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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Here's fine, but technically it could go in the "Welcome Aboard" section. Maybe a moderator will put it there, who knows? Welcome back!
  2. Starwhip

    Zoom In

    *snorts* Found this on the same site.
  3. Starwhip

    Zoom In

    Nice find. How do you make these things?
  4. Starwhip

    Zoom In

    This is actually really interesting, from a coding point of view. I assume this is generated? (With a set list of "comic strips" or sections, whatever you want to call them)
  5. @The_Rocketeer: Yes, it is. I'm not sure either, that's why I was asking around. It seems as if the way you described it is the way that the game would work... but I didn't make the game, so I wouldn't know.
  6. I made this equation: 1000*V^2*M X = -------------- 2000*T Where X is the minimum distance required for a projectile of mass M(tons) and thrust T(Kilonewtons) to destroy a part of impact tolerance V(m/s). Would this actually work? How does an impact transfer to the surrounding parts? (I.E. through structural girders or struts) V^2*M X = --------- 2*T This is what it looks like when T is in newtons and M in kilograms, if the other was confusing. (I was doing this for the Naval Battle Club thread, BTW, just in case you were wondering ) EDIT: V^2 = V0^2 + 2A(X-X0) --Remove Zeros-- V^2 = 2A(X) --Solve for X-- V^2 X = -------- 2A F = MA F is Newtons, Rocket Thrust is Kilonewtons. I think this works if you were to put in the A as the velocity at impact, right? I mean, it's basically going from X meters per second to 0. Right?!? F A = --- M X = (V^2) ------- 2* F --- M X = V^2*M -------- 2A
  7. That's actually relevant. Or, it was, back in like .20 or something when SAS was a rock-solid grip of God on your ship. Well, now, don't forget: if you get close enough to the Sun's surface, you get an achivement! (The achivement of BOOM! :evilgrin: )
  8. Ehh, except for the fact that I am a docking autopilot now, yeah, I guess that's a reasonable idea. I've flown ships so many times now that I really don't notice the time that passes while docking anyway. It only takes me like 10 minutes or so. EDIT: What I meant to say, and kind of didn't express very clearly, was that I don't want to just leave my ship doing something while I go eat a sandwich or whatever. That's almost like watching a movie, or Twitch.tv. I feel that it robs from the "in control" aspect of KSP. And who doesn't enjoy that one time in fifty that you forget about your retrothrusters and crash?
  9. No, it's not. It's a highly sophisticated machine that can travel in time and space and a relic of an ancient civilization which was moved to a parallel universe by the same machine. But you can call it magic, yeah. .-.
  10. I create a new "hill.exe" file and reboot the hill. My hill.
  11. *beep-ity-beeeep* *click-click* *whirrrr* *SSTV noises*
  12. The Hamsterman! (I always read it as that for some reason...) 7/10
  13. I swear to God that I had a dram where the reputation bar actually read numbers instead of the graphic thingy its got now... but I'm not sure.
  14. Scott Manley did! Um, signature edit?
  15. You have reached the voicemail box of ... WAITER ... Please leave a message after the beep. ... *beep* Waiter, why is my soup on the floor?
  16. Scott Manley did! What does it take to deorbit a moon in Kerbal Space Program?
  17. Starwhip


    YOU LITTLE... I just saw that, but I was beat to it.... Well, another riddle coming soon, I hope.
  18. Starwhip


    If it's rubber boots again... [insert here] Um... Otherwise, perhaps: Puddles? Still RIC's turn.
  19. I come and sit on the patio as well. Me and Xorth Tanovar's patio.
  20. Why are you near the wreck of the HypeAir Flight 25? How did you get there? TheJediMaster took care of that thing a long time ago. You must have cheated into a time machine.
  21. Banned for hypocrisy. People, think before you ban!
  22. 0/10 Ehh, no, you don't ring a bell.
  23. I'll be in operation by next week for sure. Got me a fighter, now. It's got some unique I-Beam missiles... I'm going to call them "Drillers". I hope that they can pry themselves through gaps in armor and wreak havoc on the inside. EDIT: Fleet's coming together now.... presenting: I was testing the Driller missiles, and one of them got wedged inside the armor plating near the weapons bay of the Lykotaek. It prevented the two SRB main guns from firing.
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