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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Oh whaaat. Full Screenshot Gallery KSP 1.7.x Final content update Updated ModuleManager to 4.0.2 Soft-deprecated all old solar panel parts: you have 2-3 months before they are removed PERMANENTLY (this was necessary due to extensive model changes) New part configs and names introduced Complete artistic redo Division of Basic, Advanced, Blanket, Concentrator panels is now visually clear Use of reflective shader to improve visual fidelity Consistent texel density for all components Visual continuity with Restock project Panel naming convention has been clarified: Non-blanket deployable panel nomenclature is now K{EC Output}-{Suffix}, where Suffix is composed of A (advanced), R (retractable) and/or K (concentrating) as appropriate Blanket nomenclature is OKEB-{EC Output} with an R suffix if retractable Circular nomenclature is NIV-{EC Output} with an R suffix if retractable Most larger panels got new nicknames Removed certain tags from un-retractable panels to remove them from searches Manufacturer naming has been tweaked and consolidated into two manufacturers Many descriptions were rewritten to account for changes Several replaced/significantly modified models: K7-A/K7-AR 1x4 panels have been replaced with a modern Dragon 1 style K22-A, K15-A panels are now physically larger (previously they were too small for their power output) K55 Megalador has a completely different model with a different closed footprint OKEB-100 has a completely different model with a different closed and open footprint based off a Deep Space Gateway concept illustration OKEB-500 has a completely different model with a different closed and open footprint based off NASA DRM5 SEP-CHEM option OKEB-75-R has a completely different model with a different closed and open footprint, and is now fully shrouded. NIV-30 has been reworked to be visually similar to Dragon 2 wraparound panels NIV-18 has been reworked to be visually similar to Dragon 2 wraparound panels but in a taller footprint. Renamed to NIV-45. Static truss panels can now be switched between truss and flat versions for flush attachment options Balance changes: Concentrator arrays have new cost/mass tier: even more expensive, slightly more massive, best output/area OKEB-125 panel can now be retracted, power output updated to 150 kw (also retitled OKEB-150 as a result) K90 'Trio' and K30 'Solo' are now Blanket style arrays from a balance PoV, and are retitled as OKEB-45 and OKEB-15. They can no longer be retracted. YF-8 Circular Solar Array is now Blanket style from a balance PoV (higher mass efficiency, lower cost, worse output/area), and is retitled as OKEB-4R with 4 kW output Mass, cost and unlock cost were tuned for many panels Crash tolerances were normalized by type: Advanced * Shrouded panels now have higher thermal tolerances (2000K) and Blanket panels now have smaller thermal tolerances (1000K). Other panels normalized to 1200K. Tech location tuned for all parts New panels: K2-A 1x2 Advanced Photovoltaic Panels: Small Advanced 2 kW array based on MRO panels K4-A 3x1 Advanced Photovoltaic Panels: Small Advanced 4 kW array based on TDRSS Gen 1 panels K20-C 1+2+1 Concentrating Photovoltaic Panels: Medium Concentrating 20 KW array based on JUICE panels K40-AR 'Oar' Advanced Photovoltaic Array: Medium Advanced 40 kW sized retractable array KX-STAT-2 Advanced Photovoltaic Truss: Single-panel version of the KX-STAT series (2kW) OKEB-25-R 'Starship' Blanket Photovoltaic Array: Small Blanket 25 kW panels based off the SpaceX Starship panels. Fully shrouded. OKEB-250 'Ares' Blanket Photovoltaic Array: Huge Blanket 250 kW panels based off NASA DST concept art IX-A 3x1 Advanced Photovoltaic Panels: Small Advanced 4 kW array based on TDRSS Gen 1 panels Curved solar panels now extend 10x faster in the VAB/SPH Curved solar panels now update their symmetric counterparts when deploying/retracting in the VAB/SPH
  2. I had to share these awesome screenshots from @Orbital_phoenix. They're just beautiful.
  3. Sure. Not the best picture but you get the idea. It is effectively just a different mount than the podded one - changed a little to fit in the new footprint.
  4. Updates completed! Spacedock's still down, but you can get it from GitHub, and CKAN points to Git as well, so it should be fine. Restock 0.1.4 KSP 1.7.x Fixed scale of linear RCS collider (#569) Fixed flag transform on Mk1 lander can (#558) Adaptations for stock 1.7 changes Propagated legacy patches for 1.6-era parts into a Legacy folder New base model for Twitch New variants for Twitch with 1.6-era Restock podded model Tuned colliders, pivots of parts to line up with 1.7-era parts Plugin improvements: Warn user if Restock is installed in the wrong location Warn user if old 1.25m tank directories are detected Added French localization of Restock strings (thanks Challyss) Restock+ 0.1.4 KSP 1.7.x Changed radial material bay and inline goo canister to use localization strings (#557) Fixed radial material bay and inline goo canister not counting for satellite contracts (#557) Adjusted cost of Boar to 7000 from 12000 (#571) Adjusted cost and masses of all RCS blocks for consistency with KSP 1.7 (#582) Changed Torch tech node to Precision Propulsion, ASL Isp to 275s from 260s, mass from 0.3 to 0.29 (#582) Changed Pug vacuum Isp to 330s from 320s (#582)
