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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Woah, who are you? N/A of 10. You have ZERO POSTS?!
  2. Starwhip


    I get the feeling that this is another riddle whose answer is "Kerbal Space Program". *Goes and hides in the corner* (It doesn't sound right... )
  3. Yep! "apospeed:orbit:x" accesses the first value. I needed apospeed:orbit:mag though, and IT WORKS NOW!!!
  4. So, apospeed looks like this: ORBITABLEVELOCITY: ORBIT = V(X,Y,Z), SURFACE = V(X,Y,Z) Where V(x,y,z) is a vector. You can call "apospeed:orbit" to give you the orbit value. How do you call the first value of the orbit vector? Vectors in the code are just tuples, but "apospeed:orbit[0]" fails. EDIT: "apospeed:orbit:X" is the correct syntax. I'll see if that fixes it.
  5. This is the structure for the kOS IF-THEN statement. I'll add a few debug print statements to see where it fails. EDIT: Riiiiight, it's when it returns the variable "apospeed". The ORBITABLEVELOCITY class that it represents is not what I should be trying to do. It should be "apospeed:velociyt:orbit", I think.
  6. I wrote these two programs as a test launcher for the kOS mod. I'm in version 0.24.2, and as far as I know this is not a bug. circularize //Circularization Program. // //declare parameter gparam. //declare parameter timetoapo. //declare parameter altitude. //declare parameter apospeed. //declare parameter radiusofbody. wait 1. set gparam to 3531600000000. set altitude to ship:apoapsis. set timetoapo to eta:apoapsis. set apospeed to velocityat(ship,time:seconds+timetoapo). set radiusofbody to 600000. set absalt to (altitude + radiusofbody). set velorbit to sqrt((gparam)/absalt). //set velremaining to (velorbit - apospeed). if (velorbit - apospeed) > 5 { set burnnode to node((time:seconds + timetoapo),velremaining,0,0). add burnnode. }. wait 1. kostestlaunch //KOS Test Launcher // set kerbinGParam to 3531600000000. set kerbinRadius to 600000. set targetorbit to 85000. set completion to False. set burn1 to False. set burn2 to False. set countdown to 10. print "Counting down:". until countdown = 0{ print "..." + countdown. if countdown = 5{ print "Automatic Steering Systems Engaged.". lock steering to heading(90,90). }. if countdown = 3{ print "100% Throttle Confirmed". lock throttle to 1. }. if countdown = 1{ print "Engine Ignition Sequence Start". stage. }. set countdown to countdown - 1. wait 1. //pause for 1 second }. print "ZERO: RELEASING CLAMPS...". stage. wait 1. when stage:liquidfuel < 0.001 then { print "Liquid Fuel Depleted. Attempting to stage.". stage. preserve. }. when ship:altitude > 6000 then { print "Initiating Gravity Turn. Applying torque.". lock steering to heading(90,45). }. when ship:apoapsis > 40000 then { print "Finalizing Gravity Turn. Applying torque.". lock steering to heading(90,0). }. when ship:apoapsis > 85000 then { print "Apoapsis target achieved. Engine cutoff.". lock throttle to 0. unlock all. set burn1 to True. }. when ship:altitude > 60000 then { toggle panels. //should deploy solar panels at 60 km }. when burn1 = True and burn2 = False and ship:apoapsis < 83000 then { lock throttle to 0.5. set burn2 to True. preserve. }. when burn1 = True and burn2 = True and ship:apoapsis > 85000 then { lock throttle to 0. set burn2 to False. preserve. }. until ship:altitude > 70000{}. set timetoapo to eta:apoapsis. set apospeed to velocityat(ship,time:seconds+timetoapo). //run circularize(kerbingparam,timetoapo,ship:apoapsis,apospeed,kerbinradius). run circularize. wait 1. print "Program Termination.". It says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when it tries to run the circularization program, either manually or when it is called with kostestlaunch. What am I doing wrong?
  7. Okay, so, I now have these directories. (The download failed again): GameData KSP_Data Launcher_Data Might I be able to splice these into the previous game folder? (I.E. create a new directory, copy the other directories over to this new one, then place the three that I have inside) Or will I need to try again? What is really annoying is that it says that it downloaded 537mb but it really only did 360 or so. So I can't resume it. (I think.) EDIT: Will KSP.exe work with the new GameData and KSP_Data directories? I'm not sure. Meanwhile, I'll try to redo the download. EDIT2: What kind of idiot programmed a download to overwrite the previous download when you restart?! I just lost the directories I had before!
  8. Yes, but I can't use any other program because the plugin is for Chrome, and I can't find it for the other browsers... Perhaps I could write a program to get it? (Wild speculation)
  9. God, this is frustrating. Anywhere from 20 to 310 megabytes before failure. I can't get it at home, because we have limited bandwidth and the file would be a 20th of the entire month's allowed bandwidth, and school seems to reject me. Anyone else have this problem? (Also, I can't run the patcher at school because it's blocked, I have to use a proxy plugin to get the download working, period.)
  10. I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I try again. Here's to hopin' that it works by then!
  11. Ehwhat? It's been a year since 0.22? Heck, I remember when .20 came out, and I thought that was only like 7 months ago.
  12. Finally got it. Now all I need to do is get them back.
  13. All was going well, landing site was right in the middle of the desert strip, and then... One more time. That's it. I'll try cutting one of the back chutes to avoid this problem next time. (also, just realized that both the flags at the start of the strip read "LEFT SIDE"...
  14. Recon 3. I'm going to get them now, or I'm going to clusterbomb them from orbit. Either or.
  15. Made an interesting SSTO Scientific Shuttle in Sandbox mode, and its maiden voyage went very well. Then on the second flight, I was like, "Hey, I wonder if I can land this in the desert?" The short answer was no. So then, instead of just recovering, I sent a rescue craft. Crashed it too. Then I sent a third ship to rescue the guys in the wrecked first ship and the idiots who were supposed to stay out of the cockpit on the unmanned rescue vehicle... (Looking at you, Munwell and Gregdorf. ) And, what do you know, I WRECKED THAT ONE TOO! *sighs* Someone send a message that there's going to be a new base there! EDIT: 4th rescue attempt and the desert still says "NO!" I'm going to put parachutes on the next one. Maybe that will help.
  16. Starwhip


    Damn. Why is it that the "riddles" in this thread are guessed so much? It doesn't seem so hard to figure the darn thing out until you try. - - - Updated - - - OOOH, 256 = 1 Byte. Computers, anyone? RGB + Yellow... wait what?
  17. Starwhip


    "Box with flaps" Is it "Guess Who"?
  18. Those make this thing feel insignificant:
  19. Same. (Jeez, this wasn't 10 characters yet?)
  20. Nice, but this is probably getting locked in a few minutes.
  21. Starwhip


    Six-four? Red-green? Are those supposed to be like that? Edit: it's not mousetrap, is it?
  22. 10/10 Yeah... those were good times.
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