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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. Granted. Squad sells KSP to Disney. I wish I could be a Time-Traveller.
  2. i know they use lazors....just pretend.
  3. Yes, now they do nothing but tell you boring stories. I wish I could travel between dimensions.
  4. Yes, now Zalgo has sent mice from Magrathea to KILL YOU!!!!!!!!! How do I ask a question?
  5. Banned for being a kitty (the internet has enough of those...)
  6. Nope. the user below me likes Doctor Who.
  7. You know, I once made a Dalek in KSP too, but it couldn't move or fly.
  8. Granted, it malfunctions, and you are stuck at the beginning of the internet, I wish I could have Adobe Flash.
  9. 4350: Scientists perfect their technique of creating artificial Kerbals (by using DNA from other kerbals). However because the scientists do nothing but boring tests on him, the Kerbal decides to put himself in stasis, and wait until something exciting happens. 4350.3: Kerbals discover a planet orbiting a star some 10 million light-years away. They send a mission up to it, and the artificial Kerbal wakes up to join the mission.
  10. Granted, the catfish wishes for you to die. I wish I could travel in time to next Saturday (look at my sig, now you know why).
  11. 10/10 Awesome planets bro!
  12. Granted, now you suffocate in your pillow because you sink into it. I wish I could socialize with people.
  13. Yes it will, and you will become supreme overlord of Gallifrey. How do I travel to Equestria?
  14. Banned for having a gif. (oh wait, I have a gif. )
  15. 6/10 No offence but I never liked Anime.
  16. 9/10 Build/Fly/Dream is awesome.
  17. He isn't the only KSP player out there.
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