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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. That would be quite an undertaking, as the texture layouts are completely different and may not be compatible in most cases.
  2. There is very little point in catering to a nonstandard size category like 3.125m. Everything will stay the same scale as it was before.
  3. Let me also toss in some more progress updates. I've kinda been all over the place in what I'm working on because frankly, redos are not exciting. However, progress is being made. In NF Construction, progress goes slowly - updating all the fuel tanks in the trusses to match with the changes in NFP, and getting around to prototyping new gold foil tanks for LH2, which will also affect work on CryoTanks soon. These are pretty nice because they are 90% procedural and don't require hand-drawing of foil normals like the ones in Restock. They suffer in other ways but this seems like a good direction to take. In NF Solar, I've made good progress on the redone Trio (and by extension, Solo): The new extension mechanism is more realistic, compact, and mechanically detailed. It should be more obvious these are ISS-derived panels now. In addition, a new fairly large blanket array, which will likely replace the OKEB-125 based on the MegaROSA array concepts. Pain in the butt to animate though. I'd intended this tech to sit on a new version of a super-large array in the 250kW range, but that might get nixed as it was very frustrating to work on. Lastly, finished up the two last super-advanced rigid arrays, they're the only ones in the mod that will retain the Concentrator moniker and will have cells probably based on the SCARLET array or something similar. Starting the unwrap process for all these now, which is going to be nontrivial.
  4. Let's start socializing some changes for CE 1.0. The largest change is a complete redo of the artwork in the mod, which is hideous. It will be brought up to standard. This will probably be a save-breaking change. 1.25m Ct-10 'Chelyabinsk' will remain as a RL-10B2 analogue (effectively a single version of the Corgi cluster from Restock+ with extensible nozzle) VL-1 'Volcano' will remain as a Vulcain but will likely evolve to the 2.1 model because it looks cooler 1.875m - a new size class, there is some opportunity here to fill the lineup a bit A sustainer engine based on the RD-0120, this is a more appropriate size for this engine. As with the RS-25 in Restock, there will be enough mounting variation to satisfy. A vacuum engine as a single RL-60 with extendable nozzle. 2.5m KS-01 'Odin' will no longer be based on the LE-7A. I'm working on the exact nature of the replacement. Leading contender is the LE-9 which is its successor. Ct-2X 'Tunguska` will still be the J2-X, but there will likely be some model footprint changes to support a more realistic nozzle. 3.75m Ks-68 'Mars' will remain the RS-68. Ct-65 'Yucutan' will be completely reworked and rebalanced - no longer a RD-0120 but now a paired RL-60 cluster. Thrust will drop a bunch, Isp will increase. Obviously 8 new high detail engine models is a big chunk of work so don't expect this anytime soon. However I can share some work on the new models for the RS-68, in its three variants: And additionally for the RL-60 - both in cluster form and its single variant.
  5. @Einarr, @Boamere, I confirmed that KerbalActuators needs some fixes to support the multiple ThrustTransforms used on these parts. How this went undiscovered for so long (probably almost 18 months) I'm not entirely sure. I guess nobody really uses these parts :P. Don't have a full ETA on the fix but it's not very hard to do, just needs some testing.
  6. Interesting, there might be a bug with KerbalActuators handling multiple thrustTransforms then. I'll further investigate when I have time.
  7. Awesome @Zorg. Nuclear delta heavy should should immediately be pursued by ULA.
  8. @Boamere, @Einarr, I had a look at the model last night, the transforms are all centered around the part origin. Can you provide more detail (the screenshot linked is super low res).
  9. Thanks for the notes, we'll look into it. I created https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/577 so it doesn't get lost. Thanks for letting us know, if the dev lets you know that changes are required on our end, point him to us so that we can work together to find a solution. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for reminding me, sometimes I need to be poked, there are a lot of repos that I get PRs for and I can miss some, or quickly glance over them from my phone and forget.
  11. You can upload it to a service like Pastebin and I can integrate it, or (best for me), you can make a pull request on GitHub, though that is more involved for you.
