Oooh, I looked at the rules again! "8.Functions (inc. computer programs) without inputs are allowed will be judged by their location on the fast-growing hierarchy." and "3c. Functions are certainly allowed, as long as the total number of digits in all of the inputs is not greater than 10. 3d. You can recursively define functions to beat this limit, as long as the function itself has no more than 10 digits of input and none of the functions used in defining the main function have more than 10 digits of input as well." Fun times ahead.... How about this? x = 9999999999 ##Ten digit maximum heeded. y = 0 ##Secondary number numList = [] ##Declare empty list def NewListEntry(X,LIST): ##Creates a new index X in LIST. Thus, the number of digits stays at 10, but there are more than one number LIST.append(X) while True: NewListEntry(x,numList) for i in numList: y += i or this one? ##KSPFORUMFUNCTION x = 999 ##Ten digit maximum heeded. y = 2 ##Secondary number numCounter = 0 numList = [] ##Declare empty list def NewListEntry(X,LIST): ##Creates a new index X in LIST. Thus, the number of digits stays at 10, but there are more than one number LIST.append(X) while True: NewListEntry(x,numList) for i in numList: y = y ** i print(y) The first number it ever returned: >>> 5357543035931336604742125245300009052807024058527668037218751941851755255624680612465991894078479290637973364587765734125935726428461570217992288787349287401967283887412115492710537302531185570938977091076523237491790970633699383779582771973038531457285598238843271083830214915826312193418602834034688 The next would be that to the 999 power. But I don't want to break my computer, so I killed the program. It actually may have reached the limit for a 64 bit OS.