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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. What is your faction, by the way? It was super laggy a few hours ago, I'm going to try again and see if it is better.
  2. Yeah. I'm heading back on if it's up right now. Perhaps we can skype call? EDIT: It seems to be down still.
  3. Hmm... I was getting eeehhh framerate levels on lowish settings, I was fairly disappointed. Then I realized that KSP was open still. XD It's much better now.
  4. Go, Jeb! Not a moment to lose. Up until this moment, Jeb had not the slightest idea of the Dawn Racer's capabilities... but now he knew. By the time the first hill presented itself, the Racer had accelerated to over 100 m/s. Soon it was time for a planed course change. Jeb deployed the right-side airbrakes. A spot of interest? Oooh! Jeb punches it and rolls smoothly onto the sand. It's a sandy place, ain't it? Creatively, Jeb decides to call it the "Sandy Sinkhole". A minor deviation. Jeb wanted to go check out a large island off the coast. Leaving the land behind. This shore is a bit steep, but no matter. The Dawn Racer's thrust easily overpowers gravity. There's an interesting feature here. Jeb commemorates it "damerell Ridge" in the name of a fellow circumnavigator. Time to go! Pulling up on land again. Interesting bit of terrain once again, this time a series of decently-sized lakes... or monstrous puddles. They could also be minute oceans, depending on how you look at it. Anyways, they have been called the "Solune Lakes". Progress after Day One. Jeb decides to call it a night and rest.
  5. It seems to be a free pre-release, which will turn paid when they finish stuff. I'll join eventually.
  6. Eh, I play 1.0.2. Maybe I'll go back to some old saves eventually, I've got some from 0.25.
  7. Safe, right? EDIT: Parts one and two are up! Read about them here!
  8. Dawn rises at the KSC. Jeb is awoken by Gene Kerman, who over-excitedly calls Jeb down to the Research and Development building. Wondering what all the fuss is about, Jeb straps his suit on and steps out the doors to be met by an unusual sight: Jeb's comms unit comes to life with Gene's voice. He tells Jeb that the craft is called the Dawn Racer, and it is the fastest land and sea vehicle ever to be developed by Kerbalkind. This peaks his interest. Jeb walks over and reads a small plaque affixed to a flag near the arch: Control notifies him of a global competition to circumnavigate Kerbin occurring at this very moment, with teams both having completed the journey and nearing their ends. "WHAT?!?!" exclaims Jeb, not one to be outdone, and hauls butt over to the ladder of the Dawn Racer: Studying the instruments for a while, Jeb realizes that the speed readout is stuck on the "Orbital" setting, and he cannot figure out how to change it. But no matter. He inches the throttle forward and begins to pull out of the shade. Realizing that he may be in the Dawn Racer for a long while, Jeb gazes longingly at the Vehicle Assembly Building. The Tracking Station. Many not-so-fond memories of mission controllers watching his every move, but memories nonetheless. Mission Control. As demanding as the controllers could be sometimes be, they'd kept him alive more times than he could count. The birthplace of the Dawn Racer and tower-buzzing aircraft alike (Jeb loved those), the Spaceplane Hangar. A rather impressive structure. Focusing on the task at hand, Jeb finally figures out how to change the display on the speed readout. A camera mounted outside of the Mission Control building captures the Dawn Racer as it goes into what Jeb would later call "Peacock Mode": Onwards, now, no time to dawdle! We begin at once!
  9. It seems to me (after testing on my part) that the structural fuselages are EXTREMELY draggy in the water. Radial intake pontoons are way better. If you replace the Banzai! again, try coating the bottom of the pontoons in intakes.
  10. Agreed, having pillars of fire coming out of anything will probably make it glow a bit.
  11. Wait, what? :facedesk: I saw a "buy" icon in the corner.... Well, perhaps during the summer.
  12. No, it just refuses to allow you to receive or send messages until you delete some of them. I know from experience, I've had to do it two or three times. EDIT: Gosh darn it. I've got to do it again...
  13. Graphics! Framerate! Quality! Resolution! Shadows! Hahaha! Now we can truly begin! Tonight I've got a window to use my better, newer laptop, so the scouting run shall cease, and the true Elcano Challenge will begin again!
  14. Starmade looks like a really cool game, but I'm afraid I simply don't have the time nor money to do this.
  15. You did what now? Screenshots? Anyways, yeah, it already is an overpowered engine. Stronger ions fall into the realm of mods and custom configs.
  16. What should I ask him? Does he know where the snacks are? Perhaps Ethanadams will be here to clear things up. EDIT: Gosh darn it, he ninja'd me...
  17. I did the Docking module a while back to see what all the fuss was about, and I only found it easy because I had docked countless times before. I hardly needed to pay attention to the little dialogue windows. But two things: There is not a lot of hand holding... which is good, considering you are supposed to learn it yourself However, the tutorial really doesn't give you enough instructions. When it tells you to drag the maneuver node around until you get a good intercept, I feel that it is asking too much for a new player. Perhaps, making a maneuver node automatically and then telling the player to drag it around would be an improvement. Overall, it could use some work.
  18. You can mess with public televisions, that's always fun. (I don't. I don't even have a smartphone, let alone one with an IR blaster. But my friend's tablet does.)
  19. Oh, yes, that'll happen. I've had it with joysticks before, it is quite irritating.
  20. With IRSU capabilities it might be possible, but you'll need a very, very large lander for Eve.
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