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Posts posted by Darnok

  1. Ascender 5

    5 tons to 80x80 km orbit.

    All new ascenders are designed to reach apoapsis as close as possible to orbit altitude on 1st stage.

    With Ascender 5 I was able to reach apoapsis 80km (with mechjeb default ascent path) on 1st stage, so 2nd stage is mostly used to make final push to orbit.


    dropping 1st stage after I hit apoapsis 80km


    second stage


    Download sub: Ascender 5 file

  2. Everyone are talking about Dragon V2, so I've decided to add few engines to my MPCV :)

    You have to set thrust power to max, but don't activate engines yet (if you did press 8 to toggle them).

    Wait until 1300-1200 meters (depends how much rcs fuel you have, if tanks are full you are heavy, so you need to start breaking little earlier)

    and press space or 8 to activate engines.

    It also have 4 backup parachutes.

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    Thanks to modular design it was very easy...


    from Perseus MPCV detach avionics module


    add engines, fuel tanks and landing legs


    add two more parachutes to capsule and attach avionics module


    and there you go, ready to fly and land almost everywhere (mountains are bad;) ).

  3. Core Craft Basic Requirements:

    Your core craft must seat at least 2 kerbals, have it's own RCS system, have it's own fuel supply and starting engines, must be capable of recharging it's power supply, must be capable of going to Mun and orbiting at 50,000 meters and return to LKO at 75,000 meters for the first test run. The core craft will never touch a planet unless otherwise specified in the missions. You have to have a separate lander that you attach to your core craft for missions that require landings. If you lift another kerbal up to your core craft, you cannot leave that kerbal in the lander module, he has to join the rest of the crew in the core craft. Or the lander has to have an unmanned module when you dock it to your core craft. Think of your core craft as a small station of sorts. To add more crew, you have to add more to the craft. To go further, you have to add more fuel and different engines.

    Your core craft will need to attach different things to it: Fuel, engines, core pieces for more crew or more attachment points, landers, SSTO's, satellites, probes, rovers.

    Sometimes the attachment craft will be made for you and you have to attach them and use them for the different missions.

    Interpretation please :)

    Does that means that my core craft can be Orion or SpaceX Dragon without any additions just crew and propulsion/service modules?



    And when I am starting new mission I can send to orbit all things I will need for that mission and dock with core craft?

  4. Ascender rocket family WIP (currently 5, 10, 15, 20, 26, 32, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 tons lifters are done)

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    Every time you see orange tank used as booster it is same engine cluster used in smallest 5 ton lifter.

    I've used 5 different 2nd stages configurations with different thrust power 120, 200, 400 and 650, some 400 stages got different fuel tanks configurations.

    as 1st stage I have 3 different engine configurations:

    - 5 engine cluster with 1000 thrust,

    - sls core engine 3200 thrust

    - 9 skipper cluster 5880 thrust

    feedback please :)

  5. Just finish your projects and use any cool new parts that might be added in new projects after those? If you're going to wait for new parts to arrive before finishing projects, you'll wait forever. It's like waiting for faster CPUs to arrive in stores.

    True, but next update is possible few weeks away, so it is worth to wait with some things.

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