Isn't "Seppo" Ilmarinen's nickname anyway, though? On topic: if it wasn't for a boring bus ride where I had to pass time somehow, my Kerbals probably wouldn't have a naming convention yet. But so, I'm doing it in the format of: subprogram designation|mission type and number ; craft name. I name my orbiters, landers and spaceplanes after birds, probes after insects, lifters after stars, stations after dragons; scientific vessels and bigger ships get names of either scientists or rivers/mountains. And bases, when I finally build any, will be sporting Slavic/Celtic/Baltic/Finnish mythological naming. Different iterations of each design get alpha, beta, gamma etc. assigned to them as a suffix. So a Mk2 version of a Corvus orbiter which carries out, let's say, the fifth mission of project Longshot (for example transferring crew to a newly built station), would get the full name of LS|CT-05 Corvus Beta. ... am I overthinking this?