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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. (Wouldn't it be fun to just turn this into King of the Donut?) I go nuts with spray-paint, and you are asphyxiated. My hill. Although, it is a little bit messy now with graffiti.
  2. Starwhip


    Let's do this thing, Vexx! I wanty riddlez.
  3. IVA landings? Psst. I rock at those things. You want a real challenge? Try getting to the Mun without using the nav ball. Or maneuver nodes. I did that in the demo because I didn't know the game yet. Friggin' hard, but I did it!
  4. Is it a door? It's too small, but at least it's there. 2/10.
  5. I... have never seen you before. 0/10
  6. If anyone here is familiar with FIRST robotics, then they will appreciate this more. Planning to put this as a poster in our pit. Go Team!
  7. Starwhip


    Oh, dear. It's his turn...
  8. I both design for minimal debris, as well as shoot down with MISSILES anything I catch too close to my ships.
  9. Band bcaus i haz badd speeling.
  10. I am going to capture one, bring it to LKO, then attach engines, a crew pod, and power station to it. Basically, turn it into a spacecraft.
  11. I turn your hill inside-out and trap you in the center. You are forced to survive the rest of your life inside the hill, because it is still yours.
  12. Starwhip


    Sooo, um, it's been three days and no one has replied. That means first to post a riddle is the new riddle... um... person. Whatever. NEW RIDDLES, people!
  13. I come in with larger lasers and even more explode-y explosives. My hill, again.
  14. Not really. I enjoy, as you can see, (or should I say shouldn't see) invisible text. The user below does not like InvisiText.
  15. The universe lags because of its insane speed and it literally goes through me. I create a blade out of duct tape and stab the next poster with it.
  16. Hello! I have nothing else to say! But not really! I like using exclamation marks! I, too, hate sending Kerbals out of the Kerbin system. Even in Sandbox mode, they have never gone past Minmus. So you're not alone. But I have gone and sent probes. Solar orbits, Duna, Eve, and Jool surface probes, and a few rovers. So, welcome to our humble forums.
  17. Starwhip


    Hello new person. *Reads post time* Why the heck did you post so early in the morning?
  18. I slow down time. I get a few thousand rolls of Duct Tape and recombine all the debris. Speeding time back to its original pace, I start the Duct Tape n' Debris ball rolling again, towards the next poster.
  19. Yes. I is master no-Mechjeb docker. The user below no speaky de Engrish.
  20. Banned because almost everybody uses "Banned for" to ban others.
  21. I sue you for all you've got. This includes the hill. I win. My hill.
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