stuff to new MiH engines KA tries to do stuff to MiH engines but is based on the non-RP configs so may throw an error. In this case you'd expect some kind of issue. If everything is still working, I'm not highly motivated to look into it. Someone else (can't remember who) wrote the MiH engine configs and I'd prefer they look into it, the patch is not written the way I would have done it and I would guess there is probably a reason.
  7. There is a link in the OP to a PR that has files for compatibility . You can always check progress on our git repo for the next major version. Currently this version is targets the resource parts, remaining structural parts, thermal parts, and most of MH's 1.875m parts.
  8. No. This change is necessary to make larger 0.625m tanks that function logically. Because the volume ratio is off by so much (2.5x) there are issues. If you scale up the basic Oscar B to 8x its size (the new Oscar E), you get a fuel tank that is volumetrically superior to the 1.25m tanks in a quite obvious way, which doesn't show when you only have the one tank. This is undesirable. If you adjust only the new tanks and you get an Oscar-C that's of similar volume to an Oscar B... and almost an Oscar D. So that doesn't make much sense. ??? The mass ratio does not change - there is no performance penalty. It has no effect on in-flight craft. Restock+ is not purely a parts pack - you're thinking of it wrong. Restock is a pack that has a minimum effect on the game when it is uninstalled. Restock+ is the companion that does that have a negative effect when uninstalled. I don't like doing this, I have done it one other time with the ion engine and NFP when there was no other reasonable option. All changes like this have to be explored in great detail to see if the all options have been considered. They were considered for many days in this case. Lastly, just delete ReStockPlus\Patches\FuelTanks\restock-oscar-b-volume-fix.cfg if you can't live with it.
  9. Yay. I think what you have to remember is that the size of the 'modder base' is pretty large, and the variation in skill level and goals is therefore large. Some people want specific things out of the mod they're building and create really high levels of detail in parts to represent what they'd like to see. Some people, like @Daishi, really enjoy building the mechanical complexity and detail in their parts, which I think is a crazy amount of effort, but I'm not stopping him from doing that (though I'd also mention he does ridiculously high quality atlasing and UV re-use). Some other modders prefer basically white featureless textures and let model work speak for their art. Again, not my cup of tea but they're free to do that as I'm not forced to install their stuff. Stuff like B9 takes another approach with use of tiling and complex UVs over unique texture elements, which is another stylistic choice. I happen to like consistent design and detail so that's what I shoot for. Skill level variation is probably even bigger - a lot of people use modding as a way to dip their toes into graphics and programming. Some of us have the advantage of actual schooling (say @CobaltWolf) and others (like me) have some self-taught experience from modding other games. We know about things like texel density, effective UV techniques, atlasing and the appropriate Unity engine quirks to technically design our art to hit our goals. I don't think most people starting out know this, and after they gain experience they might not want to go back and "fix" all their old parts (say cut down the resolution of a part, which might require a full redraw). Effectively the point I'm trying to communicate is that the heterogenous nature of the community will by definition produce a large variation in texture sizes because of different skills, goals and sizes. This isn't a professional design studio where there's any reason to force uniformity (though a certain game design studio does an even worse job than the average community member in enforcing artistic standards IMO). I think the fact that we've managed to get most of the larger art-focused mods on a 200-300px/m standard with a more-or-less consistent colour palette is pretty amazing to be honest. I think you vastly overestimate the average player :P.
  10. None of the restock engines have shrouds in boattails (maybe there are one or two exceptions through), this was a specific decision that was made in design.
  11. We haven't heard anything about anything like this before in either version. We will need the usual suite of supporting data. I would like to redo the boattails at some point but thanks. -edit, hang on, they should all have shrouds. I added those in myself. A better solution is to submit a friendly, well formatted pull request to the appropriate mod. Some people have mentioned doing this but I haven't seen any real solution posted anywhere.
  12. No, as mentioned environmental 'part' heat is not included in this, because it sucks. It's effectively a very advanced debug window for DBS, so it will not be standalone or distributed by itself.
