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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. The absolutely massive ship's (I guess it's going to be a titan) reactor at our base is now "fixed". Reactor has the same dimensions as the previous one, but I made it as efficient as possible. It only outputs 6 million or so per second, instead of the old one at 11 million, but I used the space inside of it for the existing shield capacitators (with a boatload of space still available. Server restarted before I could move the shield rechargers...) It may seem like I made it worse, but because I'm moving the shield stuff, I can put reactors where the shields used to be. (And then fill that space with more shield stuff)
  2. Good question, dunno why you'd ask. Hmm, is DuoDex there?
  3. I love all of these. *crosses fingers for feature next week with upcoming VTOL*
  4. Heh, yeah. I'm definitely not a musician, so that combined with the fact that I don't really know what I'm doing is leading to some very, very harsh sounds. :/
  5. Ooh, shiny! I'll think about getting that for my old computer, or maybe as a dual boot for my current laptop when I get my new desktop (eventually).
  6. Finally, something I've been looking for for a long time. From what I've seen in the software and online, you can do ANYTHING in it. The number of options and controls are phenomenal. LMMS Homepage For example: Thanks to Endersmens for PMing me with this.
  7. World of Warships isn't a browser game. (Or you and I have a very different idea of what a browser game is...)
  8. I found it though a comment on an image that had nothing to do with short films or Portal.
  9. For this server you're going to need to create a starmade account to uplink your username to. Didn't realize that we needed to do that, as I had already done it before. Warp gates from spawn to our homebase in Southern Galaxy established. Shipyard was expanded to accomodate 500 meter craft. Faction has officially been named "Kerbodyne" (Ship Designation KBD). First warship constructed. Many milestones. EDIT: Ah, jeez, it sent quite a while ago but never really went through. :/
  10. Randomly came across this while browsing Imgur, thought I might share it.
  11. I've been busy in this new Creative Mode.
  12. I still feel that the controls are going to be really, really funky, unless they give you a myriad of options on-screen to select. :/ Let's see... Mouse movement, two mouse buttons, a mousewheel, ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, W, A, S, D, Q, E, H, N, I, J, K, L, arrow keys, T, R, X, Z, numpad 0-9, [, ], ",", ".", M... am I missing any?
  13. We've got a rather nice setup. Factories, miners, jumpship, shipyard.... The ship inside the shipyard is a hologram. The other two that look like it, they're real.
  14. Version 0.19361 is the version for the server.
  15. Install the most recent update. That's pretty much all you can do, anyways. There's a button by the bottom of the launcher.
  16. Well, it's the shipyard update. So much stuff we can do now. I'm probably going to start streaming shortly. (Once I backup Starmade. It'll be a singleplayer stream until the server has updated.)
  17. We're all Skype calling, and there is regular chat.
  18. We've made it to another galaxy in my insta-warp ship. This thing was, at one point, a blueprint AUS-1 Miner. I stripped everything we didn't need to have to warp, added a bunch more jump modules.
  19. Yeesh. That's really high. I'm not sure I've ever seen a KSP part with a polycount higher than Yes, that's the model I use for my avatar. You can simplify your model a lot, but, as the others have said, we'd love to see a wireframe. EDIT: The model in the OP needs to be denser than this one for the polycount he's got.
  20. I'm on the server. Wow. The mining bonuses are INSANE.
  21. Very good proportions. I love the big wheel idea, might have to steal that.
  22. Ah, cool! I'll have my name on it, then. I already have my name on the Stardust probe.
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