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Everything posted by shael6636

  1. thanku thanku thanku i didnt even realise this existed until today, installing now
  2. Nert, Any plans to make a cargo bay with a bottom opening cargo hatch as well? Or modify the existing cargo bay so you can have both top and bottom opening hatches. Would love to fly somewhere land vertically and then drop out a rover aka TB2
  3. Ohhh nice Ven vewy Nice indeed cant wait to see more of it and using the IVR for the Mk 2 cockpit is a great idea and will save you some work as well, cant wait to test it. Are you still thinking of doing the liner aerospike at all?
  4. Hi Ven, Not sure if this has already been asked but are you also looking at redoing the Mk 2 cockpit as well? cause I have never liked it and it can most certainly use your polished touch to make i much better. And by the way I know consider this mod to be a "must have" for all of my games now I just love the retectured work, hopefully we see what you ahve done become stock
  5. I had a similar issue with some of the textures and parts not showing up. Try installing the mod without hotrockets and see how that goes. After I did a clean install I left hot rockets out and all my textures are fine and there is an issue with hotrockets and the Turobo jet texture and node sometimes missing / being in the wrong spot.
  6. Oh god i want this now! Its looking amazing Nerta, keep up the work and it needs to be stock no questions!
  7. Nice little pod their, can never have enough command pods, looking forward to testing it
  8. I would agree with the above sentiment, just have to say loving this mod absolutely beautiful parts.
  9. I second this as well, most of my larger ships are now based around these parts cant wait to see the lander
  10. all i can say OMG , cant wait until this is available absolutely beautiful.
  11. Hey Blackheart just wanted to say I absolutely love your mods and retextures, in fact i have them all installed Took forever to find this one though you might want to add it to your sig? Keep up the excellent work mate:wink:
  12. Have to say this mod rocks, been using it with TAC and just love the models, cant wait until we have the food resources:D
  13. Sweet cant wait until the internals are done. Im just loving this Command Module, it looks awesome keep up the good work Just a thought have you thought about adding RCS ports that are inbuilt to the module?
  14. The internals are awesome! Can we have a large Screen? for inflight entertainment i.e. movies?
  15. fyi Nazari, clean install without using the Mod Pack Manager worked fine. As soons as I installed my normal mods and used the Mod Pack Manager I had the same issue so it looks like a conflict with one of my mods. When I work it out will post ths uspect mod.
  16. Yeah i have been it also could be because im using [.23] KSP Mod Pack Manager (Standalone) to "manage" all the mods I use, when using that program it asks where to extract the files to and I always select the GameData Folder. I might try a clean install and extract HotRockets the old fashioned way:). I have had some previous issues when having to extract to a specific folder i.e. Kerbal Engineer but that works fine when using ModpackManager when the GameData folder is selected. Im suspecting in hindsight this might be the issue will let you know. Thanks Nazari
  17. Im going to ask a stupid question here (just looking for confirmation) Im gathering with the latest release of HotRockets its up to the individual to write (or borrow) there own configuration files for custom effects? As when I install hot rockets I have no effects what so ever. (tested with my current mods and on a fresh install) If the above "stupid" questions is correct has anyone put together a list of others config files as to be honest Im lazy and also dont have the smarts to write (or understand) my own config files. It would be really nice to be able to just install and play without having to configure the effects.
  18. Thanks for that mate, already downloaded and ready for install once i get home from work tonight
  19. damny just have to say ILOVE THIS MOD!!! Its the perfect replacement for ISA (which was causing major gmae crashes). Just a quick question; Any idea or update on the meshs / models of the scanners that other users were working on as while I dont mind the current meshes (fuctionally they work) but I would like something a little more prettier. Or does anyone have any links to mods / meshes that could be used to replace the current ones? Thanks
  20. Just love the extra wheels at the front and back to stop the rover from tipping....going to have to "borrow" that idea
  21. Thanks for that Nitro and I wont be doing this in Career mode (frustrating enough justr trying to unlock those last few tiers) Should have the core craft up in the next few days and pics of the lunar shakedown afterwards.
  22. Just a quick question Nitro, Can I start doing the 1st mission even though we are allready on the 2nd one? AS I ahvent had time as yet to do this challenge (too much time in career mode) Additionally any bonus points for doing this challange in career mode?
  23. Ive been fine tuning my unmanned science rover / probe and the associates skycrane for the past few days. Currently its still in final testing (off Kerbin) 3 of these are on their way to Moho, Eve and Duna. The Skycrane is designed for Both atmospheric and Vaccum landings as you can see with the chute positions in the pics below and with the 4 x Rockomax 48-7S for powered descent when required Inital testing (last night) i was able to land both the skycrane and rover in Kerbols ocean (not intended) without any damage or loss of parts to either the skycrane or the rover. Its also designed to be able to redock with the Skycrane by lowering the landing legs, pushes it straight back up to the docking port. I'm hoping on airless bodies like Moho, Gilly etc the rover and skycrane can be retrieved and reused but we wll have to see. The only Mods as such on this design are MechJeb, Kerbal Engineneer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Aviation Lights (i like pretty blinking lights), the KDEX (Kerbal Dust Expriment) Mod (for the extra science) and ISA MapSat. I like the enhancements the mods provide So while its not "stock" there are no structual mods on either the lander or rover.
  24. Thanks took about 1 1/2 days to get the design right with testing and redesigns. Will be submitting another attempt using Far without using mechjeb just to make it fun in the next week or so.
  25. So my 1st challenge entry MCB Mk-1 (Manned, Stock, Mechjeb) Take off: In Flight: Safely Landed:
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