  12. I believe the release thread is linked in both the first and the last post of the WIP thread. Glad you've found the correct place though. Nice work! Also worth mentioning that the total performance of any reactor is directly related to the radiator technology type, with better technology providing better heat removed per ton. The stock radiators are the worst, the 'High Temperature' Heat Control radiators are in the middle and the Graphite are the best. In addition, there is scaling with reactor size and tech level such that larger reactors get better power generated/heat generated ratios. I've been trying to write up some better user stuff in the wiki so you might find that helpful.
  13. I mean, it's fair and that's why it's a soft deprecation, but maybe here's some further rationale so you understand the choices I have to make. The art on these parts is seriously sub-standard I don't intend on updating the art for those parts, as the parts are very uninteresting (functionally and visually) to me, and I lack the time to do things that aren't fun That leaves me with the choice of leaving the sub-par art in the mod, forcing myself to work hard on something I don't like, or removing the parts. For the battery, the answer is totally clear - remove, because I made a better one in a different mod. Maybe the monoprop tank question is a little more subtle as there's no other equivalent, but I have to do what works best for me.
  14. We will need some test cases. The occlusion data is copied from the stock one so it should have the parameters of it regardless; this procedure was tested a few times in development and didn't reveal issues.
  15. Kerbal Atomics 1.0.0 Final content update Updated ModuleManager to 4.0.2 Changes to LH2 patching methodology LH2 patching for mod NTRs is now an optional Extra LV-N remains multi-mode patched New effects are added for LF mode Full compatibility with Restock LV-N model Set of new effects for all engines Tuned greys/symbols on parts to match Restock standards Redid shrouds and hull plated areas of parts to match new standards Recolored orange highlights to match a new consistent manufacturer color scheme Recompressed most textures with better dds compressor
  16. Don't think there will be any issues. Usually drag cubes all all loaded from that DB, but I don't really know how RealChute does its stuff so I guess there's still a small risk. If your thing went all fine, then it'll all be good - you'd just have to use the same method to replace any other chutes that show similar problems.
  17. The part database file is PartDatabase.cfg in the game root directory, not the ModuleManager cache. This file stores the game's drag cubes. Since the drag cubes needed to be set to autogenerated for the fix (and then regenerated on game reload), this is the file that should be deleted.
  18. That patch is included in the base mod, you shouldn't have another copy, for one. Did you try deleting and rebuild your part database?
  19. Not a ton more. The disk spacefootprint of the parts is about 130% of the originals - however the rest of KSP uses most of the memory. I back of the envelope observe about a 5% increase overall, but that's pretty much within uncertainty so... You need the changes to RealPlume from the pull request: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume-StockConfigs/pull/81/files
  20. Finished the set of planned updates to NF Electrical, bringing it to 1.0.0. Final content update Updated ModuleManager to 4.0.2 Some restructuring of files and assets, ensure you delete old NFE installations 3.75m battery was soft-deprecated, if you need one, there is a better one in Restock+ Capacitors were completely remodeled and retextured Batteries were completely remodeled and retextured Nuclear fuel containers were retextured Nuclear reprocessor was partially remodeled and fully retextured ASRTG was retextured Tuned textures for reactors to be more consistent with Restock palette Most textures recompressed from source with higher quality compressor Capacitor module no longer uses legacy animations for indicator lights, uses ModuleColorChanger instead Nuclear fuel containers now animate lights depending on amount of fuel or waste in the container Also, as with this wave of updates, this is now a valid install on CKAN, I need to step out from these updates to finish off a set of fixes to Kerbal Atomics, then I'll be back with NF Solar, probably.
  21. Some important notes about the upcoming next release (1.0.0), which should be in the next few days. Bold is important. Engine textures have been tuned to be closer to Restock (oranges, greys, etc) Shrouds and white bits of aerospike engines completely rebuilt New set of FX plumes for everything Engines now use the improve glow/cooloff methods developed for Restock Hydrogen conversion patch for mod NTRs has been converted to an Extra rather than a default LV-N LH2 conversion patch is more comprehensive (new effects for LF mode, handles Restock correctly)
  22. Yes of course! I have no idea how the balance for external mods goes, so this always helps.
  23. Looks like you edited your post just after I posted. Yeah that happens if you add CTT to a career in progress - parts that appear in earlier nodes without CTT may end up duplicated. It would be nice, but I have about a 15 mod backlog right now.
  24. As the mod has been released, I think it would be good for this thread to be closed, to reduce noise and ensure items are all in one place.
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