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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Um... are you using the "b" key? That's for the brakes. I think everyone is overthinking this problem.
  2. Starwhip


    Super, the answer is a comet. And either way, it's still Vexx's turn. (If I got it right I relinquish my turn to Vexx. )
  3. Emergency services = fire department. Just in case your aircraft explodes before it can explode properly.
  4. ...and if you ever need docking help, just check out the thread in my signature. All the best, KSP Forum.
  5. 'Tis a crown, sir. Not quite sure what that means. I'd give it a 3/10, personally, but if it is a reference it is totally lost on me.
  6. When the Hype starts coming, we should be careful not to summon the Hype Kraken. It bewitches the devs with bugs, slowing down the release and depleting the HypeTrain's speed. And if you guys haven't seen this yet: Something new is arriving, and it's not the admin building.
  7. Banned for implying that you do not have class.
  8. Starwhip


    Oh heck no. Not this kind of riddle. Screw it, I'm going to go eat now.
  9. Starwhip


    Again, "grown" wouldn't have to specifically mean a plant/living thing. It could translate as "built"/"manufactured". It is a riddle, after all. I really hope this is it.
  10. Starwhip


    Grr. This is hard. Wait! OOOOH Pesticides!!! Is that it?
  11. Starwhip


    Oooohhhhhh. So, redefine the riddle's "war". It's not military. Propane/Natural Gas? Gasoline?
  12. Starwhip


    Could. I said could... Hmm... "But in a tank or from a gun". Not IN a gun. Possible important word difference? Or just fancy wording? People go in tanks... But they don't come from guns, and as far as I know, we don't own slaves anymore. What comes out of a gun and is in a tank? It still seems like bullets. Or shells. But shells in a lake shouldn't raise protests, if they are just normal animal shells. Argh, confusing riddles.
  13. Starwhip


    Just reposting this. Still no more guesses for me, sticking with plastic (or bioplastic, on Vexx's continuation) or rubber. EDIT: Also, as this is a riddle, "grown" does not necessarily mean "organic". It could mean "built" or "manufactured".
  14. Banned because "dinosaurologist" looks to me like "psychologist" for no good reason whatsoever.
  15. I would suggest sandbox mode, for its absolute freedom, or Science mode, for its simplicity (lack of funding and contracts.) It depends on your learning curve. And welcome to the forums!
  16. Starwhip


    Is it plastic? Plastic is organic, but processed. I think. No, wait, what about rubber?
  17. I'm getting the same "Blender has crashed + Unable to convert .blend to .FBX" combination too... I'm running Blender 2.71 and what I think is the newest version of Unity. But even stranger is the fact that this was working the last time I created modded parts. Huh. Ah, well, at least I figured out the .FBX Export for Blender.
  18. Banned for falsely accusing me of attempting to make you laugh.
  19. Banned for making me laugh when I saw that image.
  20. Nope. (No, wait, YES, I was ninja'd!) The user below is currently sitting on the floor.
  21. Banned because I don't know what a DC-8 is.
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