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Everything posted by I_Killed_Jeb

  1. so stick to your sci-fi cockpits, or mod in unrealistic rocket capsules
  2. Indeed, seems like what you want is a sci-fi game.
  3. It's not cost efficient in terms of pure dV but your source is limitless (mun/minmus miner) so why not top off? I also have a feeling if you did the math out, it's cheaper to refuel in orbit from a minmus station than launching a big ship from Kerbin fully fueled
  4. For FSX you need the FlyInside plug-in for it to be actually worthwhile - You also glossed over DCS which is incredible in VR. UI can be redesigned, tweaked, or added on, it's not necessarily something that requires tear down to scratch like you're saying. What makes you think real rocket capsules have good vision
  5. Sure, if that's the only kind of craft you decide to slap them on.
  6. Except a ton of games that added VR support afterwards, and works fantastically. It's funny you bring up the "flight sim community," since they are delighter with VR stuff added into the popular sims like DCS and FSX Then use a different pod
  7. My high peformance aircraft regularly pull >15gs in a steep accelerated turn, so I think that's the consideration here. How many astronauts pass out in spaceflight from g's? It's more of an issue for aircraft pilots
  8. It goes back up to a 10 once you decide to dock multiple triple ports
  9. uh... what In any case, I'm a KER guy but I might switch over the MJ since it seems more consistently updated in a timely fashion. (BTW SQUAD, put the damn KER functions in stock game please). I think there's a lot of value being able to do things manually in terms of both dv calculation (it's just literally arithmetic, folks) and flying
  10. a comm station hardly does the man justice imo
  11. minmus.. green mysterious substance. kerbals.. green mysterious substance. !!!!!!! The media doesn't want you to make this connection folks
  12. This thread merging frankly makes it MORE chaotic, not better. It's hard to find relevant information, the little things that we want/need to catch up on, as well as quirks and bugs. Threads that are of little value die off quickly in the forum format. Further, when an update drops, that's all we talk about anyway. This eager merging is draconian and unhelpful. This fear of "chaos" is misplaced and bizarre.
  13. As more of and end-game thing, unmanned fuel stations and mining bases make interplanetary jaunts much more pleasant to plan
  14. They did dampen SAS it says in the notes, so you both can be right
  15. What I would do is build a station that is basically a rotating arm with a passenger compartment at the end. You can calculate the length/thrust needed to generate the appropriate g
  16. what I'd like to know is who's around to squish the inevitable list of bugs that crop up with every release
  17. this is the only interesting use case I can personally conceive of
  18. Um... can someone at Squad please use the F9 key?
  19. Like all recently releases, I'm riding the 1.2.2 hype train
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