I made this equation: 1000*V^2*M X = -------------- 2000*T Where X is the minimum distance required for a projectile of mass M(tons) and thrust T(Kilonewtons) to destroy a part of impact tolerance V(m/s). Would this actually work? How does an impact transfer to the surrounding parts? (I.E. through structural girders or struts) V^2*M X = --------- 2*T This is what it looks like when T is in newtons and M in kilograms, if the other was confusing. (I was doing this for the Naval Battle Club thread, BTW, just in case you were wondering ) EDIT: V^2 = V0^2 + 2A(X-X0) --Remove Zeros-- V^2 = 2A(X) --Solve for X-- V^2 X = -------- 2A F = MA F is Newtons, Rocket Thrust is Kilonewtons. I think this works if you were to put in the A as the velocity at impact, right? I mean, it's basically going from X meters per second to 0. Right?!? F A = --- M X = (V^2) ------- 2* F --- M X = V^2*M -------- 2A