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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. Banned for telling me to not look at your sig.
  2. Banned for being an Element of Rocket Science (and being on the MLP forums).
  3. Banned for being in love with docking (there are so many innuendos in that sentence )
  4. I guess you are right, wait, I'm a brony!
  5. Wow, people dedicate megathreads, to this?
  6. Where have you been?

  7. Banned for using a strange smiley that I've never seen before.
  8. My computer part MIGHT be here tomorrow.

  9. My IPod is very limited, and my computer is not operational, so I can't make a sign right now, but I'll try to later.
  10. Using the Royal Capslock Voice isn't permitted. CHEATER.
  11. This seems cool! I don't think I have the programs needed to do this though.
  12. Whackjob, what were you expecting, the Spanish Inquisition?
  13. I suggest that if The Second Great Forumsplotion occurs, you should make a back up right now. EDIT: You already do, oops. I'm getting a lot of 502's, and the forum functions seem to break down and glitch after these occur. Then they repair themselves. It's weird.
  14. In one save, he is on the Skygazer Space Station. In another, he was killed when a manned Moho mission went too close to the Sun. In my Career, he's doing science on the Mun. And in my former 0.23 save, he was stranded on Duna. He's been through a lot.
  15. 4/10 Nice parody, but very desolate.
  16. The fate of the forums rest in our hands!
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