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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. Back in october of 2012 I was surfing Youtube comments on this video and someone commented "This should be renamed to 'My first hours in Kerbal Space Program'" I googled it, and 2 years and 6 monthes later here I am
  2. Rozer just became my favorite character, WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE?!?!?!?!?! Or atleast float out into space (however maybe the crew onboard the DSS can help him).
  3. The fourth wall protects me from your puny weapons! MUAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA
  4. Darn it Bill we just fixed the fourth wall! Pinkie Pie broke it last time.....
  5. Gilly: Where you can pretend to be Superman!
  6. Actually this is a good idea. ONLY IF you did it before multiplayer comes out, because we all know what bloodthirsty PS3 players would do with this game
  7. Did anyone notice that 4 of the islands names make "Hellou Its Scott Manley"?
  8. Godarklight, it didn't work, is there any way I can get it to work?!
  9. I've been trying to get a server running, and when I try, it says this: [11:25:49] [Error] :Error starting http server: System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Access is denied at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes() at System.Net.HttpListener.Start() at KMPServer.Server.startHttpServer() [11:25:49] [Error] : Please try running the server as an administrator
  10. I want to play multiplayer, but I'm not sure that this mod still works, does anyone know if it works or not? Also is there anyone who has a server?
  11. Is this dead? If it is, come over here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70446-The-Interkerbal-Space-Station%21
  12. Here's a question that I've been dying to know the answer: Is there a barrier somewhere VERY far out from Kerbol, and the Planets, or does one's ship just explode or get attacked by the Kraken? Or is the Skybox infinite, which would be inpossible. Have any of you ever found the Edge of the KSP universe?
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