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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Don't forget that the girder can take an 80 m/s hit while the wing can only take around 12. (Maybe 6). I agree that a mass balance would be nice, the cockpits do not make any sense at all.
  2. Bah, in 30 some odd seconds, I could go through some 15 stages, easy. You can also click the little minus sign and poof, all empty stages go away. I call intentional.
  3. Well, this is new... I do not believe that I've ever seen the Big Three die in a fanfic. I'm on the edge of my seat here, secretly hoping that they're going to be back.
  4. I don't think 53 voters is enough of a percentage to base anything useful off of.
  5. I missed the "not", saw Mohole, expected Mohole. Did not get Mohole. Pleasantly surprised. Maybe NovaSilisko can shine some light on this. I cast another vote for a spectrometer readout of some sort.
  6. The lag... where'd it go? I don't care! Push onwards! This mountain is very pretty. Hmm. This is- OH GOD! Cliff! Survived without a scrape. Incredibly lucky or very skilled? Perhaps a bit of both?
  7. Two years ago... wow. The difference is going to be astronomical. (Hehehe... ) I'd suggest poking around at some of the tutorials, or making a new Sandbox game and loading up some of the default craft. They don't function all that well, but re-learning the controls and such will help. I would then suggest either sticking to Sandbox and making some rockets or going into Science mode and learning from the ground up. Career is challenging and has more aspects to manage than it's worth for a new player IMO. And as Endersmens said, go check out tutorials online and on the forum, you'll be sure to run across some information that will help you. Glad to see you back!
  8. Six days? We were planning eight weeks. As Endersmens said, though, there's not set end date.
  9. I found a system with a boatload of Larimar asteroids (The kind needed for shield capacitors), and then Xacktar and I mined a bunch of them using a "feature" he found. If you wait for a server save, then mine the asteroid and leave the sector before the next server save so that it unloads, then wait for the server to save again and warp back, the asteroids will (usually) be back. So, infinite shield asteroids! (Hopefully, we've found about ten in total and one or two have disappeared already, but the others are still there) I constructed ~56,000 shield capacitors (I think).
  10. 6/10, I see you around these parts often. Then again, I come around these parts often.
  11. I find myself agreeing with you. I'd fall for wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff any day of the week. 'Course, E:O0 and D,OB have a completely different plot line and I still love them both.
  12. I'll admit, there are some pretty impressive machines out there. Saw this one in person a few months ago.
  13. You may be breaking the wheels. The other thing I wonder is if you've got thrusters on both sides. Are we talking about the 4-way thrusters or the OMS engines?
  14. Thank you very much. A quick note: Whether you donate a dollar, five, ten, twenty, one hundred, or a thousand (This would be insane), your contribution is going to be what keeps this project up and running. Don't feel bad if you can't donate much, because truly, every penny counts. I should be streaming sometime this coming Saturday, around noon EST. Hope to see y'all there!
  15. Wow. The difference between that first draft and what the game is now is astounding.
  16. Of course! We're planning on running this event for eight weeks. Right, guys? That's what we agreed on? I think we did...
  17. Welcome aboard, LightningPenPen (Finally. ) and lawrencetyle!
  18. Welcome! Don't be afraid to share your craft as they are right now and ask for tips, we'll be happy to give them.
  19. Being... a large number? I don't know... Avera9eJoe?
  20. You're completely welcome. The KSP community is always happy to help a friend in need.
  21. Okay, first off, I saw those images last night as I was browsing Imgur before bed. Anyone who hasn't seen them, if you want to sleep tonight, don't look for them. :/ I do not believe that I've ever experienced sleep paralysis. But when I was younger I had moments where I'd just lock up in the presence of fear, couldn't move, could hardly breathe. Fully awake, though. Is this close or is there more to it? Instinct can often overrule rational thought as well. Evolutionary survival sense is very powerful.
  22. Starwhip

    I'm back

    This. It's like waking up and asking what "year is it?" only to be horribly disappointed that you only slept for a few hours. (^This comes across as me hating 1.0.4, I don't) 1.1 should be out SoonTM though.
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