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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I'm #252. ... Wow. EDIT: Yeesh, and #123 in post count. EDIT AGAIN: *maniacal laughter* Three rep bars! XD
  2. I'll take you up. Give me a moment to build some tanks...
  3. Never! :evilgrin: Norpo, I call upon thee!
  4. Only problem that I can see is that you can't timewarp. Argh, the limits of stock! But other than that, very cool!
  5. Actually, if the rep bar system is adjustable, if someone maxes the rep bar they could all go red. Then they would really stand out.
  6. Hey, it would fit with his avatar.
  7. Right, great! Going to get right on it. (Yep, download works fine)
  8. Oooh, things look different from the eyes of a moderator. What do all those buttons do?
  9. Ah, that is weird. XD What were you thinking the first time you saw them?
  10. I won't forget you, don't worry. I'll come back later today and see what's up. Off to test some IVA mods, then!
  11. But in stock, engine fairings are not procedural. Or do you mean to say how the new system would work with the fairings? Indeed, if they got the drag model working I could actually do something with smooth rockets besides making them look good.
  12. I've got an ad blocker plugin, so I never got this problem. What does CTRL+f5 do?
  13. Vexx said it all. Can we get a craft download? I suspect it has something to do with the OKTO near the base or the antenna on the pod, but I see no reason why they would do that. - - - Updated - - - Whoah, how did you mount the OKTO there? Is that an I-Beam? If it is, there could be some interesting clipping. Still waiting for an upload, so that we can tell if it is something with your install or the craft.
  14. English to English translation: People are lazy. I've used compilers where you could select a bracket and do something like "SHIFT+[" and it jumped to the match, is there anything like that?
  15. My joystick has a hat switch as well as 3 axes of rotation, so if I could figure out how to map the hat, I'd love it. (Doh, I could've just used docking mode... ) Also, I can't calibrate the damn thing, gotta look at that tutorial. EDIT: Wooooaah, that's a nice joystick.
  16. See? Even [cough]most of[/cough] the moderators are awesome!
  17. For those who are just joining us and for those who don't know BBCode, I've made this for you. Knowing the system will save you some time while posting and reduce the chances of those ninjas getting there first. (Moderators, I don't know if this goes here or Kerbal Network or the Space Lounge, move where you like) The code tags below are the actual tags. They are not modified in any way to keep them from not working. I.E. You can copy-paste and they will still work. If arguments are in a <> tag, remove the entire argument and input anything. All tags can be lowercase or uppercase, but must be entirely one or the other. SIMPLE TEXT MANIPULATION [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Bold text inside of tags. Bold text looks like this [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Italic text inside of tags. italic text looks like this [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Underline text inside of tags. Underlined text looks like this [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Strikethrough text inside of tags. Struck text looks like this [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Enlarges/shrinks text. Size 3 is default. Size 1 looks like this. Size 7 looks like this. [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Makes text a different color. The Hex value is formatted like so: #RRGGBB, where RR is a hex format value for red, GG is for green, and BB is blue. So, #FF0000 gives you red, #00FF00 gives you green, and #0000FF gives you blue. Red text looks like this. Teal text looks like this. Code: #00FFFF For invisible text, you can input #FFFFFF. Highlight immediately below this line to see what I mean. HELLO WORLD!!!! I'M INVISIBLE!!! [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Changes the font. This is Comic Sans MS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEB/IMAGE LINKS [noparse]<text to display>[/noparse] -- Clickable link to the URL inside of tags. Link to Google.com [noparse][/noparse] -- Show image from URL inside of tags. [noparse] [/noparse] -- Show Imgur album. So [noparse] [/noparse] gives you: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ASSORTED ODDS AND ENDS [noparse] <text>[/noparse] -- Turns text into a "code" block. Text inside the code block has uniform spacing. Looks like this.... See? Equal spacing. [noparse] [/noparse] -- Makes a quote bubble with the author name on top. [noparse] <text> [/noparse] -- Makes an expandable spoiler. Yes. Yes it is. [NOPARSE][NOPARSE][/NOPARSE][/NOPARSE] -- Makes any BBCode inside of the tags not execute. This is how I made the commands here be shown. [noparse]<text>[/noparse] -- Scrolls user down to the line that reads: [noparse]<text>[/goto][/noparse] Example: Here's the start... [noparse] Here's the start... [line=TEST LINE]And here's the end. [/noparse] And here's the end. Table command list. This one's complicated. Bear with me' date=' please. [noparse'][table=width:<Width in Characters&gt] [tr] [td][/td] [/tr] [/table][/noparse] The [noparse][tr][/tr][/noparse] and [noparse][td][/td][/noparse] tags indicate table rows and columns, respectively. So, to make a table of width 500, with 3 rows and 2 columns, you'd do this: [noparse] [table=width:500] [tr] [td]<text>[/td] [td]<text>[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]<text>[/td] [td]<text>[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]<text>[/td] [td]<text>[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/noparse] Would look like so: [table=width:500] [tr] [td]<text>[/td] [td]<text>[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]<text>[/td] [td]<text>[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]<text>[/td] [td]<text>[/td] [/tr] [/table] List of Smileys: [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] Aaaand that's about all you'll ever need. It's also all that I know. If you do need to know something else, thanks to Vexx32 and Red Iron Crown for the BBCode list available on this forum. I will be incorporating everything here eventually, but feel free to take a look around. Forum BBCode List Hope this helps!
  18. I had made a search function for text documents before. In this case, would look kind of like this. (NOTE: a concept, wouldn't work, don't have the time for a working program.) toFind = "[noparse][code]" tofind2 = "[/noparse]" postCharList = "" for char in post: postCharList += char And then it would go through the string, and when it found the first character of one of the toFind variables, it would check if the next was the second and so on, then mark them for you.
  19. Hold on, are you sure you don't really want to master the oboe? I want a bar of chocolate.
  20. I was going to say that that's a lot of mods, but apparently I'm a tad late. Yeah, we do have a whole lot of great people here, don't we?
  21. Roger that. I'll boot up my game and test out the craft the moment it gets uploaded. EDIT: Oi! Vexx and Sal_vager, warn me before you do that so that I don't look like I talk to myself.
  22. Seems to be happening here too, hmm. Link to one of these clients, Vexx?
  23. Yep, Alt+> gives you Physics Warp, useful for many things, like long burns. Also, you can timewarp in the tracking station at any speed.
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