  13. Feel free to have a look at the balance specs for NFE, if you want to go that route. Reactor Ingame Name Size Pack Heat Generation (kW) Efficiency Power Generation (kW) Waste Heat (kW) Cfg Heat Fuel Capacity (u) Burn Rate (u/s) Lifetime (K.Yr) Normalized Fuel (days/u) Fuel Efficiency (kJ/micro u) Dry Mass (t) Mass Scalar Reactor Mass (t) Fuel Mass (t) Unfuelled Mass (t) Total Mass (t) Radiator Mass (t) [Stock] Radiator Mass (t) [High-Temp] Power Ratio (kW/t) [Stock] Power Ratio (kW/t) [High Temp] Radiator Mass [Stock] Radiator Mass [High Temp] Fuel Storage Cost ($) Reactor Cost ($) Reactor Cost Ratio ($/kW) Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) MX-0 'KerboPower' Fission Generator reactor-0625 0.625 NFE 210 28.57% 60 150 7500 11 0.000000239085 5.00 193.64 250.96 0.0301675 1 0.133 0.12067 0.164 0.284 0.15 0.09 138.19 162.21 35% 23% 275 8500 305 9515 18595 MX-1 'GARNET' Fission Reactor reactor-125 1.25 NFE 1200 33.33% 400 800 40000 65 0.00000141278 5.00 32.77 283.13 0.1782625 1 0.889 0.71305 1.067 1.780 0.80 0.46 155.03 178.78 31% 20% 1625 42500 251 56225 100601 MX-2S 'Prometheus' Fission Reactor reactor-25 2.5 NFE 5500 36.36% 2000 3500 175000 280 0.0000060858 5.00 7.61 328.63 0.7679 1 4.444 3.0716 5.212 8.284 3.50 2.00 169.72 194.48 30% 19% 7000 202500 226 242200 451926 MX-2L 'Excalibur' Fission Reactor reactor-25-2 2.5 NFE 7000 42.86% 3000 4000 200000 400 0.0000086941 5.00 5.33 345.06 1.097 1 6.667 4.388 7.764 12.152 4.00 2.29 185.74 207.79 25% 16% 10000 302500 220 346000 658720 MX-3S F.L.A.T. Fission Reactor reactor-375 3.75 NFE 5000 40.00% 2000 3000 150000 350 0.0000054338 7.00 8.52 368.07 0.959875 1 4.444 3.8395 5.404 9.244 3.00 1.71 163.35 182.51 25% 16% 8750 202500 257 302750 514257 MX-3L 'Hermes Fission Reactor reactor-375-2 3.75 NFE 12500 48.00% 6000 6500 325000 770 0.000016736 5.00 2.77 358.51 2.111725 1 13.333 8.4469 15.445 23.892 6.50 3.71 197.42 217.34 21% 13% 19250 602500 215 666050 1288015 It all starts with deciding how much power you want it to produce. Then, you calculate up the amount of heat the thing produces by choosing an efficiency. Typically the larger, higher tech things are more efficient. You also need to choose the amount of fuel stored in the reactor and the burn rate. The burn rate and fuel amount are calculated more or less so that the target amount of years the core last is 5, and so that more advanced generators get a few more kJ/microU than the others. Once the amount of fuel and the power ratings are chosen, it's a simple formula to calculate the dry mass, which is basically power output*constant + fuel amount * constant. Same with cost
  14. I'm working on a new feature that is part of Dynamic Battery Storage. One of the thing that DBS does as part of its process is track electric charge using modules. I thought - why not do something with that? This framework could be used to, for example, create a planning tool for players to use in the VAB to ensure you've got enough power for your mission. ...one major refactor later... So it's close to done. Enter the new Near Future Systems Manager, which is going to be available both in the editor and in flight. It tries to predict the vessel's power consumption and generation to tell you if you have enough power. It'll also tell you how long it takes to charge/discharge batteries which can be useful. You can drill down into the generation/consumption headers to see what's eating power by category, and turn things on and off as you want to examine power consumption under various scenarios. Engines, transmitters, etc, if they use EC they will be added to the manager and simulated. There's also a solar simulator, you can switch your point of reference for different planets so you can predict the power given by solar panels in different scenarios. But wait - there's more! The manager has a thermal mode for inspecting core heat, which is I think a somewhat frequently requested feature. Just like the electrical mode, you can drill down to see what's heating you up and cooling down, but really you just want that number to not be red: The flight mode is still in the works, but the VAB is pretty good now. In flight, you'll have no simulation options, but everything will be directly sampled from the modules so will be accurate instead of simulated.
  15. This link will provide you with more context. I will remove them permanently before the end of the year so you should probably extract them from the mod before that point.
  16. If only this mod is installed, you can only use Ore, because there's no additional resources to store. Adding relevant mods will add relevant resource categories.
  17. Thanks for doing that detective work and figuring things out. I believe they only differentiate between in space high, in space low and landed - no biome differences. The resetting should be the same as the other collectable experiments like the materials bay, etc.
  18. Just checked the zips on github and that is not the case, the listed changes from the changelog are there.
  19. Honestly looks like a RAM issue. Check through there and you'll see that all the SSPXr stuff loads with no errors - there's a few hundred lines after the last centrifuge part loads. The last messages before the end of the log are EVE things, but there's no error or anything, which for me is what happens when the things runs out of resources. I'll still test things in 1.7.1 when I can, but I had not heard of any breaking API changes between 1.7 and 1.7.1.
  20. I haven't downloaded 1.7.1 so I'll try to check that out this weekend. If it was B9PS, way more thing that would be broken - practically every part uses it in some form, not just the centrifuges.
  21. Logs? Mod lists? Not seeing any of the things that help me find problems.
  22. Rolling out Kerbal Atomics 1.0.2 (and CryoTanks 1.1.3) Updated bundled B9PartSwitch to 2.7.1 Updated CryoTanks to 1.1.3 Better Russian localization (Sool3) Improvements to fuel tank switcher from @Zorg Updates to Russian localization (Sool3) Increased thrust of Stubber to 80 from 60 kN in LH2 mode, and to 180 from 152.5 kN in LH2/O mode Updates to LH2 NTR support extra: Project Eeloo engine now uses LH2 in closed cycle mode (toric5)
  23. This has been fixed, but it's pretty minor so I won't do a full release right now to fix it. If you need the fix, it's in the Github dev branch.
  24. Heat Control 0.4.12 Fixed wraparound surface radiators being in the wrong CTT node
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