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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. If that's so, then one of them (the one marked "Full") does not include the Asteroid Redirect Mission, and the one that says, "ARM patch" does.
  2. You don't have to send parts individually. Those two images are of the same station (Which may seem familiar to a few of you ) converted from station to "train" mode. You can do this to transfer the whole thing in one go, and then use an RCS tug to reattach everything.
  3. Hold up, I might find a link. EDIT: Well, you'd have to be a Discover magazine online subscriber or some other nonsense to look at the actual article, but I did find another article on the thing specified in the article. (Wait, what?) VASMIR Ion Engine
  4. Upon rummaging around in the large shipping crate that was used on me, I found a wireless terminal to the Matrix. M:\USERS\PALLADIUM_CORP -> user.delete() [PALLADIUM_CORP DELETED] You disappear in a brilliant flash of plasma.
  5. Well, you've come to the right place. As far as I know, everyone here has their own to share, so ask around, and learn. That's the ultimate goal of this game: to teach you something. Not that you won't have some fun on the way, note. Welcome, and feel free to ask anything.... well, almost anything.
  6. Banned for not believing. There are no failures! ONLY EXPERIENCES!!!!
  7. If you are crazy and you know it, then slap your grandma. "Sir, we don't have enough _______ for the planned _______!"
  8. Nah, they're not KSP. Though they do resemble it. If it is, I'd be surprised. That was quite an interesting article, by the way.
  9. My Minmus rockets are always smaller than my Mun rockets, because of Minmus' lower gravity. One FL-T200 in tandem with a '909 is good enough for a 1-man lander with science payload to land, take off, and return.
  10. Nope. In fact, I might prefer a crushing weapon like a sledgehammer. More smashy, and less complicated. The user below is a programmer.
  11. Can't... get... afterimage... to go away!!! 100/10
  12. One thing that is desperately important is that your wings generate enough lift to keep your prograde marker where you're pointing. If you've done that, you're good to continue. Otherwise, there are three options: 1 - larger/more wings 2 - MOAR THRUST! 3 - less weight. Basically the same as 2. Once that's done, here's my flight path: 45 degrees to about 15,000 meters Pitch over to 35 degrees. 35 degrees to 17,000 meters Pitch over to 25 degrees. 25 degrees to 20,000 meters Pitch over to between 5 and 10 degrees. The closer you can get to 10 m/s vertical speed, as displayed by the little dial by the altimeter, the better. Continue at 10 m/s vertical speed until jets conk out. (You can prolong the amount of time the jets stay operational by keeping their thrusts aligned. Alt-click on both of them (if you have 2, otherwise, select all of them that have some kind of symmetry). Watch the thrust readout; when one begins to drop, slide the other's thrust limiter down a bit to even them out. Continue this until you are no longer accelerating.) I am generally at around 35,000 meters to 42-ish thousand meters by this time. My apoapsis is almost out of the atmosphere: I just give a little kick with the rockets to push that just a little farther. At apoapsis, circularize with rockets. Reentry requires that your jet/spaceplane/rocket thingymabob have a center of lift behind its center of mass; otherwise you will spin out of control. In the SPH/VAB, right-click on your fuel tanks and drain them. If, when they are all empty, the CoM is still in front of the CoL, you're good to go. I hope I've helped you a little. Here's one of my SSTO's: It's landed at the archipelago crater, in Kerbin's northern hemisphere. It got to space, flew around a bit, then came back down there.
  13. Here's where you burn when you want to get back to Kerbin. If you're going the other way around the Mun, burn at the opposite point (Far side of the Mun) facing prograde. Excuse my cruddy Paint skills...
  14. Starwhip


    Delivering death, before bestowing life, akin to that which makes a sword or a knife. Drawing awe, inspiring fear, I will cause pain if at me you leer. What am I?
  15. Okay, the next mission is going to have: 1 - More compact ship. The thing, at the moment, is huge. And excessive. The return stage, according to the Protractor mod, only requires ~ 1,000 meters per second of Delta V. 2 - Heavy-duty lander. Well, um... when I took the Duna lander to Ike, it ran out of fuel. Gonna pack just a little bit more next time. 3 - Cupolas. The new one had none. I'll include an observation deck. 4 - Crew Transfer Stage Overhaul. The thing had enough Delta-V to get to Duna and back, practically. Nearly 2 km/s. I'll tone it down a little. It also packed an extra 2 tons or something for the other HSC, which I did not use. I'll fix that as well. 5 - Debris Elimination Tools I'll fit the lander & transfer stage with an RGU so that I can deorbit them. No debris in my game. Let the building begin.
  16. YES! Finally, someone who has the same mindset. Although I did realize... I sent 3 Kerbals on the most recent mission... with room for 10. Ah, well. Next time, new ship, new crew, new experiences! So... Strangest little gravity effect I ever saw: Little loop-de-loop up there...
  17. Starwhip


    Ah, hold on. I'll get one soontm.
  18. So here we are at Duna. Got everything ready to go... except the aerobrake. What's the correct altitude? I need to get to Low Duna Orbit, something like 60,000 meters. 10,000 meters for the aerobrake is too low, 13,000 too high... it's frustrating.
  19. I have never seen you. 0/10
  20. Refueling in progress. Need to give it a little bit more fuel, plus put some crew onboard. @RandomTank: Over-engineered? I think I know what you mean. But I like over-engineering: This is literally my first manned Duna mission. It's a big milestone. This ship is literally the biggest thing I've ever put into orbit. Well, minus stations. I can't see any images you're posting right now, as I'm at school, but eventually I'll figure them out.
  21. OOOH! I know what it is. The Cupola is generating so much drag that the darn thing is being rotated. I fix it.
  22. You mean like when SQUAD says, "Soon"? But yeah, I get the point. The quote-unquote "average" citizen doesn't care about long-term plans for Humanity. The world is corrupt. Remember this quote, "Give life the best you've got, and life will kick you in the teeth. Give life the best you've got anyways." We should be taking this in our own hands, whether everyone else cares it or not.
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