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Everything posted by ManTrelk

  1. Referencing events that didn't actually happen such as Jeb showing up on the Mun is a little jarring, in my humble opinion.
  2. FanaticalFighter, raise your periapsis higher? I've noticed that the mk1-2 + heatshield doesn't mesh well with the decouplers - there's an air gap between them. Don't know if this has been noted or not.
  3. Is there just one EVA report message or is it a bug on my end?
  4. How do you get the game in a zip archive? Piracy?
  5. I personally don't think science should be involved with R&D at all. Taking soil samples doesn't improve your ability to make rockets - R&D is something you pay engineers to do. I'd rather see science implemented as something you 'have to do' in the final game, such that in order to maintain a specific budget (I'm talking money here) you'd have to do a certain amount of science in a specific time. This is how a real space program works - Government gives the program money, expecting a certain yield of scientific progress. The government doesn't care about how the space program achieves that, and the program is free to allocate money to R&D as they see fit.
  6. It would also mean that new players didn't rack up a hefty body count before they even got their first rocket to go 'up.' However, as UbioZur said, probes first just isn't Kerbal!
  7. Because when you're orbiting another planet it's difficult to find Kerbin's exact position. Also, that argument doesn't really hold water anyway, I mean, why not just imagine you're playing a space sim instead of ACTUALLY playing a space sim?
  8. But I thought I did all that for them... My theory is that Kerbals are a hive mind, each relatively unintelligent on their own, but through some unknown force (telepathy? quantum entanglement?) their psyches join to create... the player.
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