  5. Unfortunately I don't control whether Spacedock is up or down.
  6. I don't know fully how well the pod itself shields the engine - it could be fine at a lower temp if it does. Don't use DRE, would appreciate your recommendations/pull request . So. I'm really hoping to have the big NF Solar update done this weekend. I'm close - if I can find about 10 more work hours I could get there. Here's some more WIP work: One big improvement that's coming are completely new Starship and completely redone BFS solar panels. Both are completely shrouded and retractable, so they might be good candidates. The Starship retraction mechanism is pretty solid, the BFS one, well, ol' Musky's artists made a thing that *probably* won't work, but I think you could get close using a combination of ROSA and SquareRigger tech so I implemented that. It's better than the old version of this panel, at least. Some mostly-finished pictures of the OKEB-500, deployed.... And retracted... Most of the panels are done to a first pass, have to QA all of them and finish the two last things on the list (the deploying curved panels). It's absolutely worth noting that this took too long, but the results are looking really nice. All of the new mechanisms and animations really kick up the mod's quality, and getting to consistent cell size and style was really important. Besides these complete reworks of all the existing panels, there are a total of 8 new parts coming this update too in a bunch of different styles and power levels.
  7. Pretty sure those are the MH wheels.
  8. There's a list of revised parts in the OP. Notably that is not on it. Because of life, this question is not simple to answer.
  9. Already noted and will be fixed in the next version: https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/StationPartsExpansionRedux/issues/191. I will need more information on which one doesn't deflate properly, because everything looks fine here. Unfortunately this would be on Kerbalism's side to fix - as I understand it the their approach is to completely remove my module and use its own, so I'd instead say poke the dev to support a flag indicating the start state of a model is at the begging or the start of the animation. I usually don't provide support for Kerbalism for this reason - it hooks into almost everything and replaces it with its own, messes with the balance and who knows what else. A quick browse of the Habitat code for example reveals that it does not replicate some functionality delivered by my code, so the centrifuges won't have counter-rotating gravity rings, IVAs will be messed up and such.
  10. Usually that happens if you added CTT partway through the game. Not sure if that's what happened, but *shrug*. Warranty void but probably in most cases.
  11. Thank you, I will add this to the next version.
  12. I could not replicate this at all in today's testing. Here is what I used - includes one command module of each size class, plus a big stack of batteries, RCS jets and solar panels stuck all over. There are up to 12 or so radially attached parts on each part of this test ship. I was able to transfer the crew between any of the modules with no issues. Is there a chance you can provide me with a fairly barebones (no other mods needed) vessel for me to test on my system? Yes, I figure you can look out the window anywhere...
  13. Ok so let me try to summarize this behaviour: Crew transfer via the PAW has an issue When a transfer is started, parts that have other parts surface attached to them cannot be selected as the transfer target If this is right, I have questions: Is this new behaviour (1.7?) Does this only apply to 1.25m parts? Specific parts? All parts? Are added parts blocking? IE does this happen when parts added are on one side, both sides, etc of the part? Basically haven't seen this at all before and need to understand what's going on it more detail.
  14. Ah, I see - thanks. In that case the answer is to go unlock the part from the appropriate node.
  15. Alright, thanks, I prefer to only break craft when I intend to
  16. Oh hmm. I missed that one in the changelog - there was an issue with the angled 30 degree version of that part where the node was in the wrong location (caused clipping when attached). Were you using the 30 degree one?
  17. That's how you tell the game to use a specific object in the model file to locate the node. It can be easier than dealing with a text node specification in some cases, as with the engine pod nodes, which have fairly nonstandard rotations. The circular panels are still around of course. Well, you have to support both configurations. The one in the base file is for no-CTT, and the other is, as evidenced by the name, triggered with CTT installed. If you see that part in Electrics, something is wrong (did you install CTT partway through the save? Do you have ModuleManager?) I can't really comment on that experimental part warning - I assume it's from another mod or something, I've never seen it before?
  18. It seems unlikely that this did anything - the change is to two of the four side 'lobe' colliders - they were a bit far 'up' which would result in invisible collision meshes around the small protruding spheres at the end of the lobes. The other two lobes were fine so they were made the same height.
  19. LF only, several of the engines are already dual-mode, adding a third mode is not possible without additional plugin work. Plus, LF-only is a minimum-effort thing for me - it's really only there because people complain a lot.
  20. Because the updates describes above are probably in the around-september timeframe, I have validated the 1.7.x status of the mod. Not super exciting but... KSP 1.7.x Updated ModuleManager to 4.0.2 Updated CryoTanks to 1.1.1 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.7.0 Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 1.4.2 Updated DeployableEngines to 1.0.1
  21. Some unfortunate news. I discovered last week that the part files for NFA were not ported over to my current development machine some months ago. Normally I could go and get them, but subsequently I replaced the drive on the old box. The models and textures seem to have made it over intact, but the part 'rigging' will need to be completely redone before any fixes and modifications to the models can be implemented. This probably pushes the NFA 1.7 update 2-3 months out.
  22. The SSPXr revamps *are* the Restock ones. They were some of the first parts made for that mod, before I even really started working on it. Here's what happens in the four scenarios: Restock installed -> Restock revamps SSPXr installed -> Restock revamps with additional part switch options SSPXr and Restock installed -> Restock revamps with additional part switch options Nothing installed -> you are sad and go download the mods
  23. Per the note from the changelog: To expand, the Restock variants are now propagated to this mod, so you will get the same model. However, with SSPXr installed, you will gain the endcap swap and docking port variant swap options.
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