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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. This is true. And you are the one who has the Reliant Robin shuttle avatar! 10/10
  2. I use a giant hairdryer to evaporate the water and you. My hill.
  3. "Don't worry! Jeb taught me this one!"
  4. Nope. Not once... More like twenty. The user below does not understand sarcasm.
  5. Banned because posts here aren't real posts, and because CAKE!
  6. [GLaDOS] A fatal exception E2 has occurred at E4E2 : D7C5D5C4 in E4D 5E3(C9) + D3C5C5C5. The current application will be terminated. (Terminates ax1212) * Press any key to flood the facility with deadly neurotoxins * Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to reinstate testing. You will lose any non-vital personnel and their progress through the current test. Press any key to continue. (CTRL+ALT+DEL) I place GLaDOS in charge of the hill. GLaDOS's hill.
  7. Hello there, new person. Or alien. Robot, maybe? Well, whatever you are, I hope you like the forums! I think Siri has finally become self aware!
  8. "300 faces" holds no meaning in my books. How about this? Just cause, you know, everything needs 30k verts. [Dragon model] Oh, I just noticed. How the heck do I have more faces than verts?!
  9. Interesting VAB thingy. Was that part of the actual game? 10/10
  10. Banned for coming back here after months of neglect.
  11. Meh. Interesting quotes and memorials, I'd give it a 7.
  12. 10/10 WOW, it's been a long time. How have you been? I've been really busy being dead. You know. Since you murdered me.
  13. I throw an Edgeless Safety Cubetm at you, and you are knocked out. I turn your body into fertilizer and spread you over my hill.
  14. Throw the cheese! It destroys the wingsuit and you plummet to your death. And then I say, "I like TRAINS," and the next poster gets run over by said train.
  15. Yeah, sundive!!! I use Duct Tape to make an invincible shield around myself, while the nuke explodes and propels me and my shield at the next poster.
  16. ^four words, anyway^ After reading a few posts, I would actually like to see a rocket big enough to use mainsails as sepatrons.
  17. Banned for implying that Duct Tape is all that matters. You must be assertive and say that Duct Tape is all that matters.
  18. 10/10 Ahh, that one again. Very nice, very nice.
  19. GLaDOS>executing neurotoxinEmitters.set(on) My hill.
  20. Siri will acquire sentience before Facebook does.
  21. Looking good. I would have entitled it the Kodspeed program, but to each his own.
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