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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. We should all order 1 pizza at our local Dominos, make a Mass Relay, and fire it to SQUAD's office! (Seriously, this seems to be a problem.)
  2. Same. I really have to learn, seeing as I live in Miami, FL. EDIT: Oh, and while we wait...
  3. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Such dissapoint. /\ | | That looks so bizarre....
  4. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww. That was well seen, friend.
  5. Aww, bummer. But at least the forums don't have to span the f5 button looking for an update anymore. Or maybe it's a hoax.
  6. I found out why SQUAD isn't releasing the update. They have Operating System issues, as in:
  7. The 20th? Five Days? Would they really make us wait that much longer? I actually have no idea whether the update is done or not, but they seem to be enjoying themselves a little.
  8. That little line of text about .24 up there is driving me nuts. It's happening Soon. Not Soontm, very Soon.
  9. I'm looking at the pages in this thread, and so far, someone being offline is *very* uncommon. Everyone's waiting.
  10. I didn't start getting 502 errors until I read that people were getting 502 errors. Hmmm....
  11. Or... (4) The .24 release is coming soon. *Very* soon. Like in the next 24 hours. Let's keep those random speculations coming. (Because I've got nothing better to do)
  12. I'm going to do nothing. Nothing at all. As in "Not play much until .24" I'm so bored with it, and so ready for new stuff. Hopefully, contracts will cure the "Ehrmegherd new update must play *Plays for a few days without stopping* Ehrmegerd I've done everything *again*" syndrome I've experienced on every update so far.
  13. My fails? Nupe! Check out these from "Real Life" (Whatever that may be) And remember: Even NASA forgets to add moar boostarz
  14. You learn something every day. I've really got to figure out where these sites live before our robotics team has another animation due...
  15. Soo, hey, I was watching this video, and for the first 15 seconds or so... well, you already know. KSP is spreading... spreading everywhere!
  16. For those people with 64-bit computers (like me), I believe that it will allow for a more complete effort on the part of the computer, leading to hardware fryout and "mystical blue smoke" with unrenowned speed. Just kidding, it should improve performance.
  17. Well, while Stanz250 is away, I see no point in postponing the Amazing Kerbal Race. So, I have begun this new thread as a (possibly) temporary replacement for said challenge. When Stanz comes back, we'll see what happens, but until then, here be ze rules! These rules are flexible, and open for discussion. However, there must be a valid reason to change any of the rules. Rules: No debug menu or exploits! (Although I cannot really check this, if you do use it, you are only cheating yourself [Getting real philosophical up in here ]) There will be a starting base of 5 clues, with the next 5 being posted by the player with the least time. To keep players, and their resulting times, on an equal playing field, there are no part mods allowed. FAR is also not allowed. Other mods, such as Kerbal Alarm Clock, KerbPaint, Aesthetic mods, and others that add no parts or change game mechanics are permitted. Submissions will go as follows: Clue Number: (x) Time Elapsed: (x) Screenshot on pad just before launch, timer set on "total" time elapsed since game start. (Not mission time) Screenshot at destination or completion of challenge. Other screenshots may be requested during challenges. PAY ATTENTION! Submissions will be PM'd to me, and are welcome to be posted here. Build a vehicle capable of breaching the atmosphere and going to SPACE!!! Take a screenshot of your craft in map view with a complete orbit [Apoapsis and Periapsis above 70 km] and then return to Kerbin. To the Mun! Send an unmanned lander to the surface of the Mun. It does not return to Kerbin. Now, let's go higher. Get a secondary unmanned lander to the surface of Minmus. Send a manned mission that lands on Minmus, takes off and lands on the Mun, and then returns to Kerbin. (Or the Mun first and then Minmus, whichever you prefer.) Screenshots of the vessel at both Minmus landing and Mun landing. Let's get interplanetary! Send up a probe to Duna, and get a screenshot of Ike. Then parachute (Or by other means, but don't break anything!) down to the Dunian surface.
  18. Someone could start up a "Mark Two" version of this challenge, at least while the OP is away. ... Actually, I think I will. Give me a few minutes.
  19. You have been observed executing others for treason. As such, you will be subjected to a similar fate. Please drop the device at your side, and lay down with your arms and legs spread. An execution associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your demise. This thread needs a better OP introduction.
  20. Herro? OP? Where in heck did you go? Sure, I'll have the challenges, if you could spare the time.
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