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Everything posted by Ravenchant

  1. Let's hope so. Though it would really be more of an elevation map, not a bump map.
  2. Which legs were you using? My 11-ton lander has 4 LT-2 struts and they definitely compress even on flat munar surface...
  3. Press backspace. That should center your view back to the craft, at least if you haven't fiddled with key bindings too much.
  4. Well...I just made this over the last two days. My first station ever. It weighs less than 30 tons... but it's more of a test, really. 8 modules in 6 launches, no Mechjeb. *Drum roll...* Behold the GTV Sarkany! *Drummer breaks his sticks, drum rolls away and anticlimactically falls to the ground* So what, the next one will be better Lifeboat module prior to docking: The Corvus ferry stages are capable of autonomous powered landing after deorbiting.
  5. Awesome, every single one of 'em. Also, I'll have to refer to the Hitchhikers as "pickle jars" from now on
  6. First return from munar surface in the demo. I think I didn't use maneuver nodes on that flight. Second proudest would have to be the completion of my first space station a few hours back. Now off to Duna! For science!
  7. This thingy would be my first 0.22 Mun lander, the Sirin Mk. II, performing an orbital injection burn. It doesn't leave anything on the surface (except for flags). Mk. I was heavier due to an additional lv-909 and needed to conserve fuel when leaving Mun, because some retroburning was needed when parachutes opened...or else it would get ripped apart. Needless to say, officials weren't pleased and so the craft was redesigned.
  8. I think I've seen a number around 60,000 somewhere, and 15,000 of this or so should apparently be available in the Kerbin-Mün-Minmus space.
  9. Around 850 on my latest (third) Mun mission, as I thought there were far less biomes and began by launching one lander for each. A redesign for crater hopping is in the works...
  10. Getting some rest on Kerbin's beaches after his first Minmus mission. For the time being, Bill is in charge of collecting SCIENCE! from the rest of Mun's craters
  11. You're thinking of the materials lab, goo canisters only have a 60% penalty. Of course, you can just repeat the experiment a few times and get the same amount of points. It's boring, but works.
  12. Regarding the military, you're out of luck unless something similar is modded into the game. Weapons => apparently not going to happen, at least not till 1.0 is out.
  13. Kind of looks similar to the MiG-21. Dunno why.
  14. Sounds useful. The weight makes quite a difference with smaller payloads
  15. Aren't backronyms the best? Seriously though, it looks really good. The 'more struts' rule must have been in full effect during launch.
  16. Well, that's nuts Meanwhile, I was achieving smaller goals and successfully tested this ion-powered tug (don't give me that look, it's for probe deployment only): Refueled aand...extending panels! You don't even want to know how awkward the launcher for this thing was. Curse you, attachment points!
  17. Partially true. As in, it's technically never too early to start studying=p The user below me has registered more than a year before me.
  18. Well, 'tis my first attempt at a flag (seriously, how do you people get them so...un-pixelated?) for the first 'serious' save, nothing fancy. The text stands for Garuda Transorbital Ventures. 0.22 will get a better one
  19. Hello! Well...when in doubt, add more struts. I don't know enough to give out advanced tips yet, but there's a plethora of training videos on youtube. And the tutorial section of the wiki is quite good as well:)
  20. Thanks! I'll keep that in mind if there's ever too much stuff exploding. Although...no such thing as too many explosions. At least Jeb seems happy about it
  21. Newbie kerbonaut reporting to duty! I've heard of KSP quite some time ago, but I didn't want to get it before the end of exam time...which was a few days ago...which in turn means, no lurking anymore! I've played the demo for a while and managed to do munar landings, even an orbital rendezvous (boy, what a great feeling when it finally succeeds after failure upon failure), but the number of possibilities in the full game was a bit disorienting at first, so everything is going...slower than expected Anyway, this random physics student with a horrible sense of humor is looking forward to joining a great community=)
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