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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. 5/10 I've seen you a couple of times.
  2. Trust me, returning from Eve is IMPOSSIBLE, unless you build a huge rocket.
  3. I'm a KSP vet. I've been around since .17, oh, those where good times. I remember how I would try to get to get to other planets using rockets that wouldn't even make it off the pad I didn't really get that good until .18, when i first got to a planet (Jool) and built a space station.
  4. I use sharks with Freaking Lasers on their heads to destroy them. However the sharks start swimming toward the next poster
  5. The Empire and the Daleks are best friends.
  6. Because I'm a Time Lord, it hits me, but I survive and regenerate. I send a fleet of a MILLION Daleks to the next poster
  7. There are MILLIONS of them! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHA BTW Daleks don't use electricity
  8. *AEROBRAKE* *The crew will have more fuel to reach Kerbin *The fusion cores won't go kaput *It's cooler
  9. Your flame extinguisher can't hurt THE MASTER!
  10. I really hope you make a Mid-Chapter that details Sid's life on Laythe. That would be great!
  11. Now that it's 0.23, 0.23 is now the Better Science Update!
  12. No, no Push this button and every single Rocket you ever make in KSP will fly perfectly, or get a Blue Screen 50/50
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