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Posts posted by rspeed

  1. Did this stop working at some point? I've followed the instructions. Unity Editor 2019.4.18f1 is installed. I opened my old project and upgraded it. Thanks to some folks on this forum I was able to download and import the old TextMesh Pro package. But when I try to install the PartTools package the file is just greyed out. I tried changing its extension to "unitypackage", but when I import it, it says everything is already part of the project.

    Edit: I've also tried creating a new project, but it's the same result.

  2. 9 hours ago, klesh said:

    I saw your bug on the tracker, so I gave the mission a try this morning.  Never tried it before.  I launched the station into 80km/80km orbit.  Game brought me to launchpad with Soy Ooze 10 ready to launch.  Checked map, Sally hut was in orbit just fine.  Tried launching that Soy Ooze ship and then I remembered why I don't bother with these missions, lol.  Anyway, unable to reproduce this not working.

    Yeah, I updated the bug report saying that when I tried it again the bug didn't occur, and a hypothesis for a possible cause. I'm going to give it another try to see if I can figure out exactly how to reproduce the bug.

    Also, holy hell that Soy-Ooze 10 ship absurdly unstable. I had to fly it straight up to almost 40 km just to get into orbit. I was just barely able to complete the mission because the station had enough monopropellant to perform a docking.

  3. On 7/25/2018 at 7:08 PM, Nertea said:

    Yes that is the plan currently, to move the engines, intakes, nacelles, etc to a "new" Near Future Aeronautics pack which is easy to maintain and update.

    I just noticed the new repo on Github and was wondering about it. Seems like a good plan.

    Also, I'm really happy to see the nuclear jet engine from Near Future Atomics in there. Hopefully that'll stick around.

  4. 23 hours ago, Tyko said:

     Good question...i ran a test and it's affecting both yours and the original version too...nobody is supporting that any more AFAIK. Any chance you could take a look?

    I haven't been able to reproduce it (already running 1.4.3). My best guess is that it might be some interaction with another mod. Could you try disabling all of the other mods and see if the issue still occurs?


    22 hours ago, Burning Kan said:

    COOL, the only thing i dedectet is that the emissives are mirrored in blender in any kind ,maybe from dds file.I can give u the blender file with the emissive texture right positioned  on it(but in anm things iam also stucked),if it would help  

    Nah, this is definitely something with Unity. I'll figure it out, I'm sure.

    21 hours ago, Jognt said:

    feel free to use what I post however you see fit (a mention would be lovely though)


    21 hours ago, Jognt said:

    The upper bit about the missing upgrade and the typos is copy/pasted from @PocketBrotector's cfg though if that matters

    Nah, I'd only be using the lower part since I can actually edit the source configs.

    21 hours ago, Jognt said:

    but my brain is far more motivated by external stimuli than internal ones so you'd have to mention what you'd like

    I've got ADHD, too. So I very much understand. :D

    21 hours ago, Jognt said:

    I am a bit weary about the "-part" bits in the linked cfg since a mistake there would mean deletion of previously built/active craft

    Yeah, I'm gonna be really careful about making sure releases don't break everyone's saves.

    What I'd really like to be able to do is to just leave all of the stock specs and everything as-is, and just swap out the models and add in the stuff PorkJet added (like propellant storage on the LV-909), but that's way beyond my current understanding of MM's capabilities.

  5. On 4/25/2018 at 5:18 PM, Jognt said:

    Man.. You're a wizard! I've done some work on making MM patches to be used with PatchManager to allow end-users to simply click to select options they want (such as upgrades and to replace or add the parts). Due to ADD I'm a bit unreliable in managing focus to finish stuff I started, but I'd love to (try) help out if there are specific patches you'd like written.

    By the way: The following MM patch works fine for replacing the stock parts with the new parts. Might need some editing of names if you've changed those, but that's all there should be to it.

    Oh, I like this technique much more than what I'd been doing. Would it be okay for me to use your MM config (with attribution, under the same CC-BY-NC-3.0 license) as the basis for what I include with the updated mod?

    23 hours ago, Burning Kan said:

    now it bugs me much more that the nozzles not glow,THX;.;

    Yeah, I've been working on that. I've been trying to figure out why adding animations causes the import to fail. My suspicion is that the tutorial I learned from is outdated.

    13 hours ago, Tyko said:

    Something whacky seems to be happening with the Pug model under 1.4.3. when mounted under a tank with a decoupler under it (normal setup for rockets) the engine is slightly offset from the stack and the shroud is screwed up.

    are others seeing this?

    With the original version or my update?

  6. 20 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

    Little confused, I thought you were going to make them variants? This still adds new parts.

    I think you may have misunderstood. The goal was simply to update the mod so that the bare and boattail were variants of a single part. Making both of them act as variants of the stock engines may not even be feasible. I have a tentative plan to add a ModuleManager config so that they'll replace the stock parts, but that's still not quite what you're looking for. *shrug*

    2 hours ago, Kerbal101 said:

    @rspeed Hey Rspeed! Can I ask you to open a dedicated topic for your overhaul, so that descriptions and [ license stuff ] is proper? :) 
    I would gladly add your project to [ porkjet legacy topic ], if you don't mind. :)


    Absolutely. I still have a few fixes and tweaks I want to make before creating a proper thread (plus adding it to Spacedock/CKAN/etc.). By in the meantime feel free to share the current version to those who would be interested.

  7. 2 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

    Since I only see the porkjet models, did you run into the same issue as myself when trying to allow multiple engine models? Such that having stock, porkjet, and prokjet_boattail all together made the fairings unable to hide?

    Nope. I've been using Blender to combine all of the meshes into a single model, so there's no GameObject duplication.

  8. On 9/29/2017 at 9:07 AM, Terwin said:

    Airlocks are just one example, there are many ranger parts that are well under 1t that could be spammed to artificially increase the MKS part count of a base for the sake of increasing colony rewards

    Okay, I'm understanding a bit better now. I was under the impression that only (ker)manned parts applied towards kolony rewards, in which case an airlock really shouldn't count since it's only supposed to be a temporary location. In fact… I can't seem to find any documentation (even on the wiki) about how that mechanic functions.

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