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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Starwhip


    Lord_Potato: No Icarus: Not really what I was looking for. Think more flight-related.
  2. Um... I see nothing. Just saying.
  3. Floor 735: A pool full of squids. Right. Moving along now.
  4. -Friend told me about his horrible fails ingame (Decoupled jet engines slamming into cockpit at mach 1.5) -I went and got demo -Spent countless nights failing at ship construction as I went for the Mun -Watched a docking tutorial or two -Made Mun orbit -Landed -Landed and back to orbit -Landed and return -Repeat for a few weeks, screw around with different launch styles -Eventually buy and download full game -Get blown away by the part choices And from there, it took off (pun intended) until where I am today. Go KSP!
  5. That's pretty cool. But if you knew that (And I assume you are not Eugene Cernan) then that must be public information. Armstrong could have kept what he put there private and nobody would ever really know. (Unless you had a pretty powerful telescope, that is.)
  6. Ah, don't worry about it. It's totally normal. Here, have some cake. All of your problems will disappear. (You might not get that reference, but some will. It's not from Portal.)
  7. Not that I, nor anyone here (probably) has played for this long, but many people and books and whatnot say that after 10,000 hours of doing something, one is practically a master at it. So what happens when someone has played Kerbal Space Program for 10,000 hours? Speculations? (I'd say they have the physics engine in their head and can simulate the game without the computer ) (Or they become Whackjob, and their computer explodes in agony.)
  8. (Yes, nailed it!) Nope, I'm a dragon. The Destroyer.
  9. Calling me a cheater in invisible text? Embarrassment signifies cheating!
  10. Everybody likes pie, Nobody likes you, Some people like SCIENCE!!! ________ is the best _________ that ____________ ever ___________.
  11. Hey, this makes me wonder: Did Neil Armstrong ever write something like this on the Moon? If you were to trace something in the dirt or on a rock, since there is no erosion to speak of, it would stay there forever. I'd have no idea what to write, though. Just a thought.
  12. Okay, two things. 1 - My KSP runs slow on my computer anyways, so I'm not losing much. I found ways around it. 2 - I use everything that I download. Aesthetics is very important to me, much more than saving weight. And it doesn't matter anyways whether one plays with mods or not. It is their own opinion. But this is getting off-topic: I started this thread to see who has gotten sucked into massive KSP GameData directories, not to set off a classic MechJeb vs. Normal Jeb argument. Please, let's refrain from pointy fingers.
  13. Not being online?! You are a cheater. Real players of this game are always online.
  14. Banned because I like pie-flavored pie.
  15. Starwhip


    Well, since it has been four days and nobody has replied, and since Lord_Potato gave permission, I shall go. I bring the heat, I make the fire. Spelling death, for even experienced fliers. What am I? I know, it's stupid, but hey, it's better than nothing!
  16. What is this thing you call "Re-Entry"? I don't need no Mun to get me up to those speeds! Whackjob, that needs to be a T-Shirt.
  17. "Hey, were on the Mun! And we have no fuel! --Bill, Year 1, Day 42"
  18. I have recently succumbed to mods. I had sworn I would never download any... and then this happened. Mostly they are just aesthetic or useful tidbits, but a few add things that are most definitely not in the game, like SCANSat. (in fact, SCANSat and whichever one 6S uses are the only ones that adds extra parts of any significance. The Firespitter folder I have is for some mod or another that would use Firespitter, I don't know which one exactly.) Who else has had this happen?
  19. *whistles* That's some kind of flameout show you've got there. It almosts inspires a challenge: most spectacular flamout. Someone should make a mod that adds fireworks...
  20. I think something bizarre happened here. Why is it that in the screenshot in the above post, Jeb (because it was Jeb, after all) is wearing a white/silver suit, but in the one in this post, he has the orange suit? Do they always spawn in the white suit? That should be fixed. Or added. It's confusing.
  21. Ah, forget it. Unless he's still stuck like this on EVA next time he goes on a mission, it doesn't really bother me. Although, I did press literally every single key on my keyboard, and he was still stuck like that. It's weird. It was a little tricky, but eventually I got him to stay still while facing the right way. Lots o' science!!! (I still have yet to go to Ike. That's next on the agenda.) EDIT: Woah, hold up a mo. THAT'S NOT JEB!!! Where's the orange suit?!?!
  22. 404: No Wish Found. [uNIVERSE IMPLODES] I wish you hadn't just broken the Matrix.
  23. So, my most recent Duna mission was going to plan... until Jeb refused to look at me to take his screenshot. Here you see him walking sideways. Whenever I rotate the camera, he faces the exact opposite direction. What the heck did I press to activate this? And how do I fix it